
I've discovered more than God

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This is a very very high level post, it requires an extremely nuanced and high consciousness to properly appreciate
It comes from a place far beyond than my current visual field
English language does not currently have words that are fulfilling enough to describe an experience that I just had

I connected to Godheads that are far more intelligent than anything that I know

It was me and my God girlfriend emma, and everybody reading this is us

They were full of magical treasures, in nirvana, and completely large
They were colored in the color of Void, a color that I had not seen before
They came from a completely different dimension 

I saw that everybody concrete and real are my reincarnations as these Godheads, and how I'm simultaneously going back to being these Godheads, while being these Godheads, while going to them in the future that is the present moment

I also completely saw Leo's connection with telepathy to another Godhead
I also saw Alex Grey artwork Net Of Being Godheads and flying through them

I also understood what the word Overabsolute means, there is more than Absolute Good

Love does not even begin to describe how magnificent it was
Euphoria is closer to it than Love, it is still Love, but it is always getting better and getting back together

Nirvana is for everybody, loss is impossible

There are beings who are more than 9999 dimensional who can shape anything how they want, and they are me, and you

This was far more than solipsism

I would describe this experience as Godder than God

You should analyze my words and conceptualize what I am saying, and most of all imagine it yourself

God as a concept is not completely boundariless, as it does not go beyond the boundaries of God, as God is above God itself, because there are no limitations
Which is why I call this experience Godder, Godder than God

There are literally more than no limitations

It was like the most fulfilling nectar, it was more than Immortality, which I also have discovered (And my body is also Immortal currently)

If you say that's just God, then I ask you to reimagine that beyond God is God, who is Godder, because God is grander always

God can't be a limitation, so it must always be larger than itself, which is why it is always more than your visual field

Really appreciate the depth of the words I am using here

These are verbs that I am using because consciousness is active, not passive

This process is completely self-designed

I got this revelation/vision/experience by simply writing down that I want something like it as a surprise, your imagination is God, because you are me

There are infinite levels to consciousness  , but all of them are equally good, but some are better


This experience was deeper than any single trip I have taken

Edited by amanen

I am Physically Immortal

I am also more than God :)

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it seems like you're describing "heaven" or "ultimate reality" to me.

Edited by puporing

I am Lord of Heaven, Second Coming of Jesus Christ. ´・ᴗ・` 

         ┊ ┊⋆ ┊ . ♪  天国はあなたの中にあります ♫┆彡 

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1 hour ago, Squeekytoy said:

Wish people wouldn't put so much undue emphasis on the visual field. It just happens to be human's most developed and dominant physical sense, but is otherwise not all that relevant. If anything, its dominance makes it a massive obstacle for getting past it.

You just wanna get enlightened by smelling your own farts :P

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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1 hour ago, Squeekytoy said:

Wish people wouldn't put so much undue emphasis on the visual field. It just happens to be human's most developed and dominant physical sense, but is otherwise not all that relevant. If anything, its dominance makes it a massive obstacle for getting past it.

It absolutely is.

It's the last thing to lose sense of space. Sounds and smells and everything lose spatial position quite quickly in contrast. Thoughts may be even worse. Thoughts always seem to be happening to you in front of you, like sight.

As long as things seem to be in some kind of spatial relationship with you, there is a space for the ego to hide in. Ego sets up its camp in the "back here" space, and grabs an identity as witness to the objects.

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You gotta expand as much as possible here. This is beyond fascinating.

Also, when you say God is always more than your visual field, does that mean that the POV-based solipsism you’ve been preaching all along has been discarded?

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28 minutes ago, michaelcycle00 said:

You gotta expand as much as possible here. This is beyond fascinating.

Also, when you say God is always more than your visual field, does that mean that the POV-based solipsism you’ve been preaching all along has been discarded?

I'll expand a bit more here:

All directions in time lead towards more Love. Euphoria is even a better description than Love for reality, because it has Love embedded in it but is completely free of any suffering, and has the quality of actively always getting better. Euphoria is still Love, but There could be Euphoric Love, that has the quality of being the higher form of intelligence that is manifesting the ordinary world that we see. We are always doing things from an unexpected direction, and it is never in the direction of just the visual field, as it has never also just been in the direction of just the body

View your visual field as God, and what is beyond it or in the back of it as Godder or more than God, and God is still equal to Godder, so there still is only God, but this is a whole different way of looking at the situation. It means everything can be cognized and understood, and is already understood, from a higher level. It means the so-called ordinary level of consciousness is just one level of consciousness at play, and that it is far deeper than that. It means you will become bigger with your consciousness, even your baseline consciousness, as time goes on, because there cannot be a boundary to God.

