
The significance of the full moon in spiritual practice

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Today appears to be a full moon day, which is considered a good time to practice spiritual exercises and meditation in various religious traditions. I used to wonder over this correlation, and the reasons underlying it.

I had found this article by spiritual master Choa Kok Sui ( founder of Modern Pranic Healing and Arhatic Yoga), which cites the benefits of meditation and spiritual practice during the full moon.




So the question is, what makes people have diverse experiences during the full moon? From insanity, violence, crime, and accidents to romance, spiritual experiences and illumination?

In fact, during full moon, everything will be magnified, good and bad. Therefore, full moon can be both viewed as a time of crisis as well as a time of opportunity. It depends on our overall state and activity during the full moon day to cultivate its positive or negative effects.

Spiritual practitioners in this case, use the magnifying effects of the full moon to deepen their spiritual practice and meditation and to be of greater help to humanity.

On the exact time of the full moon, as well as two days before and 2 days after, the effects are maximum.
Therefore, many practitioners worldwide try to stay away from sensual worldly life and focus their attention to spiritual development. Some further observe certain spiritual disciplines such as fasting to purify their vehicles and prepare themselves for the greater downpour of divine energies.

It is highly advisable thus, even if no spiritual practice is followed, to refrain from various commitments, stay calm and relax the mind during the full moon day to avoid possible emotional and mental fluctuations.


Edited by Ajay0

Self-awareness is yoga. - Nisargadatta

Awareness is the great non-conceptual perfection. - Dzogchen

Evil is an extreme manifestation of human unconsciousness. - Eckhart Tolle

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Yes is it very common among spiritual communities and native/indigenous peoples.

I AM the Eternal Child of Intelligent Infinity.

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On one hand, we can say we're connected to the natural world and planetary systems, hence the cause and effect. On the other hand, it can be said that it is a belief and if you believe in it, it'll become real for you.

So it depends, it's for you to decided whether it is something you want to adapt in your reality and spiritual work or not. 

I personally pay attention to the moon phases only when it's relevant to me or on a special occult occasion. And in general, I am surrounded with symbolism all the time; they are like clues for me in my wonderland haha. However, I keep an eye on myself as it easily becomes a new age ideology. 

Start noticing whether it affects you personally cause if this guru said so, it is not necessarily must be true for you.

softly into the Abyss...

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The full moon for this month May is on fifth, today.

The lunar calendar is used in Islam, and importance is attached to the new moon as well as the full moon for spiritual practices.




Traditional moon wisdom states that on the day of the New Moon the body’s capacity for detoxification is at its highest. This is a time, tradition says, to make healthy lifestyle changes, break bad habits and withdraw symptoms of imbalance. This is in complete synchronization with the fact that the prophet used to fast on the days of the full moon, saying, “It is like fasting the whole year.”


Self-awareness is yoga. - Nisargadatta

Awareness is the great non-conceptual perfection. - Dzogchen

Evil is an extreme manifestation of human unconsciousness. - Eckhart Tolle

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The full moon for this month is tomorrow on June 3.

A highly insightful article by female enlightened master Anandmurti Gurumaa on the significance of the full moon in spiritual practice...




The relation between the moon and the mind has been documented by the sages of ancient times. If the moon has the power to cause low and high tides; then it can surely have a strong effect on everything else in the nature, as well as on our mind.

One of the names of Lord Shiva is Chandramouleshwar, which means the one who is the Lord of the moon, the Lord of the mind, who fully comprehends the functioning of the mind in totality. Lord Buddha was born on a full moon day, he attained enlightenment on a full moon and he left his body on a full moon day. Same is true for Guru Nanak Dev ji, born on a full moon day and left the body on a full moon day. It is mysterious but the connection between the moon and the mind is very deep.

New moon signifies darkness of ignorance, darkness of the unconscious mind, while full moon symbolizes inner light, light of knowledge and luminous wisdom. One needs to understand the oscillating nature of the mind and must not allow the waxing and waning mind to affect the intellect. The wise one knows the art of detaching from the mind. The moon is cool, the sun is hot. And our mind should be cool like the moon, so that we can remain calm and equipoised in every situation, always making wise decisions. On the contrary, an ordinary mind is full of impurities and negativities, which makes the mind disturbed and unhappy. 


Self-awareness is yoga. - Nisargadatta

Awareness is the great non-conceptual perfection. - Dzogchen

Evil is an extreme manifestation of human unconsciousness. - Eckhart Tolle

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@Ajay0 as it has been told to me, our magnetic body swaves in an out of us through the moon phases:
New moon=magnetism complitely inside the physical body; Full moon=magnetism completely outside the physical body.

Magnetism carries memories, impressions, emotions, desires etc.

During the new moon day your magnetic body is super sensibleand directly impressionable by phisical acts. 
Those hours are pretty important to spend on purification work and fasting and chilling,
you can use a new moon day  to make a prayer in order to recieve something. cause it's like planting a seed in the dark of earth.

On the other hand,during a full moon is when life force reaches its climax, bringing the the fruits of your past actions. magnetism is in the ether.
This would explain all strange phenomena linked to it.

Hope this helped

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11 hours ago, Dazgwny said:


Don’t forget, science is also nonsense from a certain state of view.

Loving nonsense is sensible :D


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The full moon for this month is today on July 3. It is called as a Buck moon because the antlers of male deer (bucks) are in full-growth mode at this time.

The days of the new moon and full moon are also considered to be important in Wicca. I found these Wiccan articles informative and useful.




The different phases of the moon’s cycle are significant in some Pagan traditions, especially in Wicca, where the moon is associated with the Goddess. Wiccans believe the inherent spiritual power in nature is greatest on the night of the full moon. They gather at that time to work magick related to increase, fullness, and fruition, such as prosperity or growth. On new moons, Wiccans often gather for ritual that is connected with the unseen or for goals that need a period of gestation.




New moon rituals seems to be focused on setting intentions one wishes to manifest, while full moon rituals are focused on appreciation for personal accomplishments as well as gratitude to the Divine or nature for blessings and providence since the last full moon. 

Good mental hygiene practices for anyone to adopt, imho. :)

Self-awareness is yoga. - Nisargadatta

Awareness is the great non-conceptual perfection. - Dzogchen

Evil is an extreme manifestation of human unconsciousness. - Eckhart Tolle

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@Ajay0 today is Guru purnima and I would like to know a little more about it. I'm interested in Hindu spirituality. 


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