
Dalai Lama apologizes after video asking child to 'suck' his tongue sparks outcry

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59 minutes ago, Danioover9000 said:


   Well, that' unexpected. I guess this is enlightenment levels of joking? All you need is love?

It’s human levels of bullshit, that’s what it is :P


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This only shows the stupidity of the self-appointed guardians of Western culture and says nothing about the Dalai Lama.   He apologizes because someone at his level sees direct confrontation of rigid beliefs and fixed customs to be unproductive, and he has no ego to preserve.

Vincit omnia Veritas.

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Better than sucking his dick.

Spirituality is about finding the silver-lining :D

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Tibetan monks are taken from their mothers when they are still children and made to meditate long hours in isolation, probably with little affection.   It’s a radically different paradigm.  I talked to a Westerner who was in a Tibetan monastery for a year, and he said that the higher level  Rinpoches are like children, spontaneous and playful.  They don’t take the world of illusion seriously.  They have nothing to prove.  They have no egos to defend.

Vincit omnia Veritas.

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The tongue thing was clearly a joke, I think people are overreacting.

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5 hours ago, Yimpa said:

It’s human levels of bullshit, that’s what it is :P

   Yes, it's human levels of bullshit from westerners overreacting to, IMO, a joke from Dalai Lama which he's quick to correct and apologies for, at least he hasn't lost too much of his ego and common sense to know it may have nearly crossed a line LOL., Although the hypocrisy and double standard runs deep. Most western/eastern normies forget that Priests, Monks, sages, mystics, Zen masters, Yogis, all them supernatural/paranormal gifted folk don't get no tongue or hand action. Most average easterner and westerner of secular societies people dating and fucking around, meanwhile these pious folks are in prison inside their temples...except the Tantric Yogis, clearly the imagery is a sign of them having too much fun.

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Seems to me that he was really attracted to the boy, and really wanted to get his tongue sucked.

No way that it was a joke. Maybe tried to disguise it as a joke.

And of course he apologizes. What did you expect? But his apology isn't worth anything.

Weird if Dalai doesn't get kicked out of his position.

But actually I don't care.

Sexual preferences isn't something which you can control. And it can also be impossible to not act on it. Like for example it's literally impossible for me to not masturbate to porn.

So I'm not judging.

Edited by Blackhawk

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4 hours ago, Jodistrict said:

This only shows the stupidity of the self-appointed guardians of Western culture and says nothing about the Dalai Lama.   He apologizes because someone at his level sees direct confrontation of rigid beliefs and fixed customs to be unproductive, and he has no ego to preserve.

   I even dare say a few hyper spiritually gifted people wouldn't even apologies, they'd carry on their shenanigans to prove a point. The greater the spirituality, the greater the overreaction. 

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I don't know what to make of it. Very strange. 

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Monks are generally pretty deprived individuals.

"I'm not going to jail again!"


Edited by UnbornTao

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@Blackhawk I think so too. His attraction mixed with him be senile. 

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2 hours ago, Raze said:

The tongue thing was clearly a joke, I think people are overreacting.

As a traditional salute of homage, in my culture we like to thrust phallus into rear opening of youngest son until discharge. this means something else in your culture?

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@DrugsBunny Let's keep it civil

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3 minutes ago, Thought Art said:

@DrugsBunny Let's keep it civil

You would think this was a response to my abrasive joke about child rape, but this is actually a response to my post saying if Leo did this people would defend. True story. 

Don't act like this forum of transphobes and bigots warrants some graceful civility. Fuck outta here.

Edited by DrugsBunny

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@DrugsBunny oh, I don’t know how to respond to you. I think I disagree with you on the transphobe thing, but I get where you are coming from. 

Try not to boil everyone on the forum as bad and dumb. It’s not true. Trans issues matter to me. Doesn’t mean to me, everything trans is good. Even in the Trans community there are problems they are trying to figure out and resolve. Trans is a very complicated issue. I think you are blinded by your own ideology and don't even really see the real issues facing Trans people.  Doesn't mean I have to agree with someone else's ideas or ideologies. Just because I don't think the Buddha was the greatest teacher of all time doesn't mean I hate Buddhists. Same thing goes with Trans issues. I won’t be bullied or gaslit into an ideology. That’s what a lot of pro trans ideologues love to do…. Bully everyone until they bow to your world view. Not gonna happen. For me, I have to forum my OWN opinion on a subject, even if that means I get bullied by the likes of you. 

I bet, whenever anything happens with any “public figure” you’ll get a mixture of responses. So, sort of a given. 

Hope you are well..

Edited by Thought Art

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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13 minutes ago, Thought Art said:

For me, I have to forum my OWN opinion on a subject, even if that means I get bullied by the likes of you. 

Was that pun intended, haha


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