Are You Ingesting Soap From Dish Washing?

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Lately i have developed this concern about being careful enough to not ingest dish soap.. It has stemmed from some observations.

I've observed how easily you can accidentaly leave extra soap on a dish... I've also observed the water bouncing back when it hits the surface of the sink.. and this water if mixed with soap could probably touch the dish..

I've watched two videos on YouTube just to observe how other people handle this.. but both videos were kinda dissapointing..

The old man in the 1st video especially seems to not care at all about the soap because he barely rinses out the dishes.. I believe this will probably leave some traces of soap on the dishes.. 

I don't know if this is significant or not though.. Maybe the soap just evaporates and it does not even matter. But again i am not sure.

Probably a dish washing machine is the best solution.. I would like some insight on the points i made because i am very confused..


Edited by SQAAD

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YES avoid. Wash dishes with hot water and an abrasive material that's all you need. 

Its highly significant, your poisoning every surface of your house and calling it clean. Brainwashed from birth by culture for profit.

Its not only that, anything that touch's your skin is absorbed fully into the body. The skin is hyper absorbent. Avoid physical content with all chemicals. That means wear socks and don't walk on a floor bear foot that was cleaned with detergent and don't wear cloths that where washed with chemicals, because your basically absorbing chemicals all day as its all in contact with your skin. These chemicals have a direct effect on your psychology. The same goes for air quality, anything in the air is 100% absorbed and goes directly into your blood stream. If you smell cleaning products your inhaling chemicals. Don't use soap when taking a shower, brush your teeth and wash cloths with water.


Probably a dish washing machine is the best solution.. I would like some insight on the points i made because i am very confused..

Dish washers are terrible and leave a large amount of soap, if you use one set it on high heat and use no soap. 

Edited by integral

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The deeper you go down this rabbit hole, the more miserable you become. Seen it on myself, seen it in others, seen it around here. 

Just a word of advice from someone who's nearly gone mad with all the toxin avoidance, I tried to do couple years back...it was also the most unhappy I've ever been.

Just accept that some exposure is inevitable and from that place take a rational standpoints and adopt few practices that help you find a healthy balance without becoming mad each time you have to come in contact with a synthetic product 

Example: buy a dish soap from a relatively conscious company then move along

Example 2: if you washing machine is making you anxious, don't use it and wash dishes with hands using just a bamboo scrape and some essential oil soap - then move along.

Example 3: get an eco egg for your washing machine, mix it with something that seems natural enough and then move along.

Ignore if the advice doesn't resonate, maybe you need to experience the misery this stuff causes first hand 

No criticism there, just a friendly advice 


Edited by Michael569

“If you find yourself acting to impress others, or avoiding action out of fear of what they might think, you have left the path.” ― Epictetus

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@Michael569 Its difficult when you live with people that don't care, other then that its pretty simple, don't buy and use any cleaning products. Maybe for some another hard part is the slow learning curve of letting go of each one. 

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I haven't used any soap, shampoo, detergents, anything chemical in years. I find hot water is enough and clean living/eating.

Our nature is self-cleansing if you support your environment. We are beings of supreme intelligence who have forgotten perfection.

Adapting to such toxic lifestyles and environments made us sick and reliant on external needs, we don't really need them if we know how to care for ourselves properly.

This is why fasting is so miraculous, it is all the evidence we need. Soon as we interfere we distort the divine innate intelligence.

As above so below, as within so without.

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On 10/4/2023 at 7:06 PM, integral said:

Don't use soap when taking a shower, brush your teeth and wash cloths with water.

Brush my teeth with water...? Is that enough though??

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On 10/4/2023 at 7:35 PM, Michael569 said:

The deeper you go down this rabbit hole, the more miserable you become. Seen it on myself, seen it in others, seen it around here. 

Just a word of advice from someone who's nearly gone mad with all the toxin avoidance, I tried to do couple years back...it was also the most unhappy I've ever been.

Just accept that some exposure is inevitable and from that place take a rational standpoints and adopt few practices that help you find a healthy balance without becoming mad each time you have to come in contact with a synthetic product 

Example: buy a dish soap from a relatively conscious company then move along

Example 2: if you washing machine is making you anxious, don't use it and wash dishes with hands using just a bamboo scrape and some essential oil soap - then move along.

Example 3: get an eco egg for your washing machine, mix it with something that seems natural enough and then move along.

Ignore if the advice doesn't resonate, maybe you need to experience the misery this stuff causes first hand 

No criticism there, just a friendly advice 


I appreciate your advice and i am kinda happy that you understand my misery..

My mind is very focused on the details and focuses on things that most other people ignore. When you are like that other people think you are kinda crazy but are you really?

I used to suffer a lot from this kind of stuff because i was doing all sorts of compulsions to check and be 100% certain.. This only made things worse.

This stuff is hard and you gotta learn to live with uncertainty. There is no other way.


