
"Leo's worst outburst yet" post: Thoughts/Considerations: Atrocious Leadership

46 posts in this topic

This post I speak of is titled "Leo's worst outburst yet"  and can be found on the bottom of page 3 (maybe page 4 now) of this Personal Development - Main sub-forum

Leo, I think that what you're doing, the way you've behaved, is developing into something not too great.  Though there may be aspects of what you do that feel and are true and good or useful, it's just with the lack of leadership that I feel you've definitely deluded yourself and others.  The issue that came up that sparked this post was when you pretty disrespectfully, and even in breach of your own rules for the forum (it seemed you were probably on psychedelics, and you called him names like stupid etc., which are against forum policies), spoke and chastised a member.  This breaking of your own rules and guidelines is a big red flag and signifier to me that your maturity is still not wholly great.  I just think that that was totally and unequivocally out of line and should be told as such.  Just don't try to be so arrogant and then be so dismissive of your behaviors.  One thing I believe that would help is being in a community more where your behaviors and ideas can be checked.  I think you've done lots alone and maybe have lost touch with what feeling and helping others is about.  Or that you even consider others much when you interact with them (not in a detached sense of love for them when alone, etc.).  Maybe even your entire formulation of spirituality and reality are not real as well.  

What you said was just atrocious and just really fucking shitty tbh. Plain and shitty. Like, let the people do what they do, don't yell at them etc.. Just relax.  Goddamn, like, ya, it was just really bad behavior for you to react that way.  I know you probably have tons of reasons and excuses.  One being "you can't be too nice, you gotta be disagreeable", etc..  Seems like you can just excuse any shitty behavior of yours now.  But save them.  I just hate all that talk.  That's totally some negative-guru behavior that's common and has been pointed out by many people in the field as toxic behaviors.  

I believe you should definitely apologize and not do it again.  You often come out saying you're trying to change your behaviors, but I don't see it in all the years I've followed you.  It may even seem to be getting worse in my opinion.  I believe connecting with a group more tightly, and exposing yourself to more people online in interviews etc., having discussions, etc., is probably helpful too.  

It was just atrocious and I don't see how people can put up with that and follow him any longer tbh.  It's just atrocious.  I believe it's not so good to stay here and take all this shit.  So I'm gunna be leaving.  I love ya'll, especially @Michael569.  Appreciate muchly the services and kind banter and opinions.  Though sometimes maybe too intellectual for me.  I hope ya'll find some peace of mind and mindfully be aware of how people treat you and each other. 

Join together if you can.  Create shit together.  Believe that transcendence without a sense of grounded naturalism won't be very beneficial and healthy.  Develop personal autonomy and don't put up with people yelling at you, breaking their own rules, etc., especially as a "leader".  



Edited by Matt23

"Just a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down"   --   Marry Poppins

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Leadership is more complicated than you comprehend.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

Leadership is more complicated than you comprehend.

This is undeniable. In this sort of context, the online-ultimate-awakening-drug-neurodivergent-context, it’s even more complicated. I struggle quite a bit just trying to lead people on how to make food in an incredibly easy restaurant. Making over 40,000 personal interactions in a way that is acceptable to everyone while maintaining a degree of authenticity is impossible. 

BUT Leo you are a bit too silly of a goose for my liking at times, but I guess the hundreds of hours of content and help in managing my life’s greatest challenges balances those scales out a bit. 

I think distinguishing the forum from the YouTube quality teachings is important. Here you get to see that Leo is, at least at times, human. I’m sure we all have our fair share of what can appear to be morally reprehensible moments. 

What did the stage orange scientist call the stage blue fundamentalist for claiming YHWH intentionally caused Noah’s great flood?


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1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

Leadership is more complicated than you comprehend.

I get that and have no doubt about it.  

Do you see my point though?  In regards to the specific post, not the other stuff I tossed in there.

Like... that was pretty outrageous and just... like common decency, teacherly decency, seemed to have gone completely out the window there, and this seems to be a common issue with you.

I don't want to leave and feel bad about saying that since I feel some good people reside here and community is important to me.  I value that much.  But I just feel it's time to step away... I duno.  That doesn't really matter though.  The point is that what you said was like... pretty out-there, and to like not see that is sort of messed imo.

