
Solipsism is scary! ??

64 posts in this topic


The idea of "enlightenment" seems so immature.  Egoic clusters conceived of a way to make themselves feel "above" others

I have a similiar feeling. The more I read in this forum, seeing all the discussions, all the arguments, all the back and forth about who is enlightened and to what degree and so on...I really wonder about the motivation and state of mind of many of these people writing these posts.

There are however - and I definitely want to emphasize this - notable exceptions. IMO great people in this forum that refrain from bragging and postulating "I know, I am right, I am enlightend or I know what enlightenment is etc" and whose oppinions and intentions I very much appreciate. So much I already learned from them and (hopefully) will learn in the future.

Back to the original topic: Regarding Solipism...I had mixed experiences. Not yet scared about it but definitely an "ego-rush" of taking myself too important. I believe I learned from it. Now, I do my best not to judge anything and although I definitely had my low points it works for me right now. As much as I can I go for "It is what it is, so why resist or even make myself crazy about it?"

Edited by theleelajoker

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3 hours ago, theleelajoker said:

Back to the original topic: Regarding Solipism...I had mixed experiences. Not yet scared about it but definitely an "ego-rush" of taking myself too important. I believe I learned from it.

You ARE important. You are Everything. And I love you.

I AM reborn

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5 hours ago, Yimpa said:

You ARE important. You are Everything. And I love you.

True, and yet this also means "I Am" is no more important than any other "I Am" because we are all "I Am". This is why respecting the free will of others is paramount in the process of Creation; recognizing that Reality is our collective vision and we are all equal Co-Creators, each of us working with Infinite Intelligence.

Edited by tuku747

The event horizon of my mind contains the cosmic horizon of my observable Universe. 👁✨️

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@PenguinPablo Solipsism is only scary to the mind. Ofc your mind carrying all sort of baggage and illusions will be terrified. You need to meditate and purify before going that way. Then solipsism is amazing cuz only you remain. Not the mind judging the truth. It's when there's division that this happens. You know how good it feels to dissolve into the whole ocean? Total confidence. Who is afraid of who? 

Edited by Kalki Avatar

Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know. - Jeremiah 33:3

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