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On 4/10/2023 at 6:06 PM, integral said:

Its not only that, anything that touch's your skin is absorbed fully into the body. The skin is hyper absorbent. Avoid physical content with all chemicals. That means wear socks and don't walk on a floor bear foot that was cleaned with detergent and don't wear cloths that where washed with chemicals, because your basically absorbing chemicals all day as its all in contact with your skin. These chemicals have a direct effect on your psychology. The same goes for air quality, anything in the air is 100% absorbed and goes directly into your blood stream. If you smell cleaning products your inhaling chemicals. Don't use soap when taking a shower, brush your teeth and wash cloths with water.


How do you brush you teeth with only water? This mindset is odd

I don't wash my jeans 9_9 and I don't change. I've been wearing the same jeans for 2 months now. It was made for miners in the first place, denim doesn't have to be washed, ever. You can have more focus by getting rid of useless chores, and wash them less if you're scared of detergent? (questionable I must say) 

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2 hours ago, SQAAD said:

When you are like that other people think you are kinda crazy but are you really?

Ya I get that

It comes down (at least for me) to having an internal piece of mind. The feeling of not constantly needing to be on the lookout for the next thing trying to kill you, is worth more than avoiding the remaining 2% of toxins.

Not all synthetic products are bad tho: 

Toothpaste containing fluorides are most likely pretty darn important, just don't swallow that stuff on purpose. The evidence on benefits against cavities is pretty darn robust - sure there are other ways but water brushing might not be enough with the diet that humans have in 21st century. The risk of dental problems at the expense of few nanograms of fluoride per day that absorb through oral mucosa (which I am not even sure actually does)  is not worth it.  You will do more by avoiding alcohol-containing mouthwashes - that stuff has actually bene linked (albeit marginally) to oral cancer risk

If you intend to date, find girls and get married then you can forget about that if you are not going to be using some form of washing liquid for your clothes and your body, or at least a decent natural soap. Women like guys who smell nice & are clean. To be frank not using any of that to me sounds a bit creepy and weird (I am generalising here, not speaking directly to anyone). No wonder a lot of these stage green people are always single - some can be really difficult to live with, don't become one of them, it seems to be a pretty miserable form of living. 

If the stuff for washing your dishes bothers you, wear rubber gloves during it. Just don't have disgusting and greasy cutlery - I've seen that in some people and it made me wanna vomit. The water just doesn't do it as well if you have oil on the plate. What you're left out are poorly washed dishes and cutlery

I am yet to see an example where "100% natural living " (e.g removing all synthetic products) has actually led to something better. I've seen it lead to a lot of neglect, dirt, dust and kinda gross households. Adding a bit of stuff back can make a lot of difference. 

There is ofcourse the other side of the coin where people overuse this stuff and use 50 different products but we are talking about the other side of the spectrum here. 

You can use all this stuff and still be avoiding more than 90% of exposure which btw comes from water , food and air you breathe, the rest compared to those 3 is small. 

But again, ignore all of this if it doesn't click with your value system. This is a journey you need to walk alone. My health journey took around 6-7 years and during that time I went down the weirdest fucked up rabbit holes before finding the balance again. So do carry on but be mindful of the suffering some of this stuff causes and be honest with yourself when reflecting on these different practices, 

Edited by Michael569

“If you find yourself acting to impress others, or avoiding action out of fear of what they might think, you have left the path.” ― Epictetus

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4 hours ago, MarkKol said:

I don't wash my jeans 9_9 and I don't change. I've been wearing the same jeans for 2 months now. It was made for miners in the first place, denim doesn't have to be washed, ever. You can have more focus by getting rid of useless chores, and wash them less if you're scared of detergent? (questionable I must say) 

The jeans during manufacturing have already been washed in bleach and other chemicals, so you've been absorbing all that into your skin. Its important to wash with water when you get new cloths to remove all the chemicals.

4 hours ago, MarkKol said:

How do you brush you teeth with only water? This mindset is odd

How do you brush with only poison? This mindset is odd. :ph34r:

5 hours ago, SQAAD said:


Brush my teeth with water...? Is that enough though??

Yes I'm not seeing at all what tooth paste does to begin with.

After eating I clean my mouth with water and swallow. With my tongue if I feel that a tooth has something on it I scrape it with my nail. Occasionally with my nail ill get close to the gums to scrape around. That's about all someone needs to do to keep the mouth clean. 

To be safe brush with a poison once a month.

Why no one calls it poison is also unclear, you drink it you die. 

2 hours ago, Michael569 said:

The evidence on benefits against cavities is pretty darn robust

How do you have any fait in studies? These topics cannot be understood by piecing together data especially when the sources are coming from a biased ego chamber. The studies are not saying what we think there saying. Its data being mashed into a square hole coming out square the other side and everyone feels good there intuition in square land was right. 99% of studies is confirmation bias, the people conducting the study and the people reading it know already what the outcome is and the conclusion they will form from it by just reading the title. Its all paradigm lock. 

The other topic Leo stated T4 and T3 hormone replacements doesn't work for him and everyone else who had no direct experience in the matter was certain that there studies and data was the "right approach". 

