
Dr. Stevenson Research On Reincarnation

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Here is clip of Dr. Stevenson presenting his research on reincarnation. If we are One consciousness, why do only certain people remember and not all of us?  Doesn't that mean consciousness can become individualized or appear to be? 



Edited by Deep
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The unborn Lord has many incarnations. BPHS 

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39 minutes ago, Deep said:

If we are One consciousness, why do only certain people remember and not all of us?

This idea does not exist in the religions that have arisen out of Judaism, Christianity and Mohammedanism. 

The philosopher Keith Augustine has written "the vast majority of Stevenson's cases come from countries where a religious belief in reincarnation is strong, and rarely elsewhere, seems to indicate that cultural conditioning (rather than reincarnation) generates claims of spontaneous past-life memories.

The philosopher C. T. K. Chari of Madras Christian College in Chennai, a specialist in parapsychology, argued that Stevenson was naive and that the case studies were undermined by his lack of local knowledge. Chari wrote that many of the cases had come from societies, such as that of India, where people believed in reincarnation, and that the stories were simply cultural artifacts.


You will be surprised: all vegetarian religions believe in reincarnation, and all non-vegetarian religions believe in only one life. This can not be a coincidence. 

Pythagoras vegetarianism first brought to the West. And Pythagoras discovered the Western mind - the idea of reincarnation. 

If a person is an absolute vegetarian, he can easily recall past lives. Pythagoras visited India, deeply meditated realized past lives. 

1 hour ago, Deep said:

why do only certain people remember and not all of us?

Nature in its wisdom never allows you to remember your past lives – unless you come to a point where it can be allowed, when you become so meditative that nothing disturbs you, then the gates open and all your past lives are before you. It is an automatic mechanism, though sometimes the mechanism doesn’t work. Through accidents some children are born who can remember. But their lives are destroyed.

You don’t remember because it would be difficult for you to manage. Even in this life you are making such a mess – many lives remembered, you would simply go mad. 

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@Prabhaker You're right. Maybe Brahman is able to divide itself into multiple atmans and some can remember who they were. I don't think it has to do with culture. 

The unborn Lord has many incarnations. BPHS 

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