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Optimized Life

Mind Upgrade Part 2 : Resources & Content

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Catalogue of top videos, articles, content, quotes, resources > That I find very valuable, insightful or relevant to improving my life. 

Category A : Videos that I either need to apply immediately  (CAN'T FORGET & NOT APPLY VIDEOS > HIGHEST PRIORITY)

Category B : Videos that may be useful in the future, or just benefit me in some more indirect or big picture way

(Or I am too lazy for this additional organizational layer and I will just merge and throw all content types together)

There will be no personal journaling in this, ONLY posting content, and brief summary notes related to that content is fine. 

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I HATE Chat GPT and this creepy NPC western woman too... But I have to keep up in this world so here we go. 

I LIKED : ability to summarize any YouTube video by posting URL & title

ALSO : 740 - 8 Min tips (Suggesting travel activity tips)

DISLIKED : NO.4 > Extremely creepy and dangerous tip and she should take responsibly for sharing that openly , very dangerous.

(Comment removed due to referring to virgin women as fools, I am highly attracted to virgin and low Body count girls and that was silly of me, more penises confuse women and virgin girls are wise). 



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  1. Nose Breathing Article
  2. Jelqing or penis pump guide 
  3. Owen cook video 
  4. ..........
  5. ..........

1.  (Check history) ... (now I know I shouldn't trim or pull out my nose hairs to Looksmax, they have survival function dumbass)

3. Owen Cook > can't remember exact video: 

  • Reasons to pick a career path or teach something specific 
  1. Natural Talent (Lebron James) 
  2. Strong Passion 
  3. * Strong handicap/made it from the bottom > Allows u to teach the process/show the way from Point A to the finish line
  • Try find an unfair advantage in your career to stand out (E.G : Having a neighbor or friend who's an expert, special connections ect..)


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(To my surprise), I rate this video 9/10 !!

  • Very informative, in depth, lucid & covered multiple unexpected, insightful threads, all relevant to real world personal development & real life
  • Will Watch this multiple times this month and have some notes 
  • *Trying chat GPT 4 trick comparing it's summary with my personal notes,  will be interesting 
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Just make statements don't ask boring questions, give good energy throw little jokes. Make it about THEM (Not you) (but don't make it TOO much about them). Positive emotions, show status so they chase your validation, have a fun place to go to (logisticis). 

Remember everyone is entitled to not want to meet you or follow up, it could be a mirage of reasons and that's fine, just move on, but DON'T get salty about it & carry the bitter buthurt (creepy butthurt energy) onto further interactions, have no ego attached to it and meet another person.

But reading their signals if (She) is smiling and enjoying your jokes & energy then push it further, give more jokes more of yourself to lock them in. (On nights out I've approached girls who were clearly into my presence maybe even hooked but I didn't keep going even though they smiled clearly, I was half hearted, I got distracted, or I got put off by the girlfriend, guy friends or just got in my own head. So opposite skill of being able to let go,not be affected by rjection nor waste time in low interest reciever vs continuing, pushing more & locking in high interest positive receivers (sets). 

To do : Paste screenshots of Owen's Recap summary bullet points onto here for a concise, visual overview & reminder. 

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Intelligent pragmatic guy who just gets it. 

No waffle, every thing he says has a point. 

Thinks for himself, (authentic thought processes from personal awareness & life experience), no empty waffling regurgitation machine like every other fuck face on youtube. 


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On 11/04/2023 at 11:57 PM, Optimized Life said:

Just make statements don't ask boring questions, give good energy throw little jokes. Make it about THEM (Not you) (but don't make it TOO much about them). Positive emotions, show status so they chase your validation, have a fun place to go to (logisticis). 

Remember everyone is entitled to not want to meet you or follow up, it could be a mirage of reasons and that's fine, just move on, but DON'T get salty about it & carry the bitter buthurt (creepy butthurt energy) onto further interactions, have no ego attached to it and meet another person.

But reading their signals if (She) is smiling and enjoying your jokes & energy then push it further, give more jokes more of yourself to lock them in. (On nights out I've approached girls who were clearly into my presence maybe even hooked but I didn't keep going even though they smiled clearly, I was half hearted, I got distracted, or I got put off by the girlfriend, guy friends or just got in my own head. So opposite skill of being able to let go,not be affected by rjection nor waste time in low interest reciever vs continuing, pushing more & locking in high interest positive receivers (sets). 