But I just think that it was definitely a poor judgment to react the way you did and feel it's not in the best interest of people to treat them that way.  Primarily since, at the bottom of it, it's unkind and demeaning.  


Edited by Matt23

"Just a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down"   --   Marry Poppins

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Ironically, Leo called me out once and it transformed me rapidly. 


Edited by Yimpa

(but also, Linktree @ joy_yimpa ;-)

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3 minutes ago, Squeekytoy said:

Daddy Leo.

You don’t become the baddest daddy in the universe by being a bitch ;)

(but also, Linktree @ joy_yimpa ;-)

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Godspeed Matt, hope you'll find the peace you're looking for ?‍♂️

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I help others overcome health challenges that impact their energy, motivation, and well-being. Feel free to reach out for a confidential conversation about anything you're currently struggling with. 

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11 hours ago, Matt23 said:

Like... that was pretty outrageous and just... like common decency, teacherly decency, seemed to have gone completely out the window there, and this seems to be a common issue with you.

What's outrageous is the crap you guys speak here about Awakening.

I am not playing nice with you. I will beat you with a broomstick if you speak falsehoods about Awakening. THAT is my leadership. If you cannot handle it, there is the door.

You actually believe you can manipulate me with your crying when I call out your games?! How dare you.

If you play games with me I will beat you over the head until you hate me and leave. You will Awaken or you will hate me. One or the other. Maybe both. I will destroy everything you believe. That is what I do.

The problem here is that you think you have figured most of this out and that I'm just being a jerk for no reason. I am being a jerk to you because you are fooling yourself and will not Awaken otherwise. You force me to use emotion against you because you will not listen to calm reason.

I want you to have nightmares of me beating you with a broomstick for daring to think you understand GOD.

I am not going to play any of these spiritual games of acting like a humble pious saint. All of that, which you have been brainwashed to believe Awakening is like, is crap and illusions. You judge how conscious someone is by how nice they treat you. No! I treat you bad precisely because I am more conscious than any of these Eckhart Tolle/Rupert Spira idiots. They are fooling you. If I treated you nice you would not be serious enough. This is like military. There are higher priorities here than being nice to you.

I don't expect you to understand me. Not for years. Maybe after a decade of work you will finally understand why I act exactly as I do. There is an insane intelligence behind what I say. It's too intelligent for you to comprehend. Not because you can't, but because you take this work for granted. You take it as something straightforward.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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On 2023-04-01 at 10:02 PM, Matt23 said:

This post I speak of is titled "Leo's worst outburst yet"  and can be found on the bottom of page 3 (maybe page 4 now) of this Personal Development - Main sub-forum

Leo, I think that what you're doing, the way you've behaved, is developing into something not too great.  Though there may be aspects of what you do that feel and are true and good or useful, it's just with the lack of leadership that I feel you've definitely deluded yourself and others.  The issue that came up that sparked this post was when you pretty disrespectfully, and even in breach of your own rules for the forum (it seemed you were probably on psychedelics, and you called him names like stupid etc., which are against forum policies), spoke and chastised a member.  This breaking of your own rules and guidelines is a big red flag and signifier to me that your maturity is still not wholly great.  I just think that that was totally and unequivocally out of line and should be told as such.  Just don't try to be so arrogant and then be so dismissive of your behaviors.  One thing I believe that would help is being in a community more where your behaviors and ideas can be checked.  I think you've done lots alone and maybe have lost touch with what feeling and helping others is about.  Or that you even consider others much when you interact with them (not in a detached sense of love for them when alone, etc.).  Maybe even your entire formulation of spirituality and reality are not real as well.  

What you said was just atrocious and just really fucking shitty tbh. Plain and shitty. Like, let the people do what they do, don't yell at them etc.. Just relax.  Goddamn, like, ya, it was just really bad behavior for you to react that way.  I know you probably have tons of reasons and excuses.  One being "you can't be too nice, you gotta be disagreeable", etc..  Seems like you can just excuse any shitty behavior of yours now.  But save them.  I just hate all that talk.  That's totally some negative-guru behavior that's common and has been pointed out by many people in the field as toxic behaviors.  

