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Two facts missed. I go out and walk, meet a neighboor that questions me a bit. Then on my way to a stop... my EX passes by all zipped up in a colorful jacket and with that hoodie sort of cap on. I look with astounded. I get inside a bus that goes nowhere near a school or anything else in the middle of the morning and a boy enters on a first stop going all the way down where I am to sit, despite having all the other spaces empty. He literally can't possibly have anything to do where that bus was going. And then on my way  to a river near by I get stopped by some man who comes fast with a car. After that on my way back two men come to intimidate me.

Yeah, I definitely have nothing left in this world. It's all theirs. They can so skillfully manipulate events and to my surprise are united, implicitaly telling me that I lost everything. Who? Well, some group of elite educated people that came together. I don't know every single one of them

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It wasn't about me going to a river, rather me going in the wrong direction deeper into a village or neighborhood.

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