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I recently looked at both parts of your explanation of God. At one point you say that all human beings are imaginary and don't really exist.  I am probably far too materialistic at this point to understand the true meaning of this statement.  Yet I can't stop thinking about it.  Last night I almost lost my mind thinking i'm all alone and all my family members don't exist.  Can someone help me here ?

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exist and non exist are just labels. They are good to open your mind to new horizons but they mean nothing. what is is, and that's it. the learned conceptual mental system, the articulated thoughts, always lead to deception in these matters. the only understanding of what reality is has to be direct. To say that others only exist in your mind, and that your mind is the totality of existence implies that others exist. in your mind. since there is nothing else, that is to exist. unreal and real is a fictitious dichotomy that leads to deception. you have to get rid of the vice of labeling to begin to understand

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Do you get along well with your family? Be honest. 


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On 28/03/2023 at 8:22 AM, RubenThaller2001 said:

I recently looked at both parts of your explanation of God. At one point you say that all human beings are imaginary and don't really exist.  I am probably far too materialistic at this point to understand the true meaning of this statement.  Yet I can't stop thinking about it.  Last night I almost lost my mind thinking i'm all alone and all my family members don't exist.  Can someone help me here ?

They exist. They are just a part of you. 

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It just means that the only Being there is, is YOU.  All "others" are you.  What I mean by YOU is the Divine.

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Your family members exist just as much as you reading this reply. 

It's just that they are not separate from you. 

The dream analogy is the best analogy for this:

In a dream, you play a dream character. In your dream, you see other dream characters (and objects). All the dream characters and objects, including the dream character you take yourself to be are all of the same substance, consciousness. Consciousness is "playing" all the roles, and there is no separation. 

I wouldn't read into this stuff too much. The mind loves to turn it into something it is not, and invariably scares itself. 

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Thank you so much for your answer.

I guess I got into this topic a little too early. 
My mind was not yet ready to not misunderstand the statements.

As you rightly say, it is very easy to misunderstand these statements and get lost.

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Yall out here giving the kid gloves. Your parents do not exist. Your friends do not exist. And you do not exist. You have never existed. What you call existence is a material world, you believe there are atoms, and molecules, and cells, and that all these things are the fundamental building block of what you call reality. You believe there is something called evolution. 

This is what you call existence. All of what was written above is...BULLSHIT. Utter and complete bullshit. It has never been proven true, and it never will. So based on what humans believe existence is, which includes you and your belief that you have actually been living a human life full of memories of highs and lows.... that...never happened. It's a complete and utter farce. Also your fear of being alone is also a complete farce as well. Total fiction. 

In fact everyone who replied before me, who you just thanked was your weak attempt to stay asleep. Too bad you created me to off set that. You are God, you ARE ALL ALONE. Everyone and everything you see is just your mind. Your PURE IMAGINATION. Looking around at everyone and everything is like sitting in a bathroom looking at your mirror reflection. You are just seeing your mind's reflection. 

Any suffering you perceive of others....doesn't exist. The only one that can YOU!!! If someone tells you they are in physical pain....LIES. They tell you they are experiencing emotional pain...MORE LIES!! Someone tell you they got fired from work....MORE LIES!! You are dreaming others, you are dreaming your human character that you think is you, you are dreaming your emotions, your thoughts, your desires, your fears. Your entire paradigm you have been holding all these complete and utter bullshit.

So yes you are ALL ALONE. And the funny thing is what you call depression... has actually pointed to it. When you feel depressed you feel like you are all alone and nobody understands you right? The irony is....that feeling of being all alone....WAS RIGHT!!! Science can never disprove this, because Science too is pure imagination. In fact Science, along with what you call physical pain and emotional pain is what causes you the most to stay asleep. With that said....if you cannot confirm this in your direct experience it is meaningless to listen to anything I just said...even though its the most accurate thing you have been told, and direct as all hell. 

You are a selfless LACK OF APPEARANCE, that CONSTRUCTS AN APPEARANCE. But that appearance can disappear and reappear and we call that change, we call it time, we call it space, we call it distance, we call distinctness, we call it other. But notice...this appearance, is a SELF. A SELF IS A CONSTRUCTION!!! 

So if you want to know the TRUTH OF THE CONSTRUCTION. Just deconstruct the construction!!!! No point in playing these mind games!!! No point in creating needless complexity!!! The truth of what you are is a BLANK!!!! A selfless awareness....then that means there is NO OTHER, and everything you have ever perceived was JUST AN APPEARANCE, A MIRAGE, AN ILLUSION, IMAGINARY. 

Everything that appears....appears out of a lack of appearance/void/no-thing, non-sense (can't be sensed because there is nothing to sense). That is what you are, and what made of that. So nonexistence, arises/creates existence. And thus everything is solved.

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@Razard86 Leo has mentioned infinity of God Videos that every being is God. So if you see someone suffer, then this is linked to a sovereign God who suffers. But its you who suffer in the end. So what you say is complete different to Leos Video, that only this Avatar you have can suffer and nothing else exist even on meta perspective. I know the deleted solipsism talks about exact this but Leo then had an deeper view with Infinity of God which changed this aspect. But in the end everything is one so you are total together 

You tell you speak to us in the most direct way. But you did not answered my question directly on my last thread, still waiting for answer ;)

Edited by OBEler

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@Razard86 first of all, thank you for your answer. 
I think we both agree that with my contribution I was looking for an answer that I can't get. i wanted to hear: "you live in a material world and all other people exist just like you."
For me the insights were shocking and made me very crazy. A not very developed mind can not cope with these words and views. 

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God has no limitations. If he wants to make imaginary Real, he does, if he wants to break in Two he does, if he wants, he can even imagine a Soul mate.

you chose the reality you live in. 
materializing a soul mate is something 99.9999999999999999999999999% of population can’t do because too addicted to sex you hungry dogs and the price for it is No Soul Mate.

owhh you cry now ? You wanted a Soul Mate. 
you can’t remove like Tate said, in chess you can only move forward. Go find your Soul Mate if you want to. Stop asking yourself the question : « but does soul mate really exist?????? » 

you still don’t fucking understand?


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@RubenThaller2001 Watch this video:

I was struggling with solipsism before I watched it,

after watching it everything has fallen into place.

Have a nice day :)


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No/I stay here\you guyz do whatever you want


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But you touch me I’ll break u in 4 pieces

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So it also works for a Lesbian in a Man’s Body.

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On 28/03/2023 at 7:22 AM, RubenThaller2001 said:

I almost lost my mind thinking i'm all alone and all my family members don't exist.

That’s threshold Guardian. If you want enlightenment you have to accept this. But that’s not the full story it’s not they don’t exist is that they don’t exist in the idea you have in your mind. The same way you will die but it’s not that you will die it’s the false you will die. 

An enlightened person can wake up one day in reality where they were grown in the lab and their parents never existed. Then the next day wake up in a different reality where the parents definitely do exist and give birth to them. To them this is not A stressful thing. As the only true thing is the self (god, consciousness). The actuality of consciousness is that it’s love, joy and playfulnesses. So this was to happen it would be just out of play. 

Anyone who says they’re enlightened on this form in anyway is not, except me I am. 

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What my mind is constantly trying to do is to squeeze what little I have learned so far about God and spirituality into my current crumbling understanding of reality. 
Solopsism sounds very bad at first and it scares me. But I think I need deeper insights to understand this. 
What I can do now is trust that Life and God is Good. 
I try to trust only what I experience myself. 
Thx for your answer :)

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