I believe you should definitely apologize and not do it again.  You often come out saying you're trying to change your behaviors, but I don't see it in all the years I've followed you.  It may even seem to be getting worse in my opinion.  I believe connecting with a group more tightly, and exposing yourself to more people online in interviews etc., having discussions, etc., is probably helpful too.  

It was just atrocious and I don't see how people can put up with that and follow him any longer tbh.  It's just atrocious.  I believe it's not so good to stay here and take all this shit.  So I'm gunna be leaving.  I love ya'll, especially @Michael569.  Appreciate muchly the services and kind banter and opinions.  Though sometimes maybe too intellectual for me.  I hope ya'll find some peace of mind and mindfully be aware of how people treat you and each other. 

Join together if you can.  Create shit together.  Believe that transcendence without a sense of grounded naturalism won't be very beneficial and healthy.  Develop personal autonomy and don't put up with people yelling at you, breaking their own rules, etc., especially as a "leader".  



   Is this the thread you're referring to?


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On 4/2/2023 at 7:23 AM, Squeekytoy said:



"One evening the Master sat cooling himself on the veranda. Again I brought him a verse I had written.

"Delusions and fancies," the Master said.

I shouted his words back at him in a loud voice, whereupon the Master seized me and rained twenty or thirty blows with his fists on me, and then pushed me off the veranda.

This was on the fourth day of the fifth month after a long spell of rain. I lay stretched out in the mud as though dead, scarcely breathing and almost unconscious. I could not move; meanwhile the Master sat on the veranda roaring with laughter."

— Hakuin Ekaku

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11 minutes ago, Squeekytoy said:

@Gnosis Now we're talking  ? 

Would you want to study under such a teacher?

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5 minutes ago, Squeekytoy said:

Only if I were serious. About my study, and about teachers.

Just admit defeat, my guy. :P

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On 02/04/2023 at 2:46 AM, Yimpa said:

Ironically, Leo called me out once and it transformed me rapidly. 


Lol. So we are his 'dogs' basically? ??‍♂️


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19 minutes ago, Javfly33 said:

Lol. So we are his 'dogs' basically? ??‍♂️



(but also, Linktree @ joy_yimpa ;-)

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Astounding levels of ungratefulness. Ya'll free to leave, more of his attention for me.



Actualized haiku.png

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I know this is a serious post but look what GPT did:

Leo's fiery passion, a broomstick's lash, He won't tolerate falsehoods or illusion's brash,

About the sacred task of Awakening, He'll beat with words, until you find its meaning.


Games they play to fool themselves, He'll beat them, until they awaken from their mental shelves.

His leadership may seem harsh, but he's on a mission, To destroy beliefs, help them climb spiritual condition.


Emotion and intensity, reason falls on deaf ears, His words a nightmare, of broomsticks and fears.

Not humble or pious, a warrior on a spiritual quest, To awaken the world, rise to their very best.


They may not understand him, insane intelligence within, In time, they too will see the truth and begin to awaken from sin.

For he knows Eckhart Tolle's and Rupert Spira's folly, Too conscious for their idiocy, his intelligence too jolly.


Military-like priorities, higher than being nice, He speaks his truth, with wit and spice.

For Leo knows, this work's not straightforward, It's a journey of awakening, something to be explored.

"The wise seek wisdom, a fool has found it."

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@HMD it takes sincerity not to pass that off as your own. I appreciate the fact that you (among others on this forum) state when GPT wrote what they're about to say.

"It is from my open heart that I will mirror you, and reflect back to you all that you are:

As a being of love, of energy, 

of passion, and truth."

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5-Meo Baby #1 Nervous System Destroyer :D

jokes aside... What if Leo is playing the role of the Devil, Satan, Lucifer?

In that sense he is playing his role perfectly, there is nothing wrong with that, its up-to you to be the Master and decipher the codes and symbology and not get "triggered" and fall into the traps.

The Guru sometimes plays the Opposite for a very deep teaching. You can fall into the storm or rise unto your peace.

I feel where you are coming from but then again you are on an online forums seeking truth from a system/entity that is still discovering itself.

Return to the Tao ~






I AM the Eternal Child of Intelligent Infinity.

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