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Joe dispenza healing

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I got really sick about a year and a half ago. Ironically right after I had a spiritual awakening that lasted about a month. I dont know how I got sick though. I just remember the day it happened I had a sandwhich from a place called Cheeba Hut, I had a stomach ache that I thought was going to go away but instead my whole upper half of my body ended up becoming inflamed and I started having heart problems along with lung issues and throat issues. Recently it actually started effecting my brain and eyes. I've been to docs and they dont know whats wrong. The scariest part is mostly my heart problems. I'm not the most healthy person although I can be at times when Im able to be deciplined enough. I went 2 full months eating nothing but veggies and fruits, I've done multiple 3-10 day fasts. My symptoms constantly change and actually after my last fast my brain issues went way thank god. Usually after I fast I see insane results in my health but then I start to feel better and eat like shit or start drinking coffee or whatever the fuck get all addicted and then decline again. I stopped doing drugs entirely because of this. I used to do alot of stuff, I wasnt a drug addict but I liked to party and for the past 3 months Ive been dead sober and I like it alot.

All kinda besides the point. In Jan I really got into Joe dispenza. I was meditating for up to two hours a day and doing alot of visualization and affirmations. I actually changed quite a bit I had went sexless for a while because of how being sick affected my inner dialouge and whatnot but things started to change when I started really applying Dispenzas teachings. I was mainly writing this post to see what people thought about his healing techniques he talks about how people change their personalities and leave their diseases in the old body. 

I meditate and picture myself healthy and feel like what it felt like before I was sick. There was times where I did gratitude meditaions where I was picturing myself in situations in my future and I would connect with the idea so much that I would get like a high for the next 10 hours. Id go to clubs and bars by myself and just be really happy and having a good time like people were noticing me changing. I even kind of dated this girl I wanted to date for the past 5 years but never really had the chance, it ended up eing a dud but it was cool after just being single for a long time. Then I got the flu and everything went back to being shit again. Its been hard for me to meditate and break out of the cycle im in. Im slowly building myself back up, but I'm so turned off by Dispenzas teachings. When I watch him now he kind of just seems scammy and its not his fault I got sick the point of this post isnt to like talk about how I dont believe his shit doesnt work but im just giving some context. 

I was more so writing to see what people thought about meditating and healing the body. Has anyone had any experiences with healing themselves by doing so? The reason I ask is because obviously I watch Actualized and leo often talks about his health problems and I figure if it was as real as Dispenza makes it seem then Leo of all people would have been able to seen some sort of results. I dont want to say I'm desperate because I hate the idea, but sometimes the shit I experience is terrifying theres been multiple times within the past year and a half where I swore up and down I was going to die. Maybe its Covid related, Im not really sure but aside from dealing with that I really do try to stay optimistic and Actualized really help me deal with it in a healthy way. I understand that people wont know what Im going through and I get that if anything does happen that it doesnt have to be the worst thing I can still remain grateful and love my life. Not saying im perfect Ive def sacraficed so much in terms of everything I was becoming prior to me getting sick but I don't want to let it stop me. 

TLDR does anyone have any experience with healing themselves with meditation and visualization? or is joe dispenza full of shit lol

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I'm intrigued by his teachings. The way he does his guided meditations seem plausible from my understanding but I haven't tried it yet.

Your health and mind are interconnected, but so is everything else.

It's all very complex and nuanced so there will never be an end all be all solution to being healthy all the time. It's just not how life works. There are also many different kinds of sickness.

Most of the time doing Joe's meditations and meditation in general will be beneficial to your health.

But if, let's say, you are eating junk food all day it won't be the best action to take.

You have to increase your awareness on all areas of your life and see which one is most "out of line" so to speak. And maybe you won't be able to change it and then it's good to accept that too.

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