
Dalai Lama apologizes after video asking child to 'suck' his tongue sparks outcry

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2 hours ago, Jwayne said:

So upon what basis do you claim knowledge of Dalai Lama's 'supernatural powers'?

I never claimed he has supernatural powers. Nor do i care if he does.... gosh, how did this get so messed up. I can't even untangle all the misunderstandings anymore, sorry.

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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@M A J I what's up your butt lol

You can’t just barge in and start poo-pooing on everything that is good and beautiful on this planet. Have some respect for people who are of immense value to humanity.

Edited by Salvijus

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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2 hours ago, integral said:


Reminded me of this topic lol

   So harsh, but so true. I'd rather be 80 year old dead than 20 year old fools.

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12 hours ago, Salvijus said:

it's like you weren't even trying to understand what i meant. 

When i say transending animal nature inside makes a person much more pure it means that when a being is not ruled by lust, possesiveness, anger, barking, bickering, compulsiveness etc. In that sense when a being is no longer ruled  by these energies he begins to function from higher energy, from the energy of love and compassion and inclusiveness. In that sense it's a more pure state.

Pls try to invest at least a pinky of effort to understand such a simple thing.

You too. Are trying so hard to distort everything i say so hard. Im not questioning that he was chosen and had special treatment. Im saying your narrative that he was there spending all his time trying to become as fake as possible is ridiculous. How plausable is that? How hard is it to consider that he actually spent all his time doing legit spiritual practices that purify the mind and body and that he actually became a saintly person?

I was watching a video yesterday of him sharing how at age 15 or smth he was doing tremendous sadhana. Living in a dark room, walking up at 3am and meditating with his guru who was chanting prayers etc. Like that for who knows how many decades. Doing such intense sadhana since age 15 any demon would become a saint.

I don't even believe in that shit that sitting in a cave purifies your mind and makes you a saint.

There's many normal people in the world who are "saints". People who have never meditated or anything.

Edited by Blackhawk

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49 minutes ago, Blackhawk said:

I don't even believe in that shit 

That's okey. I wasn't trying to convince you of anything. Just pointing out how unplausable your narrative of him spending his time learning to become fake is.

Edited by Salvijus

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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Just now, Salvijus said:

That's okey. I wasn't trying to convince you of anything. Just pointing out how ridiculous your narrative of him spending his time learning to become fake is.

I didn't say that was all he was doing. And also it doesn't even have to happen consciously.

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12 minutes ago, Blackhawk said:

I didn't say that was all he was doing. And also it doesn't even have to happen consciously.

Yea, this sounds more plausable now. People do tend to pretend to be nice as a subtle ego game. A subtle unconscious behavior indeed that can be found in people. But the only antidote to this is self-awareness and deep honesty to yourself which comes from spiritual practices and nowhere else.

Now whether people can recognize how honest and self-aware dalai lama is or isn't, i leave it to them. Im not gonna push my personal perseption of him further.

Edited by Salvijus

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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11 hours ago, Jwayne said:

Here comes his supernatural tongue magic 'right in front of your nose'.

   Now this is a good example of a shitty joke.

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10 hours ago, Jwayne said:

There's no grounds that he has 'supernatural powers'.

   Who's grounds? Based on the scientific and rationalist/determinist's paradigm? Based on the materialistic and physicalist's worldview? Based on objectivist and objectivity and consensus reality, and just because there's the majority of people's consciousness being a narrow range, justifies that consensus reality demonize the fringes of either end of that mass consciousness average?

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8 hours ago, Jwayne said:

The original argument was that Dalai Lama used supernatural powers to create a snowstorm. Which is very obvious and apparent even to the 'unevolved'.

Now you are shifting to saying the 'supernatural' powers are ethereal/only perceptible to 'evolved' beings.

Which implies you are yourself such an 'evolved being', or that you are a mutant like Professor Xavier who can see the 'supernatural powers' of others.

In either case, maybe you should work for an intelligence agency like the CIA (as the Dalai Lama did) because they are very interested in such paranormal abilities.

Or, you are trusting another authority on the matter of Dalai Lama having 'paranormal powers'. Because I don't believe he has ever claimed it for himself.

So upon what basis do you claim knowledge of Dalai Lama's 'supernatural powers'?

   Great inductive reasoning, but actually the original argument is you accusing the Dalai Lama of being a pedophile, then after some back and forth you softened your position to somewhat agnostic, but then you brought up an unrelated argument with another user after my posts referencing the blizzard event during the time when CHINA'S soldiers were invading Tibet and attacking it's people, taking some monks, putting them in prisons.