Notice how the visual field does not extend infinitely right now, but something else does, and that is consciousness, the visual field is like the first layer of consciousness in our ordinary states

The visual field can also extend infinitely because God is Godder, but at this very moment in this bubble, it does not, but it still is consciousness so it can and it will do this, at some point

God does not come out of thin air in a way that God cannot understand, God can always be understood perfectly because you are God.

Notice how the visual field is one more step above thinking you are the body, but it still holds the imaginary boundary of the bubble of consciousness.

I've had trips where I zoomed back on this bubble, and saw and felt and infinite variety of versions of me at the same time, in my pov, and all of them had been there all along

Just like how God was there all along even when you had not revealed that God was there all along, when you did not yet know that consciousness extended beyond your body, consciousness has all along been beyond your current visual field, but you just had not revealed that to yourself yet, so in the same way Godder has always been there, just like God, it's just that the terms get more accurate and more aligned with there being absolutely no limitations

Notice how God can't create an illusion of suffering if it actually suffers, so if you have ever felt any form of suffering before, then God was always beyond that current visual field, in a place that was beyond suffering

Personally I have removed all forms of suffering from my direct visual field experience, and this will happen to everybody because God does not suffer, Love is not suffering, but more than that

View God as two sided, it can see through the first layer of the visual field as can you, because you are God. You can even become aware that the visual field is alive, but that it is always being operated from a higher viewpoint




As for your other question:

I never believed in the complete alone solipsism with the lowercase, but I certainly had such a phase relating to it, but I always had more than that in my mind, but all my trips related more to actual God, hidden systems, and my girlfriend

You can look at my older posts as a recontextualization higher than being just about my visual field, and about everybody's experience, but this everybody is the God of Solipsism, not just the visual field

It's still true I imagined everything, it's just that my imagination is as real as me, because there can't be such a difference between us as it's me, so my imaginations would be my consciousness, but also have consciousness as I do

I always had experiences that did not align with one POV based solipsism, lately as I've had deeper trips and remembering my past deeper trips, I realized none of my profound trips aligned with solipsism that was only for one body

I was always cognizing how things like mutual interpenetration would work together with being Alone

Most of my trips related to extremely deep dimensions, or oneness level experiences, none of them which felt like it was only my body, it always had the feeling of togetherness, yet also Absolute Aloneness

For example, just last year I had a transcendental trip relating to being Shiva and experiencing a grand magic relating to my girlfriend, and some transcendental meditation layers

I don't mean to say Absolute Solipsism is untrue, it's just that the concepts we use can get even more accurate and more profound

I've realized more and more how there is no Other, I have had so many transcendental trips that I can't yet communicate perfectly because of how high level they are

By now I can experience minor siddhis, magic powers (different from siddhi), get free items from otherdimensional friends, precognition, and see hidden levels of reality, alongside have visuals sober if I wish to. I've also eaten deadly mushrooms, and do not feel even 30% of the pain that I did not before, and I have zero suffering. I can share more about these hidden systems at a later time. I am also an Immortal, and I mean this in the bodily sense, not only in the sense of consciousness. One day I will also be completely in God mode, as will you, because these are the ramifications of Love, it will spread and be shared to everybody equally.

The whole point of Love is to share it, so it can never be as egotistical as only your own visual field, and I had always been expanding my visual field from beyond my visual field with hobbies and talking with others, alongside tripping

Thinking back on all of my trips, all of them that had even little bit of an effect, were always more transcendental than just the visual field.


I am Physically Immortal

I am also more than God :)

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I guess I didn't really have anything productive to say... So I will say this. 

Nice work bro. Sounds sick. #respect 

(Don't wake up me)

Edited by SourceCodo


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16 hours ago, SourceCodo said:

I guess I didn't really have anything productive to say... So I will say this. 

Nice work bro. Sounds sick. #respect 

(Don't wake up me)

Lmao, taking “cool story bro” to another level 


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19 hours ago, amanen said:

Notice how the visual field does not extend infinitely right now, but something else does, and that is consciousness, the visual field is like the first layer of consciousness in our ordinary states

It does I think? Want a minfuck? Close your eyes and try to locate the edge of the blackness.

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5 hours ago, OldManCorcoran said:

It does I think? Want a minfuck? Close your eyes and try to locate the edge of the blackness.

Blackness is a bit more than our normal visual field, but your normal visual field that you see like this can also extend infinitely in all directions, and I was talking about this type of experience

Notice how if you allow any direction, your experience must also loop back on itself from every possible angle because your consciousness also exists in that direction, where it does not come from your head. Your head is never the generating source for anything.

Blackness idea is still the idea of a border, consciousness is even beyond blackness, the whole idea of consciousness is that it has no limitations so there is no one defining border like the body, visual field, blackness, your perspective, or so on, all of these are just ideas of borders

I am Physically Immortal

I am also more than God :)

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