Sultan Al Hind

How to trap a solipsisst and make him give up his solipsissm

11 posts in this topic

a master solipsisst will say everything is an illusion. this is an illusion, that is an illusion. fine fine. there is only way to test it all. freeze his bank account, sieze his property, get all his assets. put him in the middle of a desert. he will ask for food, we say that food is an illusion. he will ask for water , we say to him that water is an illusion. he will ask for shelter. we tell to him that shelter is an illusion. in this case, he will soon give up his sollipsissm or he will die defending his ideologies .  imo no solipsisst in this forum will die for solipsissm. they will give up solipsissm and say food and water is not an illusion  and get food and water and get back to their house asap

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If I lock you in a cage and threaten to cut off your dick, I will get you to admit that the Earth is flat.

Therefore the Earth is flat. Right?

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Someone hereyoung man,  why do u need solipsissm for. india is different from europe or US. there are 1.4  billion people  . get rid of all this garbage and work 7 to 9 hours a day for your job. then after that job u can engage in solipssism and other mental mastubatory ideologies as much as u want. but u need to put 7 to 9 hours a day for your daily job. be realistic. india is not america. 1 dollar is 80 Indian rupees. what is this other than exploitation . this is pure exploitation. i cannot write more as i will get banned. situation in india is different from west. be realistic.  youtubers in countries that are rich can  engage in many mental mastubatory theories. in India it is pure survival. work on a realistic 9-5 job  and after that, for the rest of time u can engage in solipsissm or womanising or other things

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@Sultan Al Hind Solipsism says nothing about needing to survive and work a job. You need to work if you want to survive.

It shouldn’t be treated as some idealogy that makes you a retard. You need to survive, be practical and develop healthy relationships with others.

Edited by Thought Art

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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This is exactly why hardly any spiritual guru talks about solipsism as being true. The students lose their shit and will haunt their guru forever with their stupidity.

The only thing that can ever be known to be certain to exist is the Self. Everything in existence is the Self. 

Edited by r0ckyreed

“Our most valuable resource is not time, but rather it is consciousness itself. Consciousness is the basis for everything, and without it, there could be no time and no resource possible. It is only through consciousness and its cultivation that one’s passions, one’s focus, one’s curiosity, one’s time, and one’s capacity to love can be actualized and lived to the fullest.” - r0ckyreed

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6 hours ago, Sultan Al Hind said:

a master solipsisst will say everything is an illusion. this is an illusion, that is an illusion. fine fine. there is only way to test it all. freeze his bank account, sieze his property, get all his assets. put him in the middle of a desert. he will ask for food, we say that food is an illusion. he will ask for water , we say to him that water is an illusion. he will ask for shelter. we tell to him that shelter is an illusion. in this case, he will soon give up his sollipsissm or he will die defending his ideologies .  imo no solipsisst in this forum will die for solipsissm. they will give up solipsissm and say food and water is not an illusion  and get food and water and get back to their house asap

There are illusions all around us in our daily life.

1. A woman in make-up looks different from her natural face. That's an illusion. 2. A woman in high heels looks taller than she actually is. That's an illusion. 3. A person speaking through a microphone sounds different than his natural voice. That's an illusion. 4. A person looking through sunglasses sees a different hue of the atmosphere. That's an illusion. A vehicle's side mirror says "vehicles appear closer than they seem(sic) Thats an illusion. I can go on and on. A cake doesn't just pop outta nowhere, ingredients are needed. Without the ingredients the cake cannot exist. Those ingredients formed the illusion of a cake. The ingredients are still within the cake but the cake was dependent on the ingredients to be formed. The ingredients were also dependent on a source. Those sources are also dependent on other sources. Everything is dependent on something else to exists. It's all an appearance. Things are just appearing. Appearing from what. Emptiness. No-thing. Which creates everything. Everything comes from nothing. Take away everything and nothing remains. Put them all back, they are just appearing and that's the illusion. You don't dismiss your Beau because she wears lipstick you just understand that it's the reason why her lips appear red and you act accordingly and life goes on. The Ego is an illusion so it needs illusory things to survive. The space that holds everything in the Universe doesn't need the Universe to exist. That space is also illusory; because if everything is illusory, there's nothing to hold. You cannot put illusory water in a real glass. The illusory water can only appear to be in the "real" glass, if it's apparent there's water in the glass..Everything is real and unreal simultaneously. Unreal...has to be appearing unreal out of something...real has to be appearing real out of something. That something is the Source from which both are appearing. That Source is one. If you believe that Source has to come from another Source, then that's the Souce; and if you believe that Source has to be coming from another Source, then that's the Source. Go back until there's no beginning to this Source. It is Infinite. No beginning, no end. Infinity is all there is. You are Infinity. So you are all there is. Hence, Solipsissm. 

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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@CosmicExplorer I can't believe id get to watch Mike spew such nonsense ?, i guess he is way too out of his niche in this topic ?

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if everything is an illusion , then a solipsisst need to survive without taking food and water.

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solipsissm is an ancient ideology. it was put in its place in ancient times. now with new age movement , it is coming to life

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Instead of looking at it as 

"You are the only being in the universe."

read it as

"everything in this universe and the universe itself is me."



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