   That was MY augment point, not @Salvijus so you can stop picking on him and talk to me instead. I originally stated for context that Tibetan culture has a mixture of Buddhism with Tibetan Shamanism, to which I stated that there's probability that Tibetan monasteries have secret esoteric groups that practice both the hardcore Buddhism and the shamanism of Tibetan culture, which mostly deals with BLACK MAGIC, evocation of entities native to Tibetan area, and curses. That's what I originally said, and then a few more posts I changed it and simply said that the Dalai Lama may have caused the storms himself. That's where you may have picked up on this idea that the Dalai Lama single handedly cast that magic that altered the weather, but to me it's more likely a group event and them using an egregor and magic ritual to indirectly influence the weather pattern.

   That's a valid point that supernatural powers, the supernatural and paranormal are more ethereal and more likely perceivable to those with more sensitivity, psychic ability for example clairvoyance, and those with higher spiritual development. Yes, part of the implication is that the user maybe is one of the few spiritually gifted people, or that he/she is more knowledgeable of this topic and more open minded than you are. It's just unsound to you the logic because it's almost physics breaking if you admit that psychic powers, paranormal and supernatural phenomena exist. If you acknowledge these exist, you have to then deconstruct your current paradigm to make mental space for the new paradigm that your mind will construct to explain these phenomena.

   The Stargate Project was one of the projects that the CIA was involved in in order to investigate psychic phenomenon and attempted to weaponize groups of psychics for espionage purposes in America, in response to intel from spies that Russia was also experimenting and doing the same.

   I don't know what @Salvijus's basis of claiming knowledge of Dalai Lama's supernatural powers, but if you asked me, it's because I have high intuition and am supernatural myself. I have my own means of verifying whether the Dalai Lama has or hasn't supernatural powers. The question then becomes this: are you open to supernatural means and abilities, especially that you've already made up your mind that it's hippie woowoo nonsense beforehand?

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13 hours ago, Jwayne said:

Where's all that magic been since then?

Is it like a video game where has 100 magicka points and then needs to re-charge?

Or like a Hollywood movie where he exhausts his vitality and then needs to rest for a while (i.e. 70 years)?

   No, it's more like Sim city 5, but using Unreal Engine, minus the glitches and bugs, like, you know, real life, in a clockworks universe.

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5 hours ago, Danioover9000 said:


   Great inductive reasoning, but actually the original argument is you accusing the Dalai Lama of being a pedophile, then after some back and forth you softened your position to somewhat agnostic, but then you brought up an unrelated argument with another user after my posts referencing the blizzard event during the time when CHINA'S soldiers were invading Tibet and attacking it's people, taking some monks, putting them in prisons.

   That was MY augment point, not @Salvijus so you can stop picking on him and talk to me instead. I originally stated for context that Tibetan culture has a mixture of Buddhism with Tibetan Shamanism, to which I stated that there's probability that Tibetan monasteries have secret esoteric groups that practice both the hardcore Buddhism and the shamanism of Tibetan culture, which mostly deals with BLACK MAGIC, evocation of entities native to Tibetan area, and curses. That's what I originally said, and then a few more posts I changed it and simply said that the Dalai Lama may have caused the storms himself. That's where you may have picked up on this idea that the Dalai Lama single handedly cast that magic that altered the weather, but to me it's more likely a group event and them using an egregor and magic ritual to indirectly influence the weather pattern.

   That's a valid point that supernatural powers, the supernatural and paranormal are more ethereal and more likely perceivable to those with more sensitivity, psychic ability for example clairvoyance, and those with higher spiritual development. Yes, part of the implication is that the user maybe is one of the few spiritually gifted people, or that he/she is more knowledgeable of this topic and more open minded than you are. It's just unsound to you the logic because it's almost physics breaking if you admit that psychic powers, paranormal and supernatural phenomena exist. If you acknowledge these exist, you have to then deconstruct your current paradigm to make mental space for the new paradigm that your mind will construct to explain these phenomena.

   The Stargate Project was one of the projects that the CIA was involved in in order to investigate psychic phenomenon and attempted to weaponize groups of psychics for espionage purposes in America, in response to intel from spies that Russia was also experimenting and doing the same.

