MuadDib (second dafts)

14 posts in this topic

Mastery Part 1

  • Practicing public speaking and self-development topics
  • Discussing the idea of mastery, as described in George Leonard's book "Mastery"
  • Modern culture's focus on instant gratification, quick results, and shortcuts
  • Mastery involves long-term effort and commitment, often neglected in today's society
  • The learning curve of mastery consists of long plateaus, where progress is not apparent
  • Most people get discouraged during plateaus and quit, leading to stagnation or dabbling
  • Importance of understanding the commitment required for mastery and loving the plateau
  • Cultivating love for the practice and enjoying the process, rather than seeking quick progress
  • Mastering fundamentals is key, with 80% of results coming from 20% of the effort
  • Setting realistic expectations and accepting the cost of mastery
  • Repetition and practice lead to unconscious mastery and the development of nuanced skills
  • Importance of not being a perfectionist and embracing failure as a learning opportunity
  • A humble attitude, willingness to learn, and not being afraid to look ridiculous are essential for mastering a skill


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How to Invest In Yourself

  • Importance of long-term investment vs short-term investment
  • Long-term investments are often more lucrative and valuable
  • A short-term investment mindset can hinder lasting success
  • Investing in career and building career capital
  • Becoming more skilled makes you more valuable in your field
  • Providing value to others is key to financial success
  • Importance of discipline and understanding the process of mastery
  • Building your brain: acquiring knowledge and experience to become more valuable
  • Balancing short-term gains vs long-term gains
  • Levels of investment
  • Hard skills (specific to your profession)
  • Soft skills (e.g., people skills, humor, business acumen)
  • Inner game (e.g., creativity, confidence, self-expression)
  • Examples of long-term investments
  • Developing your inner game and changing who you are to achieve sustainable change
  • Addressing underlying thought patterns
  • Emphasizes the importance of thinking long-term and focusing on personal growth and development in various aspects of life, not just financial success.
  • Leo Gura discusses his experience as an internet marketer, focusing on SEO for four years
  • Launched the first website, success dependent on SEO and building backlinks
  • Thought of each link as valuable, like a diamond in his collection
  • Needed 2,000 links to rank well on Google, potentially bringing in $200,000 a year
  • Calculated the worth of each link, treating each as highly valuable to outperform competitors
  • Applied this mindset to his career and personal development
  • Example: Reading a book on emotional stability and considering long-term benefits
  • Improved work performance, communication, and relationships
  • Increased chances of promotion, better connections, and higher pay
  • Emotional stability benefits personal relationships, reducing fights and deepening connections
  • Being emotionally stable and secure leads to more focus and determination, resulting in eventual success
  • Importance of investing in oneself and developing abstract qualities like emotional stability, security, and creativity
  • Leo emphasizes the value of both outer and inner game, and how coaching can help with personal growth


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Why Life Coaching Works

  • Leo Gura discusses life coaching
    • Skepticism about coaching effectiveness
    • Leo's coaching training and experience
  • Distinctions between coaching, therapy, consulting, and mentoring
    • Coaching: asking questions, not giving advice
    • Therapy: working with dysfunctional people or serious mental issues
    • Consulting and mentoring: giving specific advice and guidance
  • The value of coaching
    • Generating value through asking questions
    • Importance of return on investment
    • Leo's experience being coached and coaching others
  • Reasons why coaching works
    • Challenging one's thinking and assumptions
    • Encouraging more conscious and deliberate thinking
    • Helping to break free from limiting belief systems
  • The power of asking questions
    • Coaching provides an objective perspective
    • Helping clients see situations from different angles
    • Sometimes just one question can lead to a breakthrough
  • The importance of not giving advice in coaching
    • Recognizing that clients have their own unique experiences and challenges
    • Advice might not address underlying issues
    • Focusing on uncovering and addressing individual beliefs and motivations
  • Example: coaching someone who wants to lose weight
    • Different reasons for resistance to going to the gym
    • Addressing individual beliefs and fears around weight loss
    • Tailoring coaching to the individual's specific situation and mindset
  • The effectiveness of coaching lies in its ability to challenge and guide clients to find their own solutions
    • By asking questions and providing an objective perspective, coaching can lead to breakthroughs and personal growth
    • Coaching can be a valuable tool for self-development and reaching one's full potential
  • Problem of going to the gym taking away family time
    • Recognize that it's a mental block and there are ways to work around it
    • Addressing specific problems and working on solutions
      • Combine family time and gym time
      • Realize the benefits of going to the gym for the family (e.g., more energy, better engagement with kids)
  • Applying this approach to different aspects of life
    • Business, relationships, eating habits, negative habits, and other personal blocks
  • Coaching as a supplement to traditional self-development methods
    • Tony Robbins, self-help books, workshops, online resources
    • Addressing personal, specific quirks or hang-ups
    • Working on inner game issues tailored to individual clients
  • Benefits of coaching
    • Asking leading questions to guide clients
    • Making clients pause and think about previously unexplored thoughts
    • Help clients define what they want in various areas of life
    • Identifying factors or issues that were previously unnoticed
  • Coaching as one piece of the larger puzzle in self-improvement
    • Complementary to other resources and methods
    • Helps in dealing with inner blocks and psychological barriers
    • Coaching on motivation and engagement, not necessarily on specific details of a topic
  • Example: Coaching on business, fitness, and nutrition
    • Not requiring expertise in specific fields
    • Focusing on removing inner blocks and getting clients engaged and motivated


