
Experiencing awakenings more frequently

3 posts in this topic

It’s truly amazing how the deeper you get into this work, the more frequent you’ll experience awakenings. 

Even the very subtle awakenings are becoming a beauty to bask in. As I’m typing this comment, I’m experiencing increased awareness and connection to others (who are me, of course).

This experience, just half a year ago, would have made me call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline.  

And I’ve only begun to scratch the surface! Life is beautiful. 

I AM Godzilla

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And wow… in a span of 10 mins the experience got even deeper. Unreal xD

I AM Godzilla

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1 hour ago, 001 said:

you tried to commit suicide and failed?


Instead of being stuck trying to figure how to get out of a maze, you realize that you created the whole damn maze in all its beauty. 

(Made using DALL·E 2, “An infinite maze”)


I AM Godzilla

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