   I don't know what @Salvijus's basis of claiming knowledge of Dalai Lama's supernatural powers, but if you asked me, it's because I have high intuition and am supernatural myself. I have my own means of verifying whether the Dalai Lama has or hasn't supernatural powers. The question then becomes this: are you open to supernatural means and abilities, especially that you've already made up your mind that it's hippie woowoo nonsense beforehand?

First a disclaimer,

I write provocatively. But mainly as a strategy to carry dialogue forward. It's not malicious. And I'll apologize now if some sensitive people take it insultingly.

Interfacing over screens is very impersonal and when conversation gets heated then both sides are forced to read/project things into the text.

If we talked on the phone, or met in-person, that wouldn't be an issue.

When I ask Devil's Advocate questions, it doesn't mean I believe the opposite. I haven't yet stated a position about the paranormal.

I only asked for evidence about Dalai Lama's supernatural powers, which raises the issue of how these things are to be known in general. And how should we go about finding out?

What about your spiritual practice has led to the development of your 'high intuition' and being 'supernatural'?

Was it bestowed at birth, or nurtured?

Or a freak accident like Peter Parker and Bruce Banner?

Next, your claim has the side-effect of positioning yourself atop a new hierarchy. You've basically created a new social hierarchy of 'People With Superpowers'. And then stepped on top of it.

What are the rest of us supposed to do with that? This is an epistemological issue. Both, how did you come to determine you have paranormal abilities, and how should others verify that?

You don't expect us to pedastalize you and accept you at your word, do you?

Edited by Jwayne

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19 hours ago, Jwayne said:

First a disclaimer,

I write provocatively. But mainly as a strategy to carry dialogue forward. It's not malicious. And I'll apologize now if some sensitive people take it insultingly.

Interfacing over screens is very impersonal and when conversation gets heated then both sides are forced to read/project things into the text.

If we talked on the phone, or met in-person, that wouldn't be an issue.

When I ask Devil's Advocate questions, it doesn't mean I believe the opposite. I haven't yet stated a position about the paranormal.

I only asked for evidence about Dalai Lama's supernatural powers, which raises the issue of how these things are to be known in general. And how should we go about finding out?

What about your spiritual practice has led to the development of your 'high intuition' and being 'supernatural'?

Was it bestowed at birth, or nurtured?

Or a freak accident like Peter Parker and Bruce Banner?

Next, your claim has the side-effect of positioning yourself atop a new hierarchy. You've basically created a new social hierarchy of 'People With Superpowers'. And then stepped on top of it.

What are the rest of us supposed to do with that? This is an epistemological issue. Both, how did you come to determine you have paranormal abilities, and how should others verify that?

You don't expect us to pedastalize you and accept you at your word, do you?

   Do you believe that a person needs to believe in a thing for it to exist?

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On 13-4-2023 at 0:47 PM, Leo Gura said:

If you really love your dog you will kiss him on the ass hole.

Somebody make this a signature 10/10

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5 hours ago, Danioover9000 said:


   Do you believe that a person needs to believe in a thing for it to exist?

It is a matter of clarifying how we come to determine the nature of phenomena. Especially when it is a matter of extrapolating from subjective experience.

What a person considers to themselves to be obvious has nothing to do with the veracify of the thing.

There must be standards to measure whether a paranormal phenomena has substance or not.

You may prefer to not scrutinize the thing and it can retain legitimate significance and meaning in your mind. But that does not translate to it having any bearing on others.

Others do not have your direct, inner perception of whatever your experience is and hence demonstration and evidence is necessary to substantiate the thing with significance for others.

What matters to others is what demonstration the thing can manifest into our shared reality.

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On 16/04/2023 at 0:12 AM, Salvijus said:

@M A J I what's up your butt lol

You can’t just barge in and start poo-pooing on everything that is good and beautiful on this planet. Have some respect for people who are of immense value to humanity.

I can and I will. I know false beings when I see them, sadguru and elon is another. I stand by authenticity and honesty so I call them out.

I respect those who serve the darkside as much as I respect those who serve the light, but those in-between or whom pretend to be one or the other, I will expose, that is one of my roles upon this earthen plane. I have a fully activated 1st eye. I see through all maya.

So what you think is beautiful may be misleading you. The Truth is not always beautiful, nor beautiful words the Truth.

I AM the Eternal Child of Intelligent Infinity.

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54 minutes ago, M A J I said:

I have a fully activated 1st eye. I see through all maya

You can't even see through your own bs ?

Okey okey, sorry. If that's true for u i won't interfere

Edited by Salvijus

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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