
What is the probability of having no bad trips?

17 posts in this topic

Is it even possible to have no bad trips in an entire lifetime? Has anyone in this forum ever had  no bad trips?

Would you say that having a life in order, meditating, eating healthy, and being in a positive emotional state, will have like a 1/100 chance of producing a bad trip?


Sorry for the excessive statistics lingo, been on some betting sites for the past couple of days.

Edited by EdgeGod900

I corporate now. No more jokes or I report, yes?

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I've never had what I consider a bad trip after using psychedelics for 17 years. Some serious emotional/psychological work sure, but nothing bad.

Respect the power of psychedelics, work with the appropriate dose, set, and setting, and be open to whatever happens. In this way you can greatly mitigate the risk of a trainwreck experience.


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1 minute ago, halfknots said:

Some serious emotional/psychological work sure, but nothing bad.



Can you elaborate more on this? Do you mean like you cry, feel sad, depressed, etc??

I corporate now. No more jokes or I report, yes?

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13 minutes ago, EdgeGod900 said:


Can you elaborate more on this? Do you mean like you cry, feel sad, depressed, etc??

That's not my experience, though there's nothing wrong with crying or feeling sad or depressed.

For me the challenging aspects of a trip usually come in the form of being made aware of ways in which I am behaving out of integrity or have done so in the past. Again there's nothing wrong with this and I'm grateful for it. It's simply illumination and invitation as to how I can better conduct myself in this lifetime.

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26 minutes ago, EdgeGod900 said:

Would you say that having a life in order, meditating, eating healthy, and being in a positive emotional state, will have like a 1/100 chance of producing a bad trip?

You’d be surprised. I do the opposite of everything you just mentioned most of the time, yet I have some of the most profound trips.

Do you really think God would be so biased to only allow perfect humans to have the best trips?

I AM reborn

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First 10 were all good, then there were some bad (dozens out of hundreds). Some people have them and some don’t, it seems — though it may take someone on average like 5-15 trips before getting one, so they might just be capable of them yet haven’t encountered one. But bad trips are there for a reason, and you don’t necessarily ever have a trip that is all good or all bad.

Edited by The0Self

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@The0Self my very first trip was very intense and “bad”, so I think that set the bar high for me and the proper expectations moving forward 

I AM reborn

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I have never had a bad trip, some were somewhat challenging. I think it all comes down to KNOW THYSELF.

When you truly know who you are beyond the mind, ego, characters, persona ect.. This is the dominating I AM presence.

When you Know Thyself, you become the Driving Engine of Life, you are Rooted to Source, nothing can really shake you.

Only the Mind can have bad trips, as soon as you return to the presence, beingness, there you are, the master.


Edited by M A J I

I AM the Eternal Child of Intelligent Infinity.

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I'm sitting around 10 trips and nothing bad yet. Though all on the same substance (acid)

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If you keep tripping sooner or later, you're going to have a bad trip.  Out of 200 trips I've had about 5-10 really bad ones. 

Also if you keep your dose low there is little risk. The higher the dose, the more likely it is that you will have a bad trip.

Edited by acidgoofy

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Out of over 100 I had one in the beginning. But I am glad I did it anyway. 

But the bad trip was my mistake. Took first time lsd high dose (230mg).I really wanted to know it. But then I wanted to stop because I realized I am not ready yet. You cannot stop high dose 

Edited by OBEler

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6 hours ago, acidgoofy said:

If you keep tripping sooner or later, you're going to have a bad trip.  Out of 200 trips I've had about 5-10 really bad ones. 

For sure. I feel like the bad trips are an opportunity to learn more about yourself and face your deepest fears. Easier said than done, of course.

I AM reborn

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On 4/6/2023 at 3:03 AM, OBEler said:

Out of over 100 I had one in the beginning. But I am glad I did it anyway. 

But the bad trip was my mistake. Took first time lsd high dose (230mg).I really wanted to know it. But then I wanted to stop because I realized I am not ready yet. You cannot stop high dose 

Surely you mean 230mcg. That's not a large dose though it's enough to go sideways if someone isn't prepared. 

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On 4/6/2023 at 5:03 AM, OBEler said:

But then I wanted to stop because I realized I am not ready yet. You cannot stop high dose 

Kind of like a rollercoaster, huh?

I AM reborn

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If you take to much before your ready then its very likely.

Got to start with a low dose and build your self up, get a feel of what the experience is like. 

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How is this post just me acting out my ego in the usual ways? Is this post just me venting and justifying my selfishness? Are the things you are posting in alignment with principles of higher consciousness and higher stages of ego development? Are you acting in a mature or immature way? Are you being selfish or selfless in your communication? Are you acting like a monkey or like a God-like being?

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You're ready to take psychedelics when in your mind it is worth taking even when you know you'll have so called "bad trip". That's the answer you're looking for.


Who told you that "others" are real?

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Just thinking about a bad trip here means you will have a higher chance of having one. Once the mind fixates on something negative, psychedelics can expose it by pulling it right from your brain socket and forcing you to face your fears. You can have this fear pre-consumption, and it can escalate during the consumption and trip phase. This also depends on the person, psychedelic and overall experience with psychedelics—the more experienced the user, the lower chance of them ever having a bad trip. 

Noobies are also obsessed with a bad trip because of reading others' bad trip reports. It would be best to ignore them, as your bad trip will differ from someone else's. A very high chance of having a bad trip is using too much of the chemical or combining it with other substances. This is pretty much a guaranteed bad trip. Instead of focusing on not having a bad trip, let go and learn what adventures are awaiting you! :)

My last 'bad trip' ended up teaching me a wonderful lesson: respect the chemical--it can kill you!

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