
Growing (away From Most People)

15 posts in this topic

Whats good people.

As you do this type of personal and spiritual development work seriously for a while, your consciousness expands and grows and you get a bigger picture understanding of reality. And most people don't devote much time to this kind of deep, inner work. Like, I'm in no way an all-knowing, enlightened guru and I can have fun and enjoy to some degree the presence of most anyone, but after working hard on the type of work we do with for a couple years now, what I notice start happening more and more is that I'm having trouble relating to people on a meaningful level. As if I'm growing away from them and moving away from the population average consciousness, if I may word it like that haha. It just feels like I grow so much I don't fit in anymore and finding people I really like and can connect with is hard. 

I can imagine many of you guys feel the same way? What do you do? Find that one buddy who understands? Stop growing lol? 


(And no, I'm not trying to get validation or ego boost lolololol)

Edited by Erlend

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I spent last Monday chatting up strippers at a strip club with my enlightened buddy. I chatted to them about meditation, yoga, enlightenment, DMT, and normal everyday things for 2.5 hours. We all had great fun. One of the strippers even had a Sanskrit tattoo which I quickly identified. Another stripper was into meditation but drank too much to maintain a steady habit. I jokingly lectured her about her unhealthy drinking habits. A 3rd stripper wanted to try some DMT, and I educated her about the benefits of 5-meo and how my enlightened buddy was too big of a pussy to do a 30mg dose.

Don't be so serious about being "spiritual" and developed. You should be able to relate to ordinary people once you're in touch with the being-level of life. It's all being after all. Everyone is at your level. You can learn to talk to people about anything. Just don't expect them to change or convert to your ways. And don't expect people to bring up the topics YOU want to talk about. That burden is on you as the conversationalist.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura Okay, I just gotta do more meditation and self-inquiry then, as usual. You're getting really good at blasting past my unconscious  excuses.

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The same paradigm could attract the same paradigm. Sometimes this journey is a challenging one. A person could realize this later on when the situation / environment changes. Sometimes a radical change has to happen in order for a realization. 

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Anyone who likes traveling, visit Auroville (East-South India) it's the most spiritual developed western place I've been to. India is a very spiritual place in general, so looking it up is certainly worth the try!

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@Leo Gura

6 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

I spent last Monday chatting up strippers at a strip club with my enlightened buddy. I chatted to them about meditation, yoga, enlightenment, DMT, and normal everyday things for 2.5 hours. We all had great fun. One of the strippers even had a Sanskrit tattoo which I quickly identified. Another stripper was into meditation but drank too much to maintain a steady habit. I jokingly lectured her about her unhealthy drinking habits. A 3rd stripper wanted to try some DMT, and I educated her about the benefits of 5-meo and how my enlightened buddy was too big of a pussy to do a 30mg dose.

Don't be so serious about being "spiritual" and developed. You should be able to relate to ordinary people once you're in touch with the being-level of life. It's all being after all. Everyone is at your level. You can learn to talk to people about anything. Just don't expect them to change or convert to your ways. And don't expect people to bring up the topics YOU want to talk about. That burden is on you as the conversationalist.

You have a great point here. We have a tendency to become a little over focused and become isolated.

I have a question though, and this may be a little off topic or too personal, so I apologize... but it may be a great discussion at a later time or in a video, about trust and commitment in relationships and being more open when it comes to sexuality.  The intention of my question is not for argument and bantering, but I'm really trying to gain a better understanding and to obtain spiritual growth and awareness.

Being an ex-adult entertainer I can relate to this. ...  I'm guessing since you are in relationship, the girl that you are currently dating is probably in adult entertainment herself.  Most women would not be comfortable with someone they're dating going to a strip club and being and talking with other women. I think we allow society too much control over what we believe is normal for relationships.  We can get overly possessive and jealous.  And then there is information out there and even in your book list that talks about it not being natural for us to be in a long term relationship.   But I'm also finding information that shows that with the right person you can have a spiritual partnership... a relationship of service, where you can enhance each other, promoting spiritual growth in each other.   What do think is the ideal relationship?  Do you think for a relationship to work, that people should be more sexually open? 

