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Revolutionary Think

Where I Was / Am / Want To Be

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Hi everyone I've only stumbled upon these self actualization videos in the past 2 weeks and they're very fascinating. Ever since I was younger I wanted to change the world but, now I've kind of mellowed out since then. My childhood sucked because of my parents divorce and the middle school I went to. A lot of arguments about money between my parents and a lot of stress and depression in school. 

Then fast forward to my after high school years where I just wanted a job and I was sick and tired of the education system but, I went to a community college anyway to advance myself. I was proactively looking for a job at community college and it was to no avail especially when the financial crisis happened in 2008. Then I finally graduated community college and got a minimum wage job. After that I went to University and in the breaks I had in between semesters I traveled and on those travels I was very very happy. 

Now though in my life I feel a sense of fulfillment that I got to travel to those places and do those things but, I can almost never forget my childhood and how bothersome it was for me. I right now in my life want to change the way the education system works because I don't think that it actually helps young people grow and succeed just like how it didn't help me. So I created a YouTube page and a blog dedicated to self-improvement and societal improvement but, it's not getting a lot of traction and a lot of people to look at it. Until another YouTuber showed me Loe's page and all this stuff about self-actualization and now I'm wondering if the best idea is to improve myself and my outlook on life before I make any blog posts or new videos.


Where I want to be though is successful with money and people appreciating my work and ideas. It's kind of difficult to get there but, I am trying. Although watching some of this self-actualization stuff has me asking a lot of questions about my own life... So if you guys have any ideas on how we can help ourselves get to a better place in our lives and what you've all been doing I'd like to know. 

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I'm a work in progress on many levels, but the one thing that has finally figured itself out for me is my career. Oddly enough, I never thought I'd end up where I am. I always had a passion for the field I'm in since I was a kid, but with my educational background I thought I'd be doing something completely different. Actually, many people would look at me on paper and think, "you could be doing SO much more". But I'm happy. It took me getting fired from a job I hated deep deep down to realize my true passion. 

A friend in school once said that it's everyone's passion to make a difference. I had no idea how to do this at the time. When I started working full time, that truth became even further away. At the end of the day it was all about the almighty dollar, making people happy, giving people what they wanted. Now, the simplest actions I do make an impact on not only me, but the people I deal with on a day to day basis. 

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6 hours ago, Revolutionary Think said:

Where I want to be though is successful with money and people appreciating my work and ideas. It's kind of difficult to get there but, I am trying.

Firstly, realize that what you want here is a VERY juicy thing. Everyone and their uncle wants that. The question is, how hard are you willing to work for it? What are you willing to sacrifice for it? How much are you willing to push your comfort zone to get it? How clever are you willing to be?

Secondly, realize that what you want will be MUCH harder than you currently assume it is to achieve. It will be much harder, but also extremely rewarding and worth it. It's just that you have to set proper expectations or you will quickly quit.

I've faced this exact same challenge as you in my 20's. Which is why I created the my Life Purpose Course, where I walk you step by step through all the foundational concepts you need to know in order to have a chance to succeed. Check it out if you're serious. This is a very big topic which cannot be adequately addressed in one video, let alone one forum post.

I took all the core insights and lessons I've learned in the last 10 years of starting small businesses and developing my life purpose, and put them into the LP Course.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Firstly let me say how excited I am that my post has got your attention (assuming that you are the real Leo and not just some administrator that uses his name).

Secondly let me answer your questions. 

I'm willing to work pretty hard for it but, depends on the work no? My question is if the hard work will pay off? The public education system always tells you about your grades and when you are younger your studies are basically your work because before the age of 18 you can't legally work at most places. The problem with it was that after that it seemed like I couldn't really transfer the good grades I got in University into success in the real world. So in a sense I felt betrayed. 

Well what I did about 3 months ago (the sacrifice I made) is quit my job and work on my blog and YouTube channel full time. I already at a young age had a natural ability to push out side of a certain comfort zone that most people have (most) people have a fear of public speaking but, for me it's not a fear it's a talent and it's a passion. If it is something I am passionate about and want to talk about I enjoy going up on a stage in front of thousands if not millions of people and talking about a subject that I have an opinion on. In terms of cleverness I was always the odd one out when I was growing up so much so that I wasn't even ever a teenager most things that interested teenagers weren't things that interested me. I was never very materialistic but, I was always searching for experiences not material things. That's why I loved vacations and being on an airplane just to look out of the window seat. I grew up in a big house in Bel Air, CA but, I hated growing up in that big house because it was isolated from the rest of the community in a suburb where there were only houses as far as the eye can see and when you're that young and don't have a car you are dependent on the people around you (in this case my mom) for rides down to the city. Also after I quit my job I want to the chamber of commerce in my community and found a mentor, his name is Adam Torres and he's a finance guy (I bought his program for $55 a month) and in addition to that I bought this program called Jumpcut academy online and the thing cost a whopping $1000 and at first I was scared of buying it because as you said I have the emotional money hoarding problem because of the things in my past so before I bought the program I had a big battle in my mind whether to buy it or not and it was a really painful battle and I was also going back and forth with the support that owned the program asking about the money back guarantee over and over again until I finally decided to buy it. Now looking back on that whole ordeal I'm glad I bought it because I realized it's not a scam. So now I have that Jumpcut program helping me out and Adam Torres. Also through Adam Torres I managed to book myself on a podcast that talks about entrepreneurship. 

After watching the bulk of your videos Leo it's really been an interesting experience but, if I am to buy your program too (which I'm thinking about) but, I don't want to spread myself too thin with your program, Jumpcut, and Adam Torres. It would be interesting if I could send you a YouTube video I did or a blog post I wrote then get your opinion on it and if you see if it has potential and you can help me get my message out there I'd most likely be interested in buying your program. (I'm not going to link to my YouTube page or blog because I don't want to violate the terms of this forum but, if you give me permission I'm really excited about showing you my work). 

Edited by Revolutionary Think

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