
Shit's About To Go Down

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So who else has been having this feeling that cool shit is about to go down in the next 3-5 years to come all over the Earth?

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@Setty Whatthefuck u talking about









Animal cruelty


Mental illness

Global warming

Money systems


Devastated nature

Bodybuilders drinking breast-milk




Oh oh sorry was I not being spiritual? Wopsss.

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Well there is a lot of horrid things but you are ignoring all the beautifull things that we have in this world you are taking for granted. With this attitude we can solve any number of worlds problems, cure as many diseases as we want but it won't ever enough. A lot of suffering is created because we don't see all the beautiful things we already have.

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@Setty oh god i didn't intend this topic to be this "anti-gratitude" nonsense.

It's fine. If you don't have an intuitive feeling that shits about to go down you don't have it. I do. Many others do too. It's cool. Ascension will come. It is destined

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@unknownworld Yo dude you don't understand the meaning of the word intuitive dog.

I have a feeling! Not I DEMAND not I HATE nor DISLIKE.

I have an intuition. If you have a manual how to shut that off (maybe less meditation, more drugs and alcohol, some unpleasant experiences thrown in??) Im open yo dog ?

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@Martin123Yeah I believe that there are going to be some massive shifts going on soon, seems like there's a lot of people waking up lately and I think its about to speed up even more. Should be interesting to see how this plays out, I talked to a healer recently and he told me that the planet is close to ascension. Still kind of crazy considering if you told me this a year ago I'd call bullshit but based off of my experiences there seems to be something big coming. 

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@Bebop if u told me a month ago I'd call BS. But changes in myself kinda mirror the pace at which the collective is gaining the ability to change.

Edited by Martin123

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@Martin123Yeah definitely, I think as a species we are finally realizing that there's something much bigger than ourselves at work here and science is slowly starting to prove that :) 

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Its already happening for a long time but only those who focus on the good see the good :)

Although i agree, 2017 has already shown more powerful of change in the short amount of time than all the previous years.

He was always right and i always believed him. His words always felt as pure as they come.


Edited by pluto


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I have that feeling too that something is going to change this planet in the near future. Maybe aliens will come to Earth and change our understanding of ourselves and the universe? Or maybe a global ascension could happen? Or nuclear Armageddon? Or a comet could come out from behind the sun with little warning on a direct collision course with Earth instead of a near miss like comet Hyakutake in 1996. Or a Coronal mass ejection (solar flair) that hits the Earth directly from our own Sun. Even a magnetic pole reversal would be a major disruption of everyday life. The fact is the Earth is well overdue for another major ELE or Extinction- Level- Event. The chances for that happening far out weigh the chances for a world wide spiritual ascension. But anything is possible. The question is "What will be the next chapter?"




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Troll posts from Martin as usual,  bringing egoic me and you into conversations. Making me do the same becuz im weak minded egoic fool as well.

Well my ego can beat your ego by saying,  

1) Duh you dont need intuition, you only need to know about the exponential growth of advancements in technology and the eventual AI.

2) Everything is a dream, Earth is a belief. There's only now, your room or wherever you are facing.

3) cool shit is a broad as f term. Has cool shit nit happened? You do take it for granted and focus on negativity. Thats how you create your reality, so be very careful what you focus on. For your own sake. That list you made makes me smh.

List the good things and smile. See the cool shit is already here, for example what are you writing on?

Edited by Dodoster

-1/12 is Infinity 

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5 minutes ago, Dodoster said:

See the cool shit is already here,

@Dodoster Did you ever see a really cool comet like Hyakutake that is very close to Earth? I did and It was so amazing! It stretched 3/4 's the way across the sky. It was one of the most humbling sights I had ever seen in my life. If you haven't seen a close comet yet get ready, you will at some point. I have a great respect for comets since witnessing that event! They can just as easily create life as take it away. :)

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4 minutes ago, cetus56 said:

They can just as easily create life as take it away. :)

It "seems"  that life is created and destroyed, but that's not what really happens. There's no creation and nothing is destroyed, life always is there. And that's all there is.



Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

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1 minute ago, abrakamowse said:

It "seems"  that life is created and destroyed, but that's not what really happens. There's no creation and nothing is destroyed, life always is there. And that's all there is.



But what happens when you want to stay in only one dream forever. I agree that after death the only possibility is experience/life, so death is nonexistent to the self...

But I wouldn't rly like to lose my current dream to become a dumb baby that has to learn everything from 0 again... Thats why I want to break the cycle and remember the one that was never born and will never die.

I guess its not the Ego that is in control, so all I can do is accept and see what happens!

-1/12 is Infinity 

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how I feel it, the planet Earth is pretty much nice place. You know - there is no any other place in the universe to call "Home".

But more seriously - by the statistics, as I have heard around:

the global warming is getting better,

The pollution is temporary event, that apears to disapers,

murders are our smallest problem - they are constantly getting lower by the last 60 years, now they are such rare, that a murder from the oposite of the planet takes place in daily news,

the political system is always the same, no matter who rules,

(and the boadybuilders got almoast extinct after the PS4 got envolved, so there is no problem to solve with them).

You might have another point of view @Martin123, but as I feel it, the planet is going pretty well. We might have some problems with the money system as far, as the psychopathy level in society is groving, I admit, but! I believe, that it si going to get better!

Love, Delinkaaaa!

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2 hours ago, cetus56 said:

I have that feeling too that something is going to change this planet in the near future. Maybe aliens will come to Earth and change our understanding of ourselves and the universe? Or maybe a global ascension could happen? Or nuclear Armageddon? Or a comet could come out from behind the sun with little warning on a direct collision course with Earth instead of a near miss like comet Hyakutake in 1996. Or a Coronal mass ejection (solar flair) that hits the Earth directly from our own Sun. Even a magnetic pole reversal would be a major disruption of everyday life. The fact is the Earth is well overdue for another major ELE or Extinction- Level- Event. The chances for that happening far out weigh the chances for a world wide spiritual ascension. But anything is possible. The question is "What will be the next chapter?"

When you have the feeling something is going to happen, you actually want it to happen, which is really understandable in this era. Most of the old age believes and ethics are out-dated and people are starting to get confused (open internet and strict cultural believes don't mix). Religion, rights, monetary system (rich and poor) all feel like they need to be reevaluated and that's why many people feel there is something going to happen. Eventually it will happen and we will see some kind of revolution which will be hard for the ones that are so tied/dependent on this system.

Edited by Principium Nexus

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2 hours ago, Dodoster said:

Troll posts from Martin as usual,  bringing egoic me and you into conversations. Making me do the same becuz im weak minded egoic fool as well.

Well my ego can beat your ego by saying,  

1) Duh you dont need intuition, you only need to know about the exponential growth of advancements in technology and the eventual AI.

2) Everything is a dream, Earth is a belief. There's only now, your room or wherever you are facing.

3) cool shit is a broad as f term. Has cool shit nit happened? You do take it for granted and focus on negativity. Thats how you create your reality, so be very careful what you focus on. For your own sake. That list you made makes me smh.

List the good things and smile. See the cool shit is already here, for example what are you writing on?

I am glad you got triggered. It means there is a lot to be learnt by both of us from our interactions on the forum. There is nothing troll about it.

1 hour ago, cetus56 said:

@Dodoster Did you ever see a really cool comet like Hyakutake that is very close to Earth? I did and It was so amazing! It stretched 3/4 's the way across the sky. It was one of the most humbling sights I had ever seen in my life. If you haven't seen a close comet yet get ready, you will at some point. I have a great respect for comets since witnessing that event! They can just as easily create life as take it away. :)

That sounds magnificent.

12 hours ago, pluto said:

Its already happening for a long time but only those who focus on the good see the good :)

Although i agree, 2017 has already shown more powerful of change in the short amount of time than all the previous years.

He was always right and i always believed him. His words always felt as pure as they come.


Apparently Tesla was a wise man. Many often quote him, and it is usually on point. Then again, everyone can be quoted in a way that is on point.

Follow me on Instagram for quantum and energetic healing.

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