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Rabbi Simon Jacobson stage?

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His messages resonate. 

Which spiral level would you estimate that he is on?



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At a certain point, I felt like I got over the spiral dynamics model and was able to see between the lines and distinct stages so much that it was no longer so helpful to me.  I only watched a few minute of this video, but any person that is religious from a traditional standpoint will be strongly blue of course.  I will likely disagree with them about the nature of the universe and origin of humanity and Earth etc, but a lot of religious people, especially some religious leaders, possess very powerful spiritual wisdom which is of great value to their communities that really can't be categorized well with Spiral Dynamics.  Many may still have huge personality flaws or gaps in scientific knowledge, but it takes a certain strength and level of insight and wisdom to lead their communities.  Some of that wisdom transcends their local community or culture and would even be useful to all of humanity but we struggle to learn from people who we identify as being different from us.

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Thinking in terms of "spiritual levels" is a confusion and trap of a distorted mind. I personally avoid that stuff altogether.

I AM the Eternal Child of Intelligent Infinity.

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