
Why a lot of viewers are turned off from Leos teachings

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Although I think Leos teachings are very deep and very important as not many teachers delve into topics as much as him, Im always a little hesitant to suggest him to others because when I have people have just not resonated with him or flat out not liked him (of course they are only going off initial impressions and havent gone deeper). 

But i always wondered why this is. recently I watched the happiness video and Leo was talking about music he likes to listen to when going for drives, out of nowhere he said something like 'I have the best music, the best playlists, no one has playlists like these'. I laughed because its such a strange statement to make, it reminded me of a kid talking about some random thing that makes him great. For one, music is so subjective, what would even constitute you having the 'best' playlist? But i realised this is how he talks across the board so if hes talking about awakening, hes the most awakened, whatever it is hes the most fill in the blank. It doesnt really take into account other peoples experiences and also leaves the viewer with the wonder of 'why is he so awakened?'. This is fine if the audience can kind of tune that, for lack of a better word, arrogance out, which i do, it can also seem like someone to follow if youre a bit younger because of the certainty he talks with. But I think it can turn a lot of people off at face value because it just comes across as completely arrogant. 

Leo might say, 'well its true no ones awakening is as great as mine and im not going to sugar coat anything anymore', which is fine but then i dont really understand the goal of the teachings, like why does it even matter how awakened you are, its more about what you can do in service to others and if youre putting off a big chunk of the audience that this could potentially help, then what even is the point, apart from ego?

Im not saying Leo should change, its his journey and hes built this platform up amazingly, but i think having some humility as a counter balance is very important and not humility for show but genuine 'maybe im not the most intelligent/awakened being in the history of man' type of humility. 


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@Consept Did he say it was the best playlists? I thought he said that he has really particular music tastes or something and spends a of time working on it. Someone get us a time stamp lol 

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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2 minutes ago, Thought Art said:

@Consept Did he say it was the best playlists? I thought he said that he has really particular music tastes or something and spends a of time working on it. Someone get us a time stamp lol 

Need a timestamp lol but I remember it as 'no one has playlists like these' something like that 

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5 minutes ago, Thought Art said:

@Consept Did he say it was the best playlists? I thought he said that he has really particular music tastes or something and spends a of time working on it. Someone get us a time stamp lol 

OK found it, it's at 1:46:00

To be fair it's not as bad as I first thought, he says about the playlist and I think what I reacted to was when he said 'nobody has these playlists'. Which I still think is quite a funny thing to say because you can still interpret as him saying hes special. We could also be charitable and take it as him saying because he's curated them himself noone else has them, which it could be but I do think in general he does say a lot of things in this arrogant way.

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@Consept "These playlist are the best. No one has playlists like these. People come up to me all the time and say 'Donald, you really do have the best playlists. Could be the best playlists this country has ever seen.'" 

Edited by Thought Art

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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This is spot-on criticism, Leo's arrogant "style" turns off people who don't either: 1. Accept his words at face value. 2. Tune out the arrogance. 3. Tune into the arrogance as entertainment.

There are only a few ways an audience can go about it, and option 1 would be the wrong thing for the audience to do according to Leo's own standards and advice.

So perhaps the criticism here is actually that Leo's communication style and self-assuredness at times will allow for option 1 to exist no matter how much he declaims about the importance of "thinking for yourself" and not taking his teachings on as a belief.

In other words, there's a dissonance between his teachings and his style of communication. I'm sure he himself is aware of this to some extent.

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Maybe when people get triggered by his arrogance and statments of having the beat this and the best that is also that people are unconsciously projecting their own shadow on him. Because, is not true that a lot of people tend to think and affirm they they are the ones having the best,knowing the best and being the best? Is not true that everyone thinks they are portents of the Truth. I not defending Leo, let he do it bt himself, but if he want to think he have the best music selection what can I do to convince him he is wrong? Maybe I can share my best curation of songs but f9r sure he will no lt like many of them. Even the songs I use to enjoy last year I dont enjoy that much this year so, this question of best curation is very mutable.

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All of this is speculation, but nonetheless here it is: 

Leo said in his Gaslighting video something akin to "it is a war of realities". He also mentioned that he has been gaslit by the community (or other people before).

So I think it is only natural that he developed this attitude to survive in this kind of environment. An environment  where everyone is competing to assert their reality on you and your reality can be invalidated within the blink of an eye if you show doubt and are not assertive. In a way, he is establishing authority to compete against the other paradigms. And he is not doing this necessarily to win over other people, but to protect his own "reality" from being corrupted by others. 

Edited by HMD

"The wise seek wisdom, a fool has found it."

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1 hour ago, Recursoinominado said:

A lot are turned on.


@Recursoinominado can confirm I've watched all 528 videos absolutely bricked up


There is no failure, only feedback

Do what works

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27 minutes ago, HMD said:

All of this is speculation, but nonetheless here it is: 

Leo said in his Gaslighting video something akin to "it is a war of realities". He also mentioned that he has been gaslit by the community (or other people before).

So I think it is only natural that he developed this attitude to survive in this kind of environment. An environment  where everyone is competing to assert their reality on you and your reality can be invalidated within the blink of an eye if you show doubt and are not assertive. In a way, he is establishing authority to compete against the other paradigms. And he is not doing this necessarily to win over other people, but to protect his own "reality" from being corrupted by others. 

