
Solving monkey business problems

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Most of the people are learning the wrong way. If you have trouble with some monkey business like dating or shit. You really need to learn to get into delta and theta brain states so you can reprogram your subconscious (your body). This reprogramming of the subconscious is a tricky business and it will take some months to master it but once you do you will be able to hack your biology and psychology:

I feel like too much energy is focused on mental masturbation like alien consciousness and shit while most people who monkey business problems. You are not going to self actualize if you think you are able to skip maslov pyramid stages nor are you doing anybody any good by wiping your spiritual dick out to have a samadhi explosion over yourself.

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On 3/31/2023 at 9:36 AM, StarStruck said:

I feel like too much energy is focused on mental masturbation like alien consciousness

I felt that way too. Then in my darkest hour this knowledge came useful.

I am not debating the whole point but I dislike terminology of ''reprogramming'' What are you? Programmer of minds? My recent insight was that everything is programmed perfectly. No reprogramming is needed. What is needed badly is knowledge and experience handling these programms. Firstly understanding. That is already half the battle.

The video itself is a bunch of nicest words put together, but it doesnt mean its any good.

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