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How do I maintain a direction in my life?

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I feel the importance of having a Conscious direction in my life. I find it difficult to sustain, it usually disintegrates to something else like selfishness, rituals and so on.

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Before asking directions, decide where you want to go. If by "Conscious direction" you're referring to realizing the absolute within, there are many here with maps, but ultimately it's your journey. Each step is your own, and none of us can take it for you.

My advice is to enjoy each step, instead of hanging your happiness on reaching the destination. You may just discover yourself in the process, before you get to where you thought you wanted to go.

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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The only way is to remove compulsions and mechanical behaviour, thus a spiritual practice and consciousness-raising methods are crucial for this. 

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