Chakra Lion

Recommendation for this Forum

2 posts in this topic

Following Leo and this forum for many years has been a great experience. I love and hate it, much like you would expect from a dualist reality. Leo is an amazing teacher, i have learned so much from the forum members, but these days I feel like there is something missing. For the last years I have fallen further and further away from the community due to its argumentative nature, although that is expected from a place of radical personal development. Yet I feel as if we could use this moment in a greater way.



Organize groups that meet Locally.

(Like Alcoholics Anonymous or Ecstatic Dance Groups, a local support group for Actualized members and others who want to connect in the real world. A feature could be added in this Forum much like where you can find local groups near you. Meet in a park or maybe a organizer could choose another place. Have someone who understands Spiral Dynamics and the Chakras to open the members up for discussion. You could even certify people that could then be official leaders.)


Personally I do not resonate with this Forum format anymore. I love this community but I desperately desire to grow with you all in the real world. ❤️

Is all that we see or seem

But a dream within a dream?

- Edgar Allen Poe 

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The point is to discover the divinity within Yourself so you can go venture off and do those things on your own.

Love awaits ;)

In practical terms: Wake up and realize that those types of groups already exist. You just have to find them.

Edited by Yimpa

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