
Do you guys loose respect for the girl..

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I guess it depends on the guy, what stage he is in his life, if hes looking for something serious. I guess i wanted to know how u feel after u sleep with a girl in the early stages, do you tend to loose intrest easily? Or have more respect for her if shes not an "easy" lay. Can friends with benefits turn serious? Again i know not 1 fit size all answer. Just curious of your experiences. Thanks

Btw off topic but.. what leo says about the girl not caring about you until after she sleeps with you is 100% correct, at least for me i attach very quickly to a guy after sex, even though i know hes not compatiable with me.

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If I am serious about a girl that won't change after sex. The same when I am not that serious.


The problem for girls is, that guys are very focused on sex and you have to try to figure out his interest beyond sex.

If you know you are on the same page and chemistry is there, there is no harm in having sex early.


Having sex is just another step in the getting to know each other phase.

Also if a guy has low self-esteem he might devalue a girl that sleeps with him, because of what he thinks about his own value.

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@cjoseph90 Not necessarily. 

I'd lose respect if I sensed that a woman is 'honey-trapping me', or if she's using sex to get me to do something for her. That would be self-objectification. 

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I don't lose respect for a girl I like if she sleeps with me early.

Sometimes you realize after sex that there was not a lot of chemistry, to begin with or you are not very sexually compatible

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@cjoseph90 It's usually very obvious to a guy early on if he's willing to commit to you, or just interested in some casual sex.

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sex is necessary for both to know any future potential ... sooner is better

but this presupposes both are seeking long term

there is casual and there is serious

i would say 2-3 dates/meetings to decide whether casual potential or serious potential

prior to sex, both should state which they are in it for

good wisdom here too:


Edited by gettoefl

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Ok thanks guys for ur answers, yh but guys sometimes hide their intentions in the beginning if they just want fun..

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22 hours ago, cjoseph90 said:

I guess it depends on the guy, what stage he is in his life, if hes looking for something serious. I guess i wanted to know how u feel after u sleep with a girl in the early stages, do you tend to loose intrest easily? Or have more respect for her if shes not an "easy" lay. Can friends with benefits turn serious? Again i know not 1 fit size all answer. Just curious of your experiences. Thanks

Btw off topic but.. what leo says about the girl not caring about you until after she sleeps with you is 100% correct, at least for me i attach very quickly to a guy after sex, even though i know hes not compatiable with me.

There's no such thing as an easy lay all by yourself. It takes two. I can go outside right now and get laid in 10mins if I wanted to as a female. For a guy, it takes a lot more effort to accomplish this. Now whose the easy lay. Don't be succumbed to societal norms about women being easy lay. If anything, men are the easy lay. Most women (not all) will sleep with a guy early on because she really likes him while a guy can sleep with a woman the first time he meets her and not like her one bit and not even be attracted to her but because she is willing. There's a reason why the sex industry is lucrative and it's not because women are "easy lays" but because a lot of men are easy participants in the "laying" process...so to speak. Don't think you're an easy lay because you chose to sleep with a guy early on, he slept with you too; so if that's your perception, he was an easy lay too. So if he decides not to respect you after that, he doesn't respect himself either. If you still respect your decision after, then that's all that matters.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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1 hour ago, cjoseph90 said:

Ok thanks guys for ur answers, yh but guys sometimes hide their intentions in the beginning if they just want fun..

It's not about their intention, it's about yours. 

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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32 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

There's no such thing as an easy lay all by yourself. It takes two. I can go outside right now and get laid in 10mins if I wanted to as a female. For a guy, it takes a lot more effort to accomplish this. Now whose the easy lay. Don't be succumbed to societal norms about women being easy lay. If anything, men are the easy lay. Most women (not all) will sleep with a guy early on because she really likes him while a guy can sleep with a woman the first time he meets her and not like her one bit and not even be attracted to her but because she is willing. There's a reason why the sex industry is lucrative and it's not because women are "easy lays" but because a lot of men are easy participants in the "laying" process...so to speak. Don't think you're an easy lay because you chose to sleep with a guy early on, he slept with you too; so if that's your perception, he was an easy lay too. So if he decides not to respect you after that, he doesn't respect himself either. If you still respect your decision after, then that's all that matters.

yh i agree, intresting perspective. thanks

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If sex happens fast it could just mean there is strong attraction or the guy is good at game, not necessarily that the woman is being "easy". I don't lose respect for women for who want to have sex in early stages of dating. I only lose respect if they do it chronically and discard men/abuse the power of their pussy and use it to extract things from guys like money/favors.

A few of my past girlfriends had sex with me on the first date, but it's because sparks were flying. It wouldn't really change my level of interest whether or not they would force us to wait together. In fact it made me feel pretty good I was able to crack the safe so quickly, because each of them has had minimal and like less than 5 sexual partners in their lifetimes.

If anything if a girl is making you jump through hoops, playing games, and wait too long it's kind of annoying and can make us less interested. There are literally thousands of women out there, why wouldn't I just go find someone else? The juice has to be worth the squeeze.



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3 hours ago, cjoseph90 said:

but guys sometimes hide their intentions in the beginning

Of course

Edited by Leo Gura

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Not unless she's doing it out of hopelessness and desperation.

Otherwise, I don't care if she sleeps with the guy even before the first date. In fact, that's even more attractive.

Foolish until proven other-wise ;)

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Respect from a male is very different than respect from a female. 

We as genders respect different things so talking about respect like it is a universal thing for both genders is wrong which I won’t go in detail here.

One thing that is universal though: Something that can be attained easily is valued less. That is just in human nature. 

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It depends on the situation. Desperation never appeals to me.

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