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Optimized Life

Mind Upgrade Part 2 : Resources & Content

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I made a Comittment to this journey to only include the cream of the crop but also to only post content and not journal or reflect*

I just wanted to make a quick point to myself and brake the rule for this one time : 

I should probably remove 2/3 of the videos posted on here : Alex hermosis and some others. It's as much about what you don't include as what you do. 

I remember Leo's point in his scammer video "Make your default NO & be hesitant to say yes, (assume they're full of shit until they show otherwise). 

It's the same with 99.5% of self help content, movies and everything else. 

Most people's work sucks, most of it is total garbage and will harm you if anything. 

The majority of self help content is meaningless platitudes, ideology, self promotion, clickbait & unhinged positivity. 

Very hesitant to give out praise, but when I do I mean it. 

Even for Leo, since like 2012 a huge number of his videos are useless and just a waste of time, he wasted a lot of my time when I was lost listening to his boring repetitive & irrelevant bullshit, but his good stuff makes up for it I suppose, because at his best he is valuable, but never have I been a leo fanboy, I don't think he's the "best out there" or some sort of genius, he's highly Americanised & culturally blinded, speaks 1 language, doesn't work out, gone crazy multiple times from drug use, maybe a bit socially retarded. But it doesn't matter, just focus on the quality where it's found and apply it ... of course. 

The problem I have with Alex Hermosi, and I regret even posting him on here, when he posts a video like "reciprocity is a useful concept according to this mainstream book" like. Bro this is fucking common sense, you work this out by interacting with the world, there's zero need for your childish book on this subject you fucking nerd, with your fucking 3/10 girlfriend who has a horse voice. 


This guy is the king of meat grinder self improvement he has debased positivity, he just churns out video after video for the sake of continuous attention and I guarantee you like basically no one has benefited from listening to his crap. His personality is so annoying and boring af as well, objectively the most annoying nerd on the internet after Tai Lopez

Leo used to be a lot worse at this in the past and you had to scroll through to find what's relevant but at least nowadays each video has a clear title and a purpose and structure, and the actualized clips is even more fitted for this. 

There's this twisted idea like from Owen cook that somehow long form content is objectively better than shorter (and while at the extremes like with tiktok memes yes this makes sense) but other than that there is zero reason a 2 hour video is objectively better than a 5 minute one. For someone as rambling as Owen Cook he should make his videos much shorter as he just waffles about 80% of the time, he just looks like a crazy mofo to me majority of the time and 5% of the time is pretty insightful, he's completely and rediculously out of touch with the overwhelming majority of humanity and is lost in this arrogant tai lopez bubble of American 8 figure life coaches, literally laughs at a "$200K salary" as if that's pathetic he is so out of touch has spent majority of his life in his hollywood LA bubble and wants this aura of being so open minded, and loves to play the spirituality wave, I don't see him as someone who's deeply intelligent and questions himself and his ideas but merely talks and talks endlessly, massive red flag there. He also shows zero proof of his receipts with HOT women. Well maybe he's got game? Because at least he's not like David Deangelo or Mark manso, "dating coaches" who settles with a 4/10, it's a complete joke. Never do I like to focus on others or bully others for their personal choices, but these guys are DATING COACHES, THEY MADE MILLIONS FROM IT, so fuck those guys for real full of shit not inspiring I don't want to listen to you anymore all of that work for an ugly fucking wife it's disgusting. 

doesn't mean never useful not all empty calories, his deluded level of positivity and individualism can be motivating and is  much better than the fatalists (Blackpillers, negative ideologists like hasanbi who think everything's scam ... he's an energy vampire). 

