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A conversation between me and my girlfriend about God

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I was texting my girlfriend and she is a nerd freak just like me(although she knows nothing about nonduality)and we had a discussion about the existence of God.  So I thought I would share it..because I made a really good points lol.

she asked me :

Her: do you think god exists? 

Me : of course. 

Her: what is your proof? 


Her: how so?   Existence could be a product of chance or maybe there is multiple universes or maybe we are inside a simulation... Why does it have to be God? 

Me:  existence is a proof of existence. God is existence actual existence. 

Her: I don't understand.. Which god are you talking about? 

Me :there can only be one God because there can only be one infinity. 

Her: that's true but which God is the real one? The Christian God or the hindu God etc? 

Me : none of them. 

Her:  how so?  Which one is it then?  Have you seen him? 

Me : of course no.  No one can and no one will. How can you see something that has no beginning and no end? 

Her: hmm.. But then .. What makes you sure that God exists? ..isn't it better to be agnostic? .. Maybe there is no God after all.. 

Me : lol. There is no way.  If you are fully aware of this present moment you will know it's impossible that God doesn't exist. 

Her: what does that have to do with God? 

Me: because God is not separated from creation.. God's fingerprints are present in every moment of creation. If you can see it you can see him. 

Her: you just said that you can't see him.. 

Me :yes because God is infinite.. There is no place for both YOU and HIM to be .. He take all the place.. If he is to be present.. You have to leave first. 

Her: leave? 

Me : to die basically. To disappear.  That's the only way to see God directly and to know for certain that he is real. That he is the reality itself. 

Her: so are you saying that God is existence.?  Like the pantheism of eastern religions?   Or is God a separate being who created the world and is no longer in contact with it? 

Me : the infinite can't be separated from anything. Yet at the same time it is always free and not limited to only include a certain finite worlds.  So God is precisely this present moment that you are experiencing right now and yet he is none of that stuff and completely beyond it and beyond anything you can even imagine!,

Her: that's weird lol 

Me : exactly. God is a weird motherfucker.  Why do you think humans struggle so much with understanding God?  In fact he cannot be understood.  That's what makes God God. You can understand anything except God.  Investigate reality as deep as you can.. And once you hit a point where your mind collapses and your logic give up.. You've reached God.. You've reached to nowhere and everywhere. 

my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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6 minutes ago, Someone here said:

Her:  how so?  Which one is it then?  Have you seen him? 

Me : of course no.  No one can and no one will. How can you see something that has no beginning and no end?

This was your mistake right here.

You have to say:

"Of course I've seen him. He's me."


You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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2 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

This was your mistake right here.

You have to say:

"Of course I've seen him. He's me."



Continue to read ..I explained it here:

11 minutes ago, Someone here said:

Me: because God is not separated from creation.. God's fingerprints are present in every moment of creation. If you can see it you can see him. 

Her: you just said that you can't see him.. 

Me :yes because God is infinite.. There is no place for both YOU and HIM to be .. He takes all the place.. If he is to be present.. You have to leave first. 

Her: leave? 

Me : to die basically. To disappear.  That's the only way to see God directly and to know for certain that he is real. That he is the reality itself. 


my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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