To do : Paste screenshots of Owen's Recap summary bullet points onto here for a concise, visual overview & reminder. 


It's that dance, that equilibrium, space, tension, pause, push/pull

1. You have to give people a chance to invest so that they can appreciate you / what you have to offer, give them a chance to show themselves worthy, prove & express themselves.

2. You can't have power and attraction if you're not willing to walk away from someone, you have to exude that energy from the inside out

(Caveat based on Personal experience : Also can't take this too literally and use this as an excuse to pull away from a girl when she's hooked or interested, because I'm "showing how un needy I am", this often just leads to a Wayne Newton, allows too much chaos, other guys come sweep in and you failed to lock her , It's weak and half hearted. 

So ... I guess it's all about sticking in there, persistance, but having the ENERGY of being willing to walk away, not actually caring about the outcome, but that doesn't mean "walking off half way through the process to show how un needy I am and show that I'm having fun with my friends" that's weak and fake and she'll forget you exist in a second as another guy sweeps in. 

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Sometimes people think im too blunt or rude but pickup, pickup taught me to Speak with conviction

  1. Making conscious + unlearning negative habits 
  2. Making conscious + Learning (Deliberately Practicing) positive habits

Waay too much to process : 

My sticking points TO WORK ON for this entire month

  • To eliminate : Filler words & sounds
  • To do intentionally : = PAUSE + EYE CONTACT



1. Some people speak in a way that is self-diminishing. Do you do any of the following?

Saying statements as questions. Think Valley Girl or the Kardashians, it’s all about the rising inflection at the end of a sentence. It’s also called up-speak and it’s a very common issue I come across in my work.

Swallowing words at the ends of phrases. This is when you start strong, but you drop away by the end of the sentence. It comes across as unconvincing to say the least.

Using filler words (like, so, um, you know, I mean…)

Speaking quickly and racing through your words, giving the impression of wanting to get things over and done with (so you can run in the other direction, perhaps?)

Fidgeting. This is often about making yourself small, meek and dare I say it, invisible

Cowering when challenged instead of calmly justifying yourself, and trusting in what you have to say

Avoiding eye-contact

2. What does speaking with conviction sound like?

Let’s firstly dispel the myth that a low-pitched voice is a voice of conviction or authority. It’s not that low-pitch is good and high-pitch is bad. The key is to avoid getting stuck in either one of those scenarios – the high-pitch voice that lacks gravitas, or the low-pitch voice that is dull and inaudible. Ideally, you’ll speak with a mixture of low and high pitch within your natural range; a variety appropriate to the emotion and energy of what you’re saying.

A person who conveys knowledge and authority is one that:

Speaks at a measured pace

Uses a variety of tone (not monotonous)

Finds the points in sentences that are worthy of emphasis

Pauses at strategic moments to draw people in (this is quite an advanced move!)

3. How can you speak with greater conviction?

Awareness is far and away the key factor! Awareness of other speakers (what captivates you about some, and what goes wrong with others), awareness of the reactions of the people you’re speaking to (yes, pay attention!) and finally, of course, self-awareness.

I’m not suggesting this level of self-awareness comes easily, and if you’d like help you can always get in touch and I’ll let you know how we can work through it together.

In the meantime, some actions you can take right away to improve your conviction are

1. Study and emulate

Watch the examples I gave – Oprah, Obama, and Jacinda Ardon. There is huge value in closely and mindfully watching, listening to, and emulating great speakers. Often we get so engrossed in these wonderful speakers that we don’t pay attention to their technique (and rightly so).

2. Use gesture

I frequently assist clients to use gesture in their speech. Gesture can be valuable to prevent, or make sure of, the build-up of nervous energy, when being very still can make matters worse. If you learn to use gesture deliberately, it can help you emphasise certain points.

3. Read out loud

This is one of my favourite ‘homework’ tasks to set my clients. Follow the punctuation in the text and use it to guide you, especially to practice your…pause! Reading out loud to children (or just reading children’s books out loud to yourself!) is brilliant as you can easily invite colour into your voice as you change your voice to follow a piece of dialogue, for example. Many children’s books even have visual guides as to what to doooo with your VOICE! (Like that!). Harness your most animated and expressive self.