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Be Different to Be Successful

  • Topic: Being iconoclastic to achieve amazing results
    • Balancing conformism and rebelliousness or iconoclasm
  • Personal anecdote:
    • In middle school, Leo challenged the conventional thinking of his peers
    • Valued education over a hypothetical million-dollar offer to quit school
    • Motivated by ego and desire to be different
    • As a result, started to value education and invest energy into it
  • Importance of being unique in business:
    • Carving out your niche to reduce competition
    • Going against the grain can help avoid market crashes, bubbles, or reduced margins
  • Escaping mediocrity through iconoclasm:
    • Most people lead mediocre lives
    • Doing things differently can lead to different results, sometimes better, sometimes worse
    • Avoiding problems of mainstream society
  • Laziness and the desire for easy gains:
    • Mainstream culture encourages seeking easy gains and avoiding hard work
    • Examples: Free samples, lotteries, get-rich-quick schemes
    • Efficiency in using energy and resources can be beneficial but can backfire when taken to the extreme
  • Health and the consequences of laziness:
    • The ease of acquiring unhealthy food contributes to obesity and poor health
    • Contrarian approach: Tackling laziness and working hard to improve health and well-being
  • Herd mentality, groupthink, and social conformity:
    • Kills originality and creativity
    • Hinders exploration, discovery, and innovation
    • Essential in modern service-based economy
  • Problems with following the herd:
    • Unfeasible ideas, such as investing in the same stock
    • Missing out on potential opportunities in the market
  • Striking a balance between conformity and iconoclasm is key
  • Going against the grain can lead to amazing results in personal and professional life
  • Buying low and selling high
    • Offloading value to someone else
    • Cashing the difference
  • Hedge funds and mutual funds
    • Success attracts new investors
    • Becomes too big for its own success
    • Unsustainable when everyone tries the same thing
  • Resource distribution limitations
    • Not enough resources for everyone to be successful
    • Society wouldn't function if everyone was a billionaire
  • Pyramid schemes
    • Initially work but eventually collapse
    • Need an infinite number of new players to sustain
  • Market oversaturation
    • Too many players lead to smaller profits
    • Harder work for less return
  • Being contrarian and iconoclastic
    • Originality and idiosyncrasy are valuable
    • Standing out from the crowd
  • Mannerisms and quirks
    • Help build personality
    • Make one more magnetic and lovable
    • Suppressing quirks can be limiting and soul-draining
  • Conformity can lead to epic financial failures
    • Stock market crashes, real estate bubbles, pyramid schemes, gold rushes
  • Balance between conformity and non-conformity
    • Conformity can also have positive aspects (e.g., education)
    • Following trends can lead to benefits (e.g., internet, PCs)
  • Strategy for success
    • Be contrarian but not for its own sake
    • Be aware of groupthink and trends
    • Be unique and true to oneself
    • Use judgment to balance conformity and non-conformity


