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Is it okay to talk about this?

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I found the perfect place to buy dmt. It is a website from Toronto. It's just hardly possible to get that though. So no way. I know sourcing is against forum guidelines, but if I am talking about it from Peru, I want to ask if there is a place in Peru that sells 5 Meo dmt so that I can go there and buy it and try it there which is not illegal, so if we can have a discussion about that here, that would be great. If this is possible of course. If not, I know where I could find stuff like mushrooms, but I don't think that's gonna help me much. I want to be wiped out of existance for a couple of seconds or minutes and I can achieve that with 5 meo dmt. I want to try this substance.

I could maybe go to Peru and order dmt from Toronto, but no way that I'm gonna wait for months for it to arrive and worry that it doesn't get replaced with something else while it is being delivered. Even this might not be possible, but it would be motivating enough to try. 

Maybe I could go to Mexico for that, but I don't think I can get the visa.

I think it is not against the guidelines to mention this in a way that talks about places where it isn't forbiden by law, thank God that these places exist after all, however riski it might be to go there, especially for me. Going there by itself would probably be like risking my life already, but it might be worth the 5 meo dmt. Again, if I am even able to make it there, which I honestly doubt that it is possible. But I have no other way. Only other way would be to, to break a law of a first world country, but I bet that is even less possible to do that than to go to South America. Only if I was able to get permission from the government, there's no other way. I think. 

Maybe Dutch and British authorities turn a blind eye to it, or maybe not. Dutch authorities probably do, although I am not willing to bet on it. 

Maybe it is safer to break a law than go to South America. Definitely is. Just, I don't know. I guess I am afraid of doing even that. 25mg of 5Meodmt in Paris would be quite a dream come true for me. OMG, it would probably be heaven next to the Eiffel tower.



PS: 5Meodmt is a very clear and direct route to infinity and infinite love. Very God. How can I get it as fast as possible?

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