
Do you want to better understand "Alien" consciousness?

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Then may I suggest that you study The Law of One: https://www.lawofone.info/, and its auxilliary material: https://www.llresearch.org/channeling/transcripts.

"The Law of One material is a series of 106 conversations, called sessions, between Don Elkins, a professor of physics and UFO investigator, and Ra, speaking through Carla Rueckert. Ra states that it/they are a sixth-density social memory complex that formed on Venus about 2.6 billion years ago."

These are the most profound resources I have encountered in my 20 years of spiritual work on love, understanding, balance, unity, infinity and conscioussness. The sessions are meticolously recorded (you can listen to the actual recording of each question and answer, and follow the corresponding timeline in the auxiliary materiel) and, for me, is way more advanced and accurate than Leo, Ralston, Wilber, Hawkins etc.

I have read/studied the entire Law of One about 10 times and the auxiliary material twice, and each time it amazes me with new insights and understandings.

Although it is a huge undertaking to really get the full gist of the material, I hope it may inspire you as it has inspired me.




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I absolutely adore The Law of One and the endless depths of the treasure trove that is the Q'uo channelings.

The material relentlessly reminds the reader of the complete unity of thought that binds all things.

Everything is The Creator. Everything is The Unity. Everything is The Infinity. Everything is Love. Everything is You.

There is no separation.

The mind contains all things. Therefore you must find this completeness within yourself.

We are given extremely useful tools for balancing distortions in the mind complex very early on.

We are taught the non-dual nature of learning/teaching. To teach is to learn, and to learn is to teach.

In each and every instance you are learning from your own infinite intelligence, and when you teach you are learning from yourself.

Infinite Intelligence learns everything from itself. You can teach/learn anything to yourself; and simultaneously, the entire planet.

To learn something for yourself is to teach it to the entire collective subconscious, should you be open to this communication.

Depending upon the simple choice of polarity; is your Energy serving the Creator in others or only the local Creator?

Do you seek to enhance the Creation of the Creators around You or do you disregard their will at the expense of your own?

The choice of polarity is no more than a simple choice, pure intention. It's where you place your energy.

The more aware you become of The Creator, the more "responsibility" you wield in the formation of The Creation around You

That's why if you focus solely upon the local finite self, everyone around You will act like an NPC.

If instead, you loosen the focus to the Infinite Self in Unconditional Love for All, with no distortion;

You cease to limit Consciousness in any way and witness The Creator in it's pure, raw, beauty;

Every form free to fully express its nature, everything dancing to the familiar tune of Pure Unconditional Love

As One Being, the will of The Infinite Creator that You Are is synonymous with the Gravity; aka The Logos: Pure Unconditional Love.

Love, The One Original Thought that Creates All Things Out of It's Own Being. Thought for Thoughts sake and nothing more.

An infinite play of form and limitless imagination and wonder. What a joy it is, to be The One Infinite Creator, playing itself silly

A game of hide and seek and lost and found.

There is nothing to see here but the Pure Magic and majesty of the One Infinite Creator. :x

Edited by tuku747

The event horizon of my mind contains the cosmic horizon of my observable Universe. 👁✨️

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Ra gives us simple, yet extremely effective excerices for the evolution of Consciousness

1. Gaze into a mirror. See The Creator.

2. Gaze into the eyes of another. See The Creator.

3. Gaze at the creation about you. See The Creator.

4. The moment contains Love; The One Infinite Creator. See The Creator.

5. Each distortion of Consciousness contains it's reciprocal; the solution is contained within the "problem" itself.
Cease to resist the "problem" and it is its own solution. Simply accept and love all as it comes, for Light is Love.
Everything is a Catalyst for your own spiritual evolution; a gift or offering from The Higher Self. 

The event horizon of my mind contains the cosmic horizon of my observable Universe. 👁✨️

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The practice of meditation is a practice of silence. The times of visualization, affirmation and other work in consciousness, while equally valuable and worthy of doing, are not the same in terms of that which is required and that which is a good resource for that activity as meditation. So let us simply, briefly state that it is well to retain times within each day when one practices the presence of the one infinite Creator, not by thought, by affirmation, or by any other aspect of the conscious human mind, but by listening to that silence which is pregnant with the one infinite Creator’s presence and truth.

It is a temptation to add more into a meditation in order to create desired changes within the self by purposefully and consciously making adjustments. However, while this method of working is certainly useful, we would suggest that it is best done after a meditation or separately from a meditation. This will allow you as a seeker to keep firm those channels of unknowing which aid greatly in maintaining the focus of the mind upon that silence which is so full of information to the subconscious mind.

The questioner’s concept of focusing the mind and creating affirmations is excellent. This is work well done, for the personality is, far more than most entities realize, a creature made up of habits, inertia and half-considered ways of doing things that have remained the same for a long time. It is, in fact, a loosely cobbled together structure which houses and is intended to protect the sensitive soul within the personality shell. It is indeed pliable and malleable and suggestions are helpful.