Using "Nerd" I dont not mock curious or ambitious people; I personally love ideas and everything but from my pov a nerd does not equal an intelligent person, a self help nerd is someone like Tom belyeilrye, endlessly pumping out useless content sucking dicks of the endless positivity gods and fingers his areshole to a Tony Robbins painting while his wife is getting pounded by Tai lopez next door 


  1. When I speak or write, I am highly aware that I am much less concize than I could be. everything can always be trimmed further and further and this is just a skill that develops if you have that intention. This is no trivial matter, this skill is fucking important and if I was better at this skill this whole post could be a third of the words and have more impact. People's time is valuable, and at least Leo makes the effort to hone this skill; you can see now that he talks far more cogently than in the past, his words flow it's like a perfectly minimalist rhythmic  dance. Owen cook claims himself as this "ultimate public speaker" but I guarantee you he fucking never analyses his speeches and thinks through his words, in this way he wastes people's time by making a 2H video that could've been 1H and had more impact, less is more. 
  2. Like I said I am not the most structure writer or talker but I am aware of it, and I make an effort to improve, just intuitively intrinsicly motivated to do this and always intuitively noticed the importance of this froml ike 16 years old, and I'm not even getting paid for this shit, it's just annnoying when people are sloppy and slow with their words. It's such simple concept but always noone works on this core communication ability, because people are fucking stupid and would rather just keep talking endlessly and broadcasting their loudmouths to the internet and say the same shit over and over, also humming and hawing like when a lecturer or someone who' now 50 or 60 still has the habit of "ummm awww erhhh" I'm like BRO, HOW DID YOU NOT CORRECT THAT IN YOUR LONG EXISTENCE, IT'S SUCH A SIMPLE HABIT MEDIOCRITY EWWW DIGUSTING. EW

"Introspection" : Getting lost in my head and not taking action, now time for action and practicality, THIS MAKES ME HAPPY, Physical and practical work, doing stuff being useful, deliberate practice and just work in general, and socializing and being in the world. Being on this forum or anything theoretical taking up more than 5% of my time leads to severe mental ilness and degrades me, I am here to live life and be part of it first and foremost and be a proactive human being. 

workout shower tasks work prep day game waking up early make money provide for others be the provider ... and the lover and creative ideas and work work work and play too, playy but I don't mean xbox or fucking debating on a forum but PLAYY, play with your girl, humour, laughter, sports, play with kids or animals if you want that, the joy of living, anti modern culture, limit my internet use unless it's business or work related, focus. 




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Leos Maturity Video : Criticism


  • Some sound advice and a few nuggets in there : talking about the value of hard work and some good points on this, I value and respect hard work myself so I appreciate that 
  • Point about blabber mouthers : Ive been banging on about this for months now : Wayy too many boring fucks online even Owen Cook who I like in some ways, blabbers and talks on and on, repeating themselves, no ones concise, always content and quantity over quality and value. No structure. 
  • Charlie and ben podcast : TRASH: boring empty dudes just blabbering about random shit with no purpose, they{re not even funny like a comedian, not even entertaining, just boring, talking shit for hours. Hasanabi is the same (apart from his peterson videos are pretty gold though lol). MOST people channels are fucking trash, it{s litterally impossible for me to listen its so fucking boring how they maintain their business is confusing


  • Very disappointing and mostly boring video because heard 90% of it before so almost a complete replica of "what is wisdom", "Listen dude we need to talk about topics from different angles". No you are just fucking repeating yourself, maybe be a bit more creative next time? Took you like 3 fucking months to post cloned a video also, so much for hard work...
  • I dont respect leos biased criticsm of people at school "Having sex, partying and having fun". These are NORMAL HEALTHY activities, it just deosnt match YOUR personality... That doesn{t automatically mean those people are less wise, this is some sqaure ben shapiro bullshit. The biased arrogance and condescension of leo remains just as strong as ever before. Just accept the fact that you are a square, boring nerd and that{s your type and you are free to be that way. You dont appreciate the joy of playing around in life and see that as inferior, and think that people who had a healthy social experience and weren{t hyper serious like a robot are automatically less mature than you, Nope. Many of those people always worked hard and studied hard as well, it{s not as black and white as your square mind thinks it is. 

(I bet all the pussyboys on this forum are over praising leo right now and getting an orgasm over this medicore, repetitive video of his today haha. Grow a pair and actually think for yourself for once, pussy.

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I think my criticsm of leos video had some merit, but ultimately was unbalanced and so I'm sorry for being needlessly agressive there. 

I realized that I hadn't fully watched the video nor was I concentrating. 