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Get Coached

  • Leo talks about untapped potential
    • Struggling to find purpose
    • Importance of staying on purpose
  • Challenges people face
    • Feeling stuck or lost
    • Sidetracked by life's realities
    • Unfulfilling jobs
    • Not honoring true values
  • Identifying potential
    • Leo's personal journey
    • Life purpose is an evolving concept
    • Leo's aim to help others create exciting lives
  • What to expect from coaching with Leo
    • Significant improvement in life quality
    • Clarity on life purpose
    • Strategies for moving forward
    • Mindsets for resourcefulness, discipline, and motivation
  • Coaching benefits
    • Discovering hidden potential
    • Courage to take action
    • Improved productivity, creativity, and time management
    • Personal growth acceleration
  • Leo's expertise
    • $100,000 worth of self-development material
    • Experience coaching clients
    • Personal experience facing challenges
  • Creating a balanced life
    • Holistic approach to success
    • Addressing important life areas (work, family, health, etc.)
    • Developing long-range plans
    • Accountability and encouragement
  • The value of coaching
    • Focus on feelings, not just external achievements
    • Excitement, confidence, and power
    • Aligning life with purpose and values
  • The importance of fundamentals
    • Clarifying likes, dislikes, strengths, and weaknesses
    • Prioritizing life to reduce overwhelm
    • Achieving 80% of results through fundamentals
  • The feelings coaching can provide
    • Feeling successful and accomplished
    • Inspiration and motivation
    • Optimism and positivity about the future
  • Importance of feeling positive about your future
    • Everyday contributes to growth and empowerment
  • High-level mindset
    • Focused and centered mind
    • High consciousness feeling of taking action
    • Pride in accomplishments and life
    • Feeling well-equipped for challenges
  • Coaching introduction
    • 50-minute free session with no strings attached
    • Full coaching on life purpose issues
    • Explanation of what coaching is and is not
    • Logistics for coaching process
    • Great way to determine if coaching is right for you
  • Value-driven session
    • No upselling during the session
    • Trust in the value of coaching
  • Selective with clients
    • Seeking individuals excited to tap into their full potential
    • Wants to work with those who take action and follow through
    • Excited by significant improvements and transformations
  • Scheduling the 50-minute session
    • Limited availability
    • Contact via call or email to book a session
  • website
    • Most resources are free
    • Weekly videos and articles based on first-hand experiences
    • Guidance on creating an awesome life and making a big difference
  • Importance of taking action immediately
    • Don't put off feeling optimistic and positive about the future


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Inner Game of Career Development

  • Importance of inner game in career development
    • For individuals who care about their careers, especially long-term, skill-based careers
    • Inner game is critical for success
  • Leo's career development experience
    • First career: video game designer
    • Required diverse skill set (writing, history, culture, gaming, art, programming, marketing, business acumen)
    • Challenges faced due to inner game issues
  • Inner game challenges
    • Lack of patience and unrealistic expectations
      • Wanted career advancement and impact quickly
    • Lack of focus
      • Jumping from one project or opportunity to another, without building career capital
    • Feeling of inadequacy
      • Surrounded by top-notch professionals, felt like he knew only a small percentage of what he needed to know
      • Led to doubts, office politics, and other issues
  • Importance of self-awareness and self-development
    • Had Leo known what he knows now, his experience would have been different
    • Best practices for developing careers
  • Addressing inner game challenges
    • Realistic expectations and patience
      • Understanding the long-term nature of career development
    • Focus and dedication
      • Committing to one's chosen path and not getting sidetracked
    • Confidence and perspective
      • Recognizing one's progress and not feeling inadequate in the face of more experienced professionals
  • Consequences of not addressing inner game issues
    • Burnout
    • Conflicting side projects
    • Shift in focus away from core career goals
    • Loss of valuable career capital
  • Importance of guidance and learning from others' experiences
    • Coaches, mentors, or books can help with inner game issues and prevent trial and error
  • Key takeaways
    • Inner game is crucial for successful career development
    • Addressing inner game issues can lead to better career outcomes and personal satisfaction
    • Seeking guidance and learning from others can help with addressing inner game challenges
  • Starting own business leads to diversified focus
    • No longer spending 90% of time on design
    • Time allocation:
      • 10% design
      • 20% programming
      • 20% art
      • 20% marketing
      • 10% finance
  • Best investment of time for long-term career goals
    • Spreading energy across various areas could be beneficial for designers
    • Importance of being a highly specialized designer
  • Specialization vs. generalization
    • Companies often hire specialists for specific roles
    • Being the best in a specific area can lead to premium pay
    • Society values specialization as niches become more focused
  • Importance of inner game and self-development
    • Reflecting on past experiences and decisions
    • Imagining the potential of being a highly valued, well-paid designer with current knowledge
  • Importance of inner game for career development
    • Addressing inner blocks that prevent full engagement and long-term investment
    • Issues to address:
      • Consistent problems with coworkers
      • Confidence issues
      • Focus and staying on track
    • Reconnecting with career and ensuring sustainability
  • Long-term benefits of investing in inner game
    • Earning potential
    • Greater career impact
    • Gaining respect due to valuable skills and knowledge