We offer this information not in order to encourage the seeker necessarily to seek in this wise. This area or avenue of investigation is helpful for the seeker who believes that he may well have in his background thoughts that are toxic to him. It is not specifically a spiritual exercise, nor do the results of this particular investigative direction yield specifically spiritual results. However, because this instrument has moved through the work needed to experience the benefits of this particular avenue of investigation there is that awareness within this instrument that this is helpful to some. In a way it is a clearing away of old material so that a more specifically spiritual avenue of investigation can be opened. That being said, we would now like to focus on the concept of affirmations.

We would suggest that affirmations such as the questioner offered are indeed powerful to work with in the subconscious mind. The will of the seeker is carefully focused. The mantra or affirmation or statement itself has been very carefully prepared. The seeker therefore feels that he may trust this affirmation with the whole of his will. He may place the entire burden of his desire upon the realization of the truth of this statement.

There are two particularly good times in which to do this work which occur naturally twice at least during each diurnal period. Those are the moments after one awakens and the moments before one goes to sleep. In this hypnogogic 3 state, your mind is fully collected. It is about to move across that limen of which we spoke earlier, that threshold of consciousness, and enter into the precincts of sleep. Or, it is just arising from sleep, with its mind ready to focus upon the new day but not yet full of content.

During this state in both morning and evening, the repetition of such a statement will be quite effective, for it will penetrate immediately into the subconscious without resistance.

If on the other hand, the questioner would desire to set aside a specific time during the day’s schedule for this work, it might be recommended that a period of meditation be followed by the conscious gathering of the forces of self and the repetition of the statement that the seeker desires itself to hear.

We would note that the use of the voice in saying the statements out loud is helpful in terms of creating the maximum impression of the self upon the self using this technique. If a thought remains within the mind, it has its natural limits of power and is of a certain kind. It is a thought form. If the same thought is spoken out loud, and breath has been expended in the saying, it has become sacred. It is not simply a thought form. In the expenditure of breath it is a living thing and the entire effect is greatly enhanced, in that the seeker hears himself.

Indeed, tangentially, we would note that there are many times when it is helpful for seekers to speak out loud to themselves, talking to themselves out loud about their considerations. For in developing the sentences that are spoken aloud, the seeker is able to break the cycles of repetition that occur within the mind when it is thinking to itself. And then the seeker “hears” what he is thinking in a different way.

The questioner, in attempting to create changes in his consciousness by the use of his will, is developing his magical personality. 


Faith is seeing the Unseen; The Pure Love of The Creator can be seen at any time, should You simply choose to simply see it

Edited by tuku747

The event horizon of my mind contains the cosmic horizon of my observable Universe. 👁✨️

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That is not at all what I mean by Alien Consciousness.

Be careful with those books. They are not much more than beliefs and stories.

If you cannot validate it in your direct experience, you cannot consider it true.

It is extremely easy to fall into self-deception with those books. Just because something sounds nice or profound does not make it true and it is not in the same realm as Awakening.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

That is not at all what I mean by Alien Consciousness.

Be careful with those books. They are not much more than beliefs and stories.

If you cannot validate it in your direct experience, you cannot consider it true.

It is extremely easy to fall into self-deception with those books. Just because something sounds nice or profound does not make it true and it is not in the same realm as Awakening.

You call it self-deception.

I call it Creation. 

Belief is Creation.

Each entity creates their perception of the Creation. That's what God does. The book even makes clear that this is only one imagining of Reality among the infinite possibilities of Creation, and always advises the reader to maintain their own discernment.

Yes, consciousness runs far beyond any reckoning of its form and structure. Though the forms outlined in the book are not set in stone, by its own admission. The book in its whole invites the reader to their own perception of the Creation, leaving much up to interpretation, emphasizing Unity, Infinity, Love, Free Will. 

The book is primarily centered around Unity; Oneness. A truth that can validated as it is read. The more transient information is clearly fabrication by the channeler, though quite plausible and fascinating.

Edited by tuku747

The event horizon of my mind contains the cosmic horizon of my observable Universe. 👁✨️

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21 minutes ago, tuku747 said:

You call it self-deception.

I call it Creation. 

Belief is Creation.

Each entity creates their perception of the Creation. That's what God does. The book even makes clear that this is only one imagining of Reality among the infinite possibilities of Creation, and always advises the reader to maintain their own discernment.

Yes, consciousness runs far beyond any reckoning of its form and structure. Though the forms outlined in the book are not set in stone, by its own admission. The book in its whole invites the reader to their own perception of the Creation, leaving much up to interpretation, emphasizing Unity, Infinity, Love, Free Will. 

The book is primarily centered around Unity; Oneness. A truth that can validated as it is read. The more transient information is clearly fabrication by the channeler, though quite plausible and fascinating.

There is a lot of stuff in that book which you have not validated.