4. Record your voice and listen back

Another great exercise is to record yourself speaking (reading a passage of text, for example) and listening back. You’ll be amazed how you actually sound versus how you think you sound.

5. Practice your presentations OUT LOUD!

This brings me to a point about practicing your actual presentations or speeches out loud. It’s baffling how many people turn up on the day of a presentation, having not once ever practiced their talk out loud! Writing to read and writing to speak are two very different things, and it’s imperative that your presentation is written for you to speak. You may even wish to start by saying what you want to say, then writing that down. And be sure to practice out loud, putting into action your expression and varied pitch with no upward inflection.

6. Ask for feedback

It’s important to feel comfortable to ask people for feedback, particularly in a situation in which you’re giving a formal presentation in the workplace. Be sure to ask a trusted person, and tell them prior to the presentation that you would appreciate their feedback.

7. Give your vocal folds a workout

Your vocal folds are like elastic and if you haven’t stretched them, you’ll have a flat and monotonous voice. This often happens with office workers in open plan offices, in which people are trying not to be too loud and everyone ends up with meek voices.

To ‘exercise’ your voice and develop a variety of pitches, start reading some text with a low pitch, then deliberately start the next sentence with a higher pitch, and on you go and then back down again. You can also try saying ‘yes’ ten times, but each time has to be different.

If you feel a little uncomfortable practicing or doing voice exercises at home or at work, don’t be concerned, simply follow the lead of one of my clients, he practices each day in his car.

8. Practice pausing

I mentioned earlier about the element of ‘pause’ in speech being an advanced move. We are all so accustomed to never being quiet in a still, un-stimulated way, that it’s almost impossible for many people to use ‘pause’ in a sentence without feeling terribly uncomfortable! So how about you start by introducing quietness into your every day and get used to the moments of quiet. Leave your phone in your bag when you’re waiting for the train, turn off the radio, just be still.

As Mark Twain said, “the right word may be effective, but no word was ever as effective as a rightly timed pause.”


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I will rewatch this video once per week.

Chat GPT 4 Video Summary : 


The video discusses six proven methods on how to get what you want. The first method is reciprocity, which involves showing kindness and generosity to others to increase the likelihood of them returning the favor. The second method is consistency, which uses the power of commitment and public endorsement to influence someone's actions or ideas. The third method is social proof, which shows people that others have already adopted a particular idea or action. The fourth method is liking, which involves building rapport and similarity with the person you want to persuade. The fifth method is authority, which uses credentials, titles, or other forms of expertise to influence people. Lastly, the sixth method is scarcity, which creates a sense of urgency or exclusivity by highlighting the limited availability of a product or service.

The video provides examples of how these methods can be used in different situations to achieve your desired outcome.

(And I can come up with my own speficic exmaples of how I can use people in my own life, strangers friends, friends of family ect. to get favors, clients collaberations ect..

  1. Reciprocity 
  2. Consistency 
  3. Social Proof
  4. Liking 
  5. Authority
  6. Scarcity
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On 11/04/2023 at 11:57 PM, Optimized Life said:

To do : Paste screenshots of Owen's Recap summary bullet points onto here for a concise, visual overview & reminder. 

People don't know you yet

Understand what they feel

Be ok inside yourself

People Like :

Great emotions


Validation to our ego

Better places to go


Respect for other people

Where they're coming form

Dose of your personality




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(GPT won't summarize the benefits because article "against content policy" ... it's about meditation wtf)

1. No Expectations. No Sorrow

2. Awareness of the Body Helps You to Stay in the Present Moment

3. A Calm Mind Can Have Exiting Conversations

4. Deep Focus Leads to Deep Connections

5. Self-Love Rejects the Wrong Partner

6. A Relaxed Mind Can Listen Carefully

  • women always complain that men don’t listen.
  • Hot girls are used to guys who don’t listen.
  • She’s desperately looking for a guy who cares about what’s behind her eyes and not just what’s behind her thighs.

7. A Terrible Rejection Is Just a Tiny Problem

8. Mindfulness Leads to Mindful Choices

9. Awareness is the Enemy of Jealousy

10. Your Ego Shrinks

This is all just theory ... lets go build that awareness.