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2 hours ago, integral said:

How do you have any fait in studies? These topics cannot be understood by piecing together data especially when the sources are coming from a biased ego chamber. The studies are not saying what we think there saying. Its data being mashed into a square hole coming out square the other side and everyone feels good there intuition in square land was right. 99% of studies is confirmation bias, the people conducting the study and the people reading it know already what the outcome is and the conclusion they will form from it by just reading the title. Its all paradigm lock. 

You are right, to a large degree.There is a lot of crap science out there, bad methodology, personal bias, financial incentives and data distortion. 

But there is a lot of good science out there too and a lot of researchers who care about more than just getting published. You don't go into medical research to become rich - at least I hope most don't. Maybe I am being naive but most folks I met in this industry are honest, are not making big buck and are fairly passionate. 

In general the outcome of any research is NEVER definitive. It only shows possibilities and associations and from those, we can learn. No study can ever tell you "definitely do this and this will happen" - but a well-designed trial can help us estimate roughly how things will evolve if we do XYZ. 

I mean how else are we going to know about potential health hazards? Self-experimentation? Sometimes that is tricky and can be dangerous. I would rather take on board whatever I can learn from those who came before me - even if their data isn't perfect, as long as it is all pointing similar direction, chances are pursuing that path is likely to be least risky (e.g. using fluoride containing toothpaste as an example) than pursuing an alternative where the direction of the effect is all over the place. 

With an example of fluoride in dentistry, these experiments are actually relatively easy to design because most likely,  you are already taking people who are a bit lazy and don't care too much about their health (e.g. people with progressive periodontal disease where you are already assuming a large degree of neglect over a long time) so even if you give them Toothpaste A to try for 3 weeks and give toothpaste B to another group, it is unlikely they will go and turn their entire life around - people like magic pill solutions, they don't want to work hard for their health (I've seen a lot of that in my practice as well) . And people like being given an important task (e.g. being part of a study) so they will do what they are told if it could mean getting solution easily. 

2 hours ago, integral said:

The other topic Leo stated T4 and T3 hormone replacements doesn't work for him and everyone else who had no direct experience in the matter was certain that there studies and data was the "right approach". 

I mean ofcourse! Nothing works for everyone. There are thousand things that could be causing Leo to feel the way he does and maybe for him hormonal replacement don't do shit - doesn't mean they are useless for everybody. 

Again, we are only doing our best with the information we have. Most doctors don't have the liberty to experiment if they don't want to lose their licenses. Alternative practitioners do which is both blessing (if it works) and a curse (if it goes wrong). 

Edited by Michael569

“If you find yourself acting to impress others, or avoiding action out of fear of what they might think, you have left the path.” ― Epictetus

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4 hours ago, integral said:

To be safe brush with a poison once a month.

Why no one calls it poison is also unclear, you drink it you die.

Then don't drink it. Just about everything is poison by that definition at a high enough dose. Even potatoes (because of the potassium).

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17 hours ago, The0Self said:

Then don't drink it. Just about everything is poison by that definition at a high enough dose. Even potatoes (because of the potassium).

We define something as poison is if its only function is to kill and its active compound is in high concentration.

A potato is not for killing and its concentration of dangerous compound is low. 

Toothpaste and all cleaning products have the purpose to kill everything + make removing dirt/oil easier, its concentration of dangerous compound is high. 

Avoiding drinking it is good and all but avoiding microdosing is not going to happen if its in the house being used daily and in contact with skin and lungs 24/7. Microdosing these poisons has a direct effect on the mind and central nervous system, its non trivial active stressor on the system. 


According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), some household cleaning products may contain chemicals that can enter the body through the skin and cause various health effects, such as skin irritation, allergic reactions, nerve and kidney damage, and even cancer12.

For example, one study found that people who used bleach or other disinfectants at least once a week had higher levels of chlorinated volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in their blood than those who did not use these products3

Another study found that people who used spray cleaners had higher levels of glycol ethers in their urine than those who did not use these products. Glycol ethers are solvents that can affect the nervous system and reproductive system. A third study found that people who used toothpaste containing triclosan had higher levels of this antibacterial agent in their urine than those who did not use this product. Triclosan is a potential endocrine disruptor that can interfere with hormone function.


These are poor mans studies, where the financial industry has active interest to avoid and supress conducting them. So studies do not represents the full potential of insights this space has waiting to be unveiled. Its the tip of the garbage dump. 

Edited by integral

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20 hours ago, Michael569 said:

Again, we are only doing our best with the information we have. Most doctors don't have the liberty to experiment if they don't want to lose their licenses. Alternative practitioners do which is both blessing (if it works) and a curse (if it goes wrong). 

I get the overall sentiment, I'm being childish in that sense that I expect people to apply themselves to reinvent everything and not settle for half measures.

I guess the only solution is for better non-profit science backed by the government and stricter laws preventing and out right blocking science funded by companies with a conflict of financial interests. There should be a warning on studies by law like a food label showing the companies involved in its production.

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