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The Most Interesting Problem in Philosophy and Science

  • Introduction
    • Leo Gura discusses phenomenology and its importance in personal development
    • Focuses on first-person experiences
  • Phenomenology
    • Branch of philosophy dealing with first-person experiences
    • Studies experiences from the first person, contrasting with science, psychology, and philosophy
    • Rich history, ties in with the philosophy of mind
  • Qualia
    • Subjective properties experienced in day-to-day life (e.g., colors, sounds)
    • Personal and subjective, difficult to discuss using standard scientific models
    • Challenges science to reconcile and explain qualia
  • Neuroscience and consciousness
    • Current science discounts the importance of qualia, attributes mental phenomena to neurological activity
    • However, the question remains: how can we find qualia like the experience of the color red within the brain?
  • Observing oneself for self-growth
    • Emphasizes the importance of observing oneself from the first person to aid in self-discovery and personal development
  • The Molyneux Problem
    • Thought experiment about a blind person gaining vision
    • Questions whether the person would be able to distinguish between a sphere and a cube visually
    • Confirmed in a 2003 study: the sense of touch and vision are decoupled in distinguishing shapes
    • Shows the constructed nature of our understanding and perception of reality
  • The Reverse Spectrum Problem
    • Questions whether two observers experience qualia in the same way, specifically in regards to color
    • Example: Is the perception of red the same for both observers?
    • Difficulty in comparing qualia due to their subjective nature
  • Conclusion
    • Phenomenology and the study of first-person experiences provide valuable insights into personal development and the understanding of reality
    • Raises important questions about the nature of our perceptions and experiences
  • Blues in different realities
    • Agreement on labels despite potentially different experiences
    • Qualia: slippery, tricky, private experiences
    • First-person experiences and importance in understanding
  • Unknowable shared experiences
    • Assumptions about shared reality, but no real proof
    • Challenge of comparing inner consciousness
    • Consciousness not reducible to physical things
  • Self-development
    • Importance of self-observation and understanding
    • Deceiving ourselves about self-knowledge and consciousness
    • Recognizing and addressing inner forces driving us
    • First-person experiences often discounted in society
  • Personal growth and self-mastery
    • Peter Ouspensky and G.I. Gurdjieff
    • The Psychology of Man's Possible Evolution
    • Importance of long-term commitment to self-development
    • Acquiring faculties we mistakenly think we possess
  • Self-deception in self-development
    • Lack of self-awareness and understanding of our limitations
    • Analogy to complicated machines
    • Importance of observing and understanding ourselves
  • Everyday application
    • Realization that we often act unconsciously
    • Becoming aware of habits and routines
    • Acknowledging the complexity of our minds
    • Connection to behavior change
  • Challenges in behavior change
    • Lack of understanding and experience in addressing inner forces
    • Grasping in the dark, leading to failure
    • Appreciating challenges in self-development
    • Example of dieting and breaking habits
  • Stuffing face with chips on autopilot
    • Acting without conscious thought
    • Driven by unseen forces
  • Catching yourself in the act
    • If conscious, notice the action
    • Reflect on why it's happening
    • Observe the automatic behavior
  • Willpower and consciousness limitations
    • Not always in a high conscious state
    • Often in low consciousness or autopilot mode
  • Effective behavior change and personal growth
    • Observe and learn about your patterns
    • Outsmart your own biology and thinking patterns
    • Think in a roundabout way to achieve results
  • Willpower and losing focus
    • Original intentions may be forgotten
    • Focus shifts to other aspects of life
  • Importance of observing own patterns
    • Feelings, beliefs, and thoughts
  • Exercise: Monitor thoughts throughout the day
    • Pause and reflect on current thoughts
    • Identify worries, anxieties, or negative thoughts
  • Unresourceful states and thoughts
    • Large part of the day spent in these states
    • Work on eliminating and improving these thoughts
    • Utilize techniques to address and change patterns


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How I Lost 65 Pounds in 5 Months