I get where you're coming from, but then there's still his assumption that his reality is correct and everyone else's isn't. If there was some humility this wouldn't be the case. I agree that in the world now you are somewhat competing against other realities if you're producing this kind of content, but I think Leo's consciousness level should be above this 'competition' and I actually I believe it is and so it follows that this wouldn't be about competition, it just seems to be a personality thing or a teaching style. Of course this is speculation on top of your speculation lol 

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1 hour ago, Thought Art said:

@Consept "These playlist are the best. No one has playlists like these. People come up to me all the time and say 'Donald, you really do have the best playlists. Could be the best playlists this country has ever seen.'" 

xD I was thinking about him just now when I read the thread. Very DT.

Even more funny when you realize that all of them are absolutely you, and may actually serve as a foil for your own self-forgetting.

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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@Consept It's not just competition you know? He has a meta-physics, some beliefs, and a world view that is radically different than the mainstream society (or even some of the occult societies for that matter) which means he gets attacked and criticised a lot more than your average person( for obvious reasons).

Now, he is a human who has to survive (survival in the non-physical sense), and to do that he has to behave in this way or else it will be difficult for him to survive while participating in society while maintaining integrity. Because see, he can just water down his insights and worldview to mix in with the world and he will be fine for the most part, right? But as he described in his Socialization makes you stupid video, Truth is one of his top values, so watering it down is out of question. 

34 minutes ago, Consept said:

everyone else's isn't. If there was some humility this wouldn't be the case

The way I see it, it's about his circumstances. If i were in his exact place, I would be the same.

"The wise seek wisdom, a fool has found it."

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Leo is not fully awakened. Every other week he comes up with a level higher awakenings, which is fine and good progress, but to claim absolute comprehension is so demonstrably false unless you have absolute completeness in your awakening.

If there are new things to awaken to, then that only means that the previous awakenings wasn't complete. 

Just imagine Leo 10 years from now. He will think of himself as an idiot for saying things like these. If he can go atleast 5 years into the future and claim that he was completely awakenend with complete comprehension of reality 5 years ago and that's it, I will agree to it.

You can't claim complete comprehension unless you were in the same level of comprehension for atleast a couple of years.

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Everytime I listen to Leo, because I listened to him so many hours of my life, I know when he is about to compliment to himself. 

When he's talking about a certain topic and he's sensing a good opportunity to compliment to himself, he will.

I laugh each time he does it, especially when I predict it, and I predict it in 90% of the time lol. 

I don't know, I understand that arrogance in people is annoying, I tend to be annoyed by it as well. Because I mainly gravitate towards green.

People who gravitate mainly towards stage purple, blue and green tend to be annoyed by arrogant behavior.

But, sometimes it happens that arrogance is amusing for me, and I don't take it seriously, same like with Trump and Tate. And to be honest, when I think about it, I don't really care. Only because he says something it doesn't mean that it's true. He can keep saying that his music taste is the best, so what? I don't care about his music taste, I love to listen to what I love to listen, and when he says what he says, it doesn't make my own playlist any less pleasurable to hear. And to be very honest here, I think that he has the guts to claim that his playlist is the best only because he haven't listen to mine yet.

Same with his awakening, I don't care about his awakening, he can claim whatever he wants. I only care about what he's teaching because it brings a real value to my life.

Yes, Leo is arrogant, and it's annoying, because many of us prefer humble people, true. But another truth is that everybody is arrogant to some extent too, and we are here not to improve our subjects of criticism, but ourselves.

Every behavior we see around us, whether we like it or not, is a reminder for us to look inside and be aware to the same thing within us. That's how we are really growing, not by focusing on others and being attached to improving them or controlling their behavior, it's a distraction. We are really grow by using others behavior as a reminder to look inside, to improve ourselves, and to control our own behavior only.

If you want a peaceful life, don't waste time on trying to change others, because you will always see something wrong in people. And there is something wrong in anyone, be sure about it.







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Nothing wrong with getting a little cocky, when youre that far ahead of virtually anyone else.

Its a bit ironic in this case though, because his music taste is godawful xD 

“We are most nearly ourselves when we achieve the seriousness of the child at play.” - Heraclitus

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1 hour ago, Nilsi said:

his music taste is godawful xD 

Mind if you expand on that? I mean obviously music taste is subjective but I'm curious as to why you think using chillstep or synthwave for contemplation is just plain terrible

“We have two ears and one mouth so we can listen twice as much as we speak." -Epictetus

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Just now, lostingenosmaze said:

Mind if you expand on that? I mean obviously music taste is subjective but I'm curious as to why you think using chillstep or synthwave for contemplation is just plain terrible

Its obviously subjective. But the western chauvinist in me can not take these "cute little tunes" seriously.

“We are most nearly ourselves when we achieve the seriousness of the child at play.” - Heraclitus

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Let's not get too stuck up on the music thing lol I was just using it as an example. Tbh the arrogance doesn't bother me I actually find it kinda funny, but as I said in the original post it's more a case of his core teachings and messages not being able to travel as far as they could without the arrogance. Its kinda like if he is arrogant and overstating about little things like a music playlist it's more than likely he would overstate with awakening. If I was in his position I at least would like to think I would want things like this pointed out to me. 



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@Consept Even arrogance serves a purpose. Look at how much introspection was driven by Leo's recent thread about being the creature with the deepest understanding on the planet. Everything, including Leo, is an expression of the absolute and can help it realize itself.

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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