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"Frame" determines which of those meanings becomes accepted. He who controls the frame controls the communication itself. For this reason, when people interact with other people, they constantly play frame games. Through behavioural cues and subtleties in what they say, people convey their assumptions. If this conveyance is done with enough congruence, others will accept the frame as reality without thinking twice about it. If your frame is strong enough, you can get away with anything.”


Found videos analysing what frame is and how to control (or not lose) the frame. 

I've taken paper notes to not lose the insights but it wasn't exhaustive so I hope revisiting these notes will jog my memory to any other connective nodes. 

I will return and add the videos and comments, and further analysis.

Adding to Mind Upgrade II 

Man of my word, sending the frame videos later


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I'm not sure if gates and nerds will ever make a comeback ever again, kind of like math professors who get nothing back, no credit nor compensation. They just work hard and suffer eternally

I love how blunt and honest he is. 

Stark reminder that being a nerd is over rated, nerds, just like manual laborers are undercompensated and are slave workers. 

The golden age of glorious programmers and Bill gates the hero nerd is long gone, and the reality is that the nerds typically don't go that far in life and even the Tech nerds time to shine is either abruptly dissipating or long gone already.

It's very tempting for me to try and become a super nerd or start learning phython but I have to remind myself that this is all a neurosis and driven by my lack of direction and desire to find some sort of "guaranteed", middle 6 figure career but I'm not being true to myself. 

I have to remind myself that I was always an all or nothing guy, risky bold controversial business idea with low odds, I have to stick to my guns and stay true to myself. I keep wasting time dabbling in mid level slave labour. 


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Nice guys are pretty creepy, they're always just handing out niceness with some motive to get something back in return and that's what makes them such creeps.

Generally always try to radiate bright energy and mood, but don't just throw out overt niceness cheaply, it's creepy. 

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On 25/04/2023 at 8:52 PM, Optimized Life said:

I have to remind myself that I was always an all or nothing guy, risky bold controversial business idea with low odds, I have to stick to my guns and stay true to myself. I keep wasting time dabbling in mid level slave labour. 

Career factors that I would consider as not slave labour,

*IT'S NOT BLACK & WHITE! (Technically ALL work is slave labour unless you're already very rich and feel you don't need anything, but It's a relative spectrum ... from the physical (think african) slaves who are paid nothing and abused, all the way to complete financial freedom, so even a boring remote job is somewhere in the middle of the spectrum as it ticks some of the parameters like location independence, which is still something to be grateful for alone)

  • Remote 
  • Location independent
  • Schedule independent (Flexible schedule or freelance ... but consistent enough to be considered a career (Not just being unemployed & therefore "free of schedule")
  • Fun 
  • High Paying
  • Transferable skill building, character developing 
  • *2nd Order Benefits 
  • Passive Income
  • Fame/status/connection related* (Not going to cover here as I lack enough XP among this parameter)

All of these factors are important & generally speaking the more ticked the better my life; fun high paying schedule independent remote job (7 figure creative youtuber) ... awesome lifestyle; very high on spectrum. Still, high paying schedule independent remote boring career like crypto trading might not be as high up, but still a 7.5/10 if it only takes 10 - 20H/week of your time, pays millions and enables you to do whatever you want with the rest of your life (Not saying this is realistic or that I will do this, just that SOME people do pull this off in the world and it works for them & it's technically possible although my enthusiasm for that type of thing has steadily declined).

Everyone has to eat and cover basic needs so even boring remote work with moderate pay can be good stepping stone and it might allow you to travel which 1. means more happiness when you're at least not working and 2. Can build social skills and network > which may ultimately lead to your escape anyway.

*Included transferable skill building, character developing" because some jobs may even be fucking horrible but if they are a temporary phase that truly leads to important skills or character dev than it can still be worthwhile and you can find peace in what you're developing despite the rest knowing you'll carry it with you

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Notes : 

  1. (Reminder) Attention Economy > Attention is everything, do whatever it takes to get that attention (Richard Branson's Hot air balloon stunt is an example) 
  2. Selling .. 1 simple key insight : SELLTHE BENEFITS + SELL THE NEED (Not the features), sell why they NEED your product, play on their insecurities if necessary, talk about what this will do for them with conviction
  3. Associate and join community of hardworking hustlers & grinders, DON'T be around losers, control the influence, join forums, live with them ect.
  4. Shut up around other hustlers : There's always something you can learn, even if there an addict, if they do a different biz or make good money, there's something they know that you don't, so don't talk so much & listen instead
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  1. Decide who you want to be (Connects to Leo's Decision video, Did u ever just sit down & think, what character do I want become, how would I want others to view me and describe me behind my back?)
  2. Prove it to yourself with small wins 

