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A glimpse of awakening?

2 posts in this topic

(Serious ego gratification shit.)

So, after contemplating my experience for a long time, I became directly conscious that there is no ground to my experience, nothing "behind the scenes", and that, as Leo says, it's all imagination. That I, God, am creating my experience. And that, due to the singular nature of God, there is only me.

So really, making this post doesn't make any sense, because I'm basically just asking myself. For I am the one creating all the responses, as a way to delude myself into believing in otherness and spin all kinds of stories. Because without delusion, there is only the oneness of God and there really isn't anything to do (other than to create more falsehood).

I've experienced this previously, but then I reacted with immense fear and a desire to return to delusion, because it undermined my entire existence. But this time, since my life is pretty far in the shitter and because I've accustomed to this truth through numerous exposures, I didn't really care that much, and it even brought with it a sense of comfort to realize this existential aloneness (another perspective: total togetherness).

But I'm not experiencing this right now. When I did I became aware of the absurdity of making a post like this, but now I'm pretty well immersed into delusion again so I don't see it as clearly as I did.

So, it was kind of like seeing clearly that God spins delusion because there really isn't any alternative. The alternative is just for God to rest as God.

Edited by Egosum

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