Ironically I really liked his point on blabbermouthing, but I did not think before I (wrote) spoke here 

It was a decent video, but I don't agree that people socializing or fucking in high school or any age is necessarily immature, moreso a natural part of human experience. I don't agree with maturtity having anything to do with being fun or going to parties, a party is merely a gathering of people. Human connection or spontanaeity should not be ostracized or looked down on. I don't currently party, but thats becuase I'm broke and dont have logistics, I want to have some fun and sillyness throughout my life, it's needed to balance the strong amount of ambition and pressure i put on myself, and my work ethic. I'm conisdering working 60-90 hour weeks to get a head start, not long term but for a couple years. In this time I'll need parties and pretty ladys to keep me balanced. 



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On 02/05/2023 at 7:09 AM, Optimized Life said:

I've watched 3 of Alexes videos now and I got the gist, but I want to retain the quiting blueprint in writing so there is a clear plan to revise :

Yes, I am still a caffeine drinker. 

I am still aware of it as a net negative, however I have improved several other bad health environmental factors and I am not drinking caffiene late as often which helps. 

It is not my current priority so I can't afford to be in withdrawals yet as losing 2 weeks will fuck momentum. 

I will never go back on the negatives though. 

I'm a day gamer but even the posibilty of night game is almost wiped out when you drink caffiene, it's hard enough to motivate yourself to go sober, but sober + a caffiene crash? No chance unless you're going to drink, or reup on caffiene. That will work in getting out the house, but then if you don't fuck (which you most likely wont as a beginner) then yyou're extremely frustrated still up at 5am laying n bed due to the alchol and caffiene. 

Not a good scenario not again. 

Day game is better anyway. 

Understanding the conservative mind : 9/10 

  • Best part of this video (Not verbatim) "You should go to bed anxious unable to sleep at night thinking about how you're going to make "this" work ... maybe it would be better to be balanced, but if I had to pick which extreme to swing I would certainly pick the anxious or paranoid side, given most people fail as there too liberal easy on themselves and there life ends a pile of trash". 
  • He was refering to spirituality here but this mindset is transferable to dating, business, any goal 

I love this mindset because the worst self help advice I ever got was to "just be relaxed bro just balance bro it will come someday youve got time long life ahead of you bro"

In fact in my early 20's a crappy life coach told me "You're young you can relax"  (Guess what he wasted his youth his life even now is only upper normie tear) anyway that coach pissed me off. 

NO. I don't have the money or dating life or freedom or social life that I want yet, and it will ONLY get harder, I will only get older, more tired, worn out, in depth, and more crazy over time if uphill momentum doesn't massively overpower that ticking clock, and especially with my personality type (or "number Wing" crap for you nerds out there ;), it will only get much worse and harder, and many opportunities don't last forever too ...If there is a good business oppurtunity then maybe I SHOULD go to bed terrified of missing it, because blue oceans turn red fast)

I need to do shit im a "conservative" now so I don't allow looseness with my time, I will not write for some weeks at least, if ever again. 

WAIT COUNTER POINT : Emotional Intelligence & calmness is still generally super important since if you're always anxious about fucking everything then you will go nowhere in life and I've been enslaved by this for years in the past. But be fucking terrified and obssessive about thee few  big picture things that do matter, Obviously, be fucking terrified about not learning game when you're still young and starting it fast and getting results and having the options for kids, marriage, relationships or the well earnt competence to garner that on demand. Be fucking terrified of being a bum well into your 30's ect.. 

Just dont be anxious about shit that doesn't matter, and anxiety always inmediately transmutate it into plan/action 

yes enough now bye

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Conservative mind, Conservative mind. 

I can still feel myself letting myself go too often more than not and i am responsible but I know it's my environment partly as a highly impressionable animal that responds to dopamine implied cues like my mum claiming "there's pizza in the oven " and smelling it 

I guess it's perhaps a questoin of my level of growth to be able to still hold my values and goals above others in tempting enrionments but it is much easier when I am completely alone, the average of culture will always drag you down withn ths social matrix, and this is why I prefer introverted life. 

 binged on sugar this evening this was completely on me; no cue or family trigger tempting , I just chose to walk outside aand buy it . The neuro pathway leading to this end result is a little complex and multi faceted, orginiating from some thoughts and justification, combined with a desire to just go outside, mental decision fatigue, feelings of frustration and a desire to run away from all that. 