I want to overcome my weaknesses > I want to not procrastinate and be organized and disciplined 

I want my boss to see this, and I want to provide value to him and earn him money, and in turn he pays me thousands > With this money I travel more and fuck hot girls, and funds my deep desire to be seen as the sauve player type, charming womanizer. 

And through this I build capital and fund my identity to be an innovative maverick entrepeneur

First I start with the more boring step, getting some sales and earning my comission. 

I use Leos goal setting video to aid in this process, the outcome stage, writing it in my wall today.

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I almost didn't click on this video because I get massive grifter vibes from this guy, but regardless this video is absolutely persuasive and deep. 

I posted a "Quit coffee challenge" about a year ago and failed miserably at it ; my short-sightedness & love for coffee surpassed my desire to quit coffee, and fuckfaces like Andrew Huberman or Alex Hermosi probably influenced me to justify drinking it. If I had been lucky enough to stumble upon these videos, I probably would've quit for good. 

This guy has impeccable thought stream here, it is completely culturally arbitrary that we drink caffiene daily, that doesn't mean it's justified or innocent, or any more innocent than smoking or alcohol. 

So obvious but I never considered how caffiene and sugar are like best friends, or cousins. They merge and promote each other, they're together in most products, coca cola, chocolate, and they merge to form the perfect tasty high, and the use of 1 encourages the use of the other, partners in crime. 

I went a whole year without any serious intention to try give it up, such that I almost forgot that I ever used to just not drink coffee or consume caffiene, completely unconscious and in denial about all the health and life costs it's given taken from me. This year alone I have probably lost $1000-$2000 on caffiene, hours of sleep and productivity. Coffee is such a sneaky one because even the health gurus don't take it seriously, but I think coffee is fucking terrible for you. In theory if you had it once a month it be ok, but that is irrelevant because caffiene is ... ADDICTIVE, HABIT FORMING, UBIQUITOUS, TRENDY, TASTY (Lattes chocolates chocolate ect..)

I need more firm decision. Why did I go so long so unsconious and myopic. Caffiene makes me sweat, stressed, werid socially, sleep badly, probably aging my sking. And yet I kept drinking it ... because short-sightedness, and a lack of commitment to quiting. No. 

It's last year part 2, I have to do this and I genuinely believe it's worse for me than smoking, i'm sweating my face off as I type probably because of being over caffinated, never again fuck. 

tony rob caffiene.png

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I've watched 3 of Alexes videos now and I got the gist, but I want to retain the quiting blueprint in writing so there is a clear plan to revise :

  1. First week and even 3 weeks will be horrible 
  2. May have to intentionally not doing productive anything for a week (Not exactly feasible for me due to obligations)
  3. But Ideal would be just go sit in a forest for a week or watch movies 
  4. After 3/4 weeks should feel good again 
  5. From this point onwards will realize why I quit and should expect steady consistent energy throughout the day, without extreme morning fatigue, hopefully anxiety, stress is all gone 
  • Caffiene is literally just pounding your body with stress and cortisol, supressing gaba & adenosine function so you can't naturall relax and feel tired like you need to 
  • Fucked adrenal system > Random energy bursts late at night & unnatural energy & sleep cycle 
  • Inability to be happy without caffiene > Dependency, slavery
  • Worse social skills & social intelligence (From my own experience & intuition), harder to relate to others, less patience/listening ability & prescence 
  • Like precence how the fuk you present when you're bodies artificially pumping cortisol into your brain and bloodstream?
  • Caffiene & coffee should be seen as like some alcohol : Fun, cool to experience here & there, maybe a fun adventurous routine breaker : BUT NOT THE ROUTINE ITSELF. 
  • Being addicted to caffiene is no different than being a coke head or drug addict, stop justifying, normalising , accepting it. It's not natural, it's you're drinking stress poison for breakfast, ingesting toxic dirt juice.  

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