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I've also asked myself that. We're all at different stages of development, the key I guess, is to see that you were perhaps in their shoes at one point. Self reflection, questioning and delving into our own pasts can bring some great insights. Just don't get too absorbed by it or it will bite you in the arse lol.

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@Leo Gura Lets say you dont have any issue interacting with everyday people. How should you relate to ordinary people then?

I just want to know what attitude do you have when you meet new people. The issue i personally face is that even if i have the mood to meet new people i excuse myself because there is not a stractured step by step way to do that. I recently have dropped out of uni and I dont seem to have any interest in football,nba,video games, drugs(recreational) etc. How do you connect with ordinary people like that then? is it even worth it? and how do you distinguish devoloped vs non devoloped people?

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@Socrates Lots of people have at least the potential of something positive in a conversation or whatever u can connect with them by indeed playing games watching football etc there is nothing wrong with that i enjoy some friendships just for the doing part and it is important to be able to appreciate that on some level.

I am still young but in my experience if u begin to read philosophy,religion, watch debates etc after a few years and thousands of hours in u will be so ( sorry i have to say it) superior in your reasoning and thinking probably so that the people you can connect with in that regard will be very rare 

But that is unlivable so u will have to be willing to lead a slightly schizophrenic life so you simply try to have fun again like a child has pure fun and no other worries u will have to switch mindsets sometimes u just have to find the right balance. yesterday i was drinking beers and joking around for example and today i watched a discussion on religion vs atheism

The reason it is worth it for me is that i would just be unhappy without people around me although i am an introvert we are made to be around people i think and to have an intimate relationship. some people may try to transcend it in some way but i do not want to short circuit the system like that it is a huge gamble to me to put an immense effort into transcending so many desires but perhaps i'm wrong. 

So i guess adjust just enough but be completely free in your own mind and aware.

these are my 2 cents.

excuse my English 

Edited by Steph1988

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4 hours ago, Peace and Love said:

@Leo Gura

Being an ex-adult entertainer I can relate to this. ...  I'm guessing since you are in relationship, the girl that you are currently dating is probably in adult entertainment herself.  Most women would not be comfortable with someone they're dating going to a strip club and being and talking with other women. I think we allow society too much control over what we believe is normal for relationships.  We can get overly possessive and jealous.  And then there is information out there and even in your book list that talks about it not being natural for us to be in a long term relationship.   But I'm also finding information that shows that with the right person you can have a spiritual partnership... a relationship of service, where you can enhance each other, promoting spiritual growth in each other.   What do think is the ideal relationship?  Do you think for a relationship to work, that people should be more sexually open? 

You'd be surprised. Some girls are not bothered by guy going to a strip club. Those would be the more secure girls. Needy girls will of course not be able to hand something like that, because they will perceive it as a threat. I like the kind of girl who I could take to a strip club with me and we both have fun.

Good relationships require good communication ability, honesty, selflessness, and many other spiritual qualities. It's a huge topic of mastery.

1 hour ago, Socrates said:

@Leo Gura Lets say you dont have any issue interacting with everyday people. How should you relate to ordinary people then?

I just want to know what attitude do you have when you meet new people. The issue i personally face is that even if i have the mood to meet new people i excuse myself because there is not a stractured step by step way to do that. I recently have dropped out of uni and I dont seem to have any interest in football,nba,video games, drugs(recreational) etc. How do you connect with ordinary people like that then? is it even worth it? and how do you distinguish devoloped vs non devoloped people?

Mostly I keep to myself because I'm introverted and don't have much time or desire to socialize. But sometimes I do. Just depends on the situation. Developing the ability to socialize on the turn of a dime is good. Then you're free to be however you want in the moment.

5 hours ago, unknownworld said:

Does this apply to people that you date and get into serious relationships? (Like should you date non-spiritual people?)

Up to you. If you're highly conscious, it will be difficult for you to be on the same wavelength as a low consciousness partner. So that will probably not work long-term. You'd want to find someone who is at least interested in growing themselves and learning from you.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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13 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

I spent last Monday chatting up strippers at a strip club with my enlightened buddy.

I feel like this line needs more explainingxD

Edited by John

The Delphic Oracle said that I was the wisest of all the Greeks. It is because I alone of all the Greeks know that I know nothing.


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