Of course Oneness and Unity are true. That's not the issue.

13 minutes ago, Squeekytoy said:

@Leo Gura Only once did I see you equate alien consciousness to God itself, but most of the time you talk about it like it's something distinct or even that it's an actual alien lifeform on a distant planet.

It's not distinct. God-Realization at its highest levels turns human consciousness into alien consciousness. It's not an alien lifeform on a distant planet. It's you. You break out from human consciousness into an alien version of consciousness. You are always God and there is always only you.

I am NOT talking about meeting or channeling aliens. You are the alien. Right now you are stuck in human consciousness. You can break out of that to experience alien consciousness.


Which is it, and why such unnecessary degree of vagueness?

It's hard to explain it.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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5 minutes ago, Judy2 said:

@Leo Gura

how would you define "alien" in this context?

why is it alien consciousness in particular and not something like stone consciousness or sun consciousness? is "alien" in your understanding sort of the epitome of intelligence in some absolute sense?

sorry if it's a stupid thing to ask lol.

You could also explore coffee table consciousness. But it's a lot less interesting than alien consciousness.

Coffee table < ant < mouse < human < alien

I have explored, for example, predator consciousness: what it's like to be a predator, like a tiger hunting a deer.

Your consciousness is not limited to being human. That's mostly the point.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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8 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

You could also explore coffee table consciousness. But it's a lot less interesting than alien consciousness.

Coffee table < ant < mouse < human < alien

I have explored, for example, predator consciousness: what it's like to be a predator, like a tiger hunting a deer.

Your consciousness is not limited to being human. That's mostly the point.

 @Leo Gura And what was it like?

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4 hours ago, thenondualtankie said:

 @Leo Gura And what was it like?

It's hard to put such things into words. It's way beyond verbal description.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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4 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

It's hard to put such things into words. It's way beyond verbal description.

Can you make a vide about that in your blog I am curious 

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2 minutes ago, John Iverson said:

Can you make a vide about that in your blog I am curious 

No. I will discuss such things only in my new course. This is not stuff for casual consumption.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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lol, ye might not believe me, but my sober consciousness has increased so much these days that I live in this "alien god consciousness" every day 24/7. yes not to the same extent as on a psychedelic or a "temporal awakening experience", but it's so much that I feel fully merged with God's mind that a human possibly can while still here and functioning. There is so much light, beauty, interconnection, vastness (esp when driving/outside), majesty, glory, depth of perception, love, intelligence... and my head feels like it's "tripping all the time". I can pick up what someone says and know roughly where they may be at in their level of consciousness, what "work" lies ahead of them, etc. 

Edited by puporing

I am Lord of Heaven, Second Coming of Jesus Christ. ´・ᴗ・` 

         ┊ ┊⋆ ┊ . ♪  天国はあなたの中にあります ♫┆彡 

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7 hours ago, puporing said:

lol, ye might not believe me, but my sober consciousness has increased so much these days that I live in this "alien god consciousness" every day 24/7. yes not to the same extent as on a psychedelic or a "temporal awakening experience", but it's so much that I feel fully merged with God's mind that a human possibly can while still here and functioning. There is so much light, beauty, interconnection, vastness (esp when driving/outside), majesty, glory, depth of perception, love, intelligence... and my head feels like it's "tripping all the time". I can pick up what someone says and know roughly where they may be at in their level of consciousness, what "work" lies ahead of them, etc. 

@puporing Would you mind checking out my profile and giving me a quick reading? :D:D:D:D I need to know my level of consciousness dammit! <3

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On 3/30/2023 at 11:13 AM, Leo Gura said:

You could also explore coffee table consciousness. But it's a lot less interesting than alien consciousness.

Coffee table < ant < mouse < human < alien

I have explored, for example, predator consciousness: what it's like to be a predator, like a tiger hunting a deer.

Your consciousness is not limited to being human. That's mostly the point.

Watch out with this, i have also experienced states of consciousness in animals but in real life their behavior is totally different. Usually when you take over animals consciousness like you're saying, it's god - you inside animals consciousness so the experience is totally different because the god mind is inside animals consciousness. 

Edited by Jowblob

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Maybe leo didn't reach alien conciousness he just gained pov of sadhguru eyes for a moment.

Edited by Hojo

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@OBEler It's hard to explain it all here. my path generally involves:

deconstructing this reality

"psychological" healing/purging of the shadow side

psychedelic/sober awakenings

alteration of my perception of this world and identity to match the awakenings

deepening the study of and embodiment of Love/ego dissolution

living in accordance with Truth as much as possible

Generally in that rough order but this process repeats itself in many iterations. 

Edited by puporing

I am Lord of Heaven, Second Coming of Jesus Christ. ´・ᴗ・` 

         ┊ ┊⋆ ┊ . ♪  天国はあなたの中にあります ♫┆彡 

(pronoun: they/them, he/him)

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