The healthy parts of the conservative mind are really fucking sexy, but the difficulty is really hard. To get everything right, not just work ethic, but diet and healthy soul, staying motivated, focused, not wasting time, then there's tv, phone unconscious internet binging  everything, it's so much. 

Often when I work I am "too busy" working constantly for any of this ... until late evening comes Im still not, it still would get me, id stil lcome home and binge on crap and sleep badly. 

The conservative mind is hard, but the payoff is huge. 

I want more conservative mind. Constant growth and focus and discipline now. Narrowing everything from my thoughts, vision and focus. Even writing on here is a reflection of my loose boundaries, flickering through the internet, doing this and that, thining this and that. What happened to my specific goal? Oh yeah, my mind got lost. I need to be like a race car that goes in a straight track, stops to refuel from the preselected trusted station, then inmediately continues towards his destination, never turns down a sider road for the sake of it, cuts out that temptation and just continues, constant repetition. 

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On 16/09/2023 at 8:06 PM, Optimized Life said:

however I have improved several other bad health environmental factors and I am not drinking caffiene late as often which helps. 

HOWEVER that literally means fucking nothing because the bad factors easily come back so this improvement wasn't permanent.

I am a perfectionist by nature that's wired into me and I don't need 100% level neurotic perfection but consistent 80-90% stable perfection is keye for me. 

I think I need a higher quality of cheat meal. 

Any cheat meal even 2/3 times a week is not devastating at all if it isn't sugar binge or gluten ; the real reason i end up doing that is infrastructural in that i crave in the evenings and the only local options are stuff like chocolate bars, even local ice cream is too expensive. 

So more tolerable cheat meal would be like high dairy, just not sugar or gluten. 

So it could be a lower sugar bucket of ice cream and lot of yogourt 

Because the cravings will come either wya.

And chocolate ... is just fucking devastating. Nothing gives me more guilt than eating multiple chocolates. I know what I'm doing to my teeth and overall health, it is the heroin of diet. At least ice cream has a lot of dairy, milk and feels more satiating, a couple chocolates is easily more sugar than an entire bucket of ice cream, and chocolate is cheap, you could easily eat 8 chocolates in 2 minutes. 

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Alcohol is god's perfect creation for numbing the pain, psychological pain. 

I hate how alcohol is treaded in club enviroments ingesting multiple shots with red bull it's disgusting. 

But a bit of alcohol in your home to numb the pain or take the edge off a little when it's just a bit too much to bear, there is nothing like it. 

I can appreciate the beauty of that. It's generally a bad thing, but what if it didn't exist at all or was never discovered? I feel as though the world would be incomplete. I think drinking for game is never worth it, but sometimes I have just 1 drink to take the edge of this inner dread at night, and I can't claim for sure that it's always a net negative, yet I ALWAYS feel this  way with gluten or chocolate. Yes i am going to  have 1 fucking drink. 

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15 hours ago, Optimized Life said:

I think I need a higher quality of cheat meal. 

The gluten, or the sugar, probably both has devastated me. 

I am today so tired and so much fog. 

I may have to avoid any kind of learning or mental labour for a few days. 

People that say "you can eat whatever you want when you're young but it catches up .." ARE LYING.

No you can't. 

I am still young and eating gluten once ruins me for days. And if you looked at my physique or handsome face you might think that I must be mr perfect healthy and invincible genes. But that's not true. 

I am trying to sign a contract with myself to never eat these foods again. 

I can have a cheat meal, like eat some ice cream that's not too high in sugar, but I must never eat pizza or pasta again, the side effect is NEVER worth it. It ALWAYS gives me brain fog and fatigue, ALWAYS.

Society is so fucking stupid everything thinks pasta is healthy, or bread is healthy because it's sourdough or it's brown, it's all fucking trash. It's the devil litterally you lose 40 iq points 

I have been gifted the oppurtunity to have a decent or at least tolerable level of energy and drive when I do everything right, unlike Leo who is just cursed, so for me to just shit on that opportunity, is a fucking disrespect to Leo, to life and to the ancestors who survived persecution so I could arise and be born in the peak of civilization

Contract to my self, never eat processed industrial food, never eat gluten and chocolate ever again, ice cream is my only cheat meal, which I will allow myself once a week max, after consistent work ethic


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