  • Leo Gura's weight loss journey:
    • Started as an overweight kid
    • Struggled with self-image and limiting beliefs
    • Tried diets and gym stints without success
    • Confidence issues, especially around women
  • Turning point:
    • Interaction with a girl in college chemistry class
    • Imagined a relationship with her if he got fit
    • Realized he needed to feel good about himself before pursuing a relationship
    • Triggered a powerful motivation to get fit
  • Motivation:
    • Visualization of being fit and having a relationship with the girl
    • Felt 110% confident he could achieve his goal
    • Motivation turned into action
  • Resolutions and actions:
    • Commit to going to the gym five days a week for the rest of his life
    • Tackle weight loss through diet and exercise
    • Cut out soda and transition to iced tea with sugar substitutes
    • Reduce portion sizes and stop overeating
    • Cut out sweets and desserts
    • Remove all food from pantry and fridge to prevent snacking
    • Study fitness, health, and nutrition to improve understanding
  • Results:
    • Lost 65 pounds in five months
    • Kept the weight off for eight years
  • Implications for personal development:
    • Studying the factors that led to his success
    • Replicating that motivation and drive
    • Believing in oneself and being 100% committed to a goal
    • Overcoming limiting beliefs
  • Leo Gura discusses his weight loss journey:
    • Realization of the need to change diet and exercise habits
    • Initial focus on consuming fewer calories and cutting out sweets
  • Key inspiration: article on food cravings from
    • Article emphasized inner game and mental strength
    • Helped set Leo's mental attitudes and approach to weight loss
  • Applying lessons from the article:
    • Resisting cravings and making long-term mental shifts
    • Example of resisting Klondike bar craving, a defining moment
  • Starting at the gym:
    • Workout schedule: 5 days a week, weightlifting on Monday, Wednesday, Friday
    • Cardio: treadmill and bicycle
    • Started with low intensity to ease into exercise
  • Overcoming insecurities:
    • Acknowledging that appearance and performance will improve over time
    • Committing to long-term change, not a quick fix
  • Approach to diet:
    • Avoided calorie counting
    • Focused on sustainable, healthy eating habits
  • Concerns about counting calories:
    • Too much work, not sustainable long-term
    • Wanted a consistent approach to eating
  • Using feelings of hunger and fullness instead:
    • Start by leaving a bit of food on the plate
    • Ramp up the amount of food left on the plate
    • Aim for moderate fullness, not overstuffing
    • Breaking the habit of overeating
  • Overcoming limiting beliefs:
    • Wasting food
    • Fear of being hungry and unable to focus
  • Getting comfortable with hunger:
    • Purposefully keeping oneself hungry
    • Learning to cope with and accept hunger
  • Two-sided approach to weight loss:
    • Fitness: working out at the gym
    • Calorie deficit: skipping or substituting meals
  • Results:
    • Lost 65 pounds in 5 months
    • Achieved by gym workouts and calorie deficit
  • Surprising reactions from others:
    • Friends, family, and college peers noticed the change
    • Parents worried about being too thin or anorexic
  • Environmental factors contributing to weight gain:
    • Grew up in a household with large portions and no emphasis on healthy eating
  • Challenges when making drastic changes:
    • People around you may try to hold you back
    • Theories on why this happens: loss of control, challenging expectations
  • Impact on relationships:
    • Jealousy or resentment from others who haven't made changes
    • Changes in behavior and activities may make others uncomfortable
  • Ostrich analogy: people often avoid change, like ostriches with their heads in the sand
  • Making changes can be uncomfortable for those around you, causing them to resist and resent
  • To make big changes, sometimes drastic actions are needed, such as changing friends and family dynamics
  • Outgrowing friends and getting new ones may be necessary to avoid being dragged back into old habits
  • Crabs in a bucket analogy: people may unintentionally hold each other back from progress
  • Leo's story: lost 65 pounds in 5 months and maintained it for 8 years
  • Importance of connecting with motivation and using willpower to power through challenges
  • Willpower needed to lose weight is different from the willpower needed to maintain it
  • Beliefs and mindsets have permanently shifted, making it easier to maintain healthy habits
  • Going to the gym consistently and adjusting diet, cutting out carbs, sugars, and bread for better health and energy
  • Initial motivation: looking good, which later evolved to include improving energy, performance, and long-term health
  • Explored weight lifting techniques, paleo diet, and healthy eating for overall wellness and better performance in various aspects of life
  • Taking care of your body to avoid developing diseases like cancer and diabetes


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#Optimized gpt3.5 summaries to enhance gpt 4 summaries

import openai
import json
import requests
import os
import glob
import math

openai.api_key = "your key here"

def BasicGeneration(userPrompt):
    completion = openai.ChatCompletion.create(
            {"role": "user", "content": userPrompt}]
    return completion.choices[0].message.content

def read_prompt_from_file(filename):
    with open(filename, 'r') as f:

def write_chunk_to_file(filename, chunk):
    with open(filename, 'w') as f:

def write_response_to_file(filename, response):
    with open(filename, 'w') as f:
        f.write(response + '\n')

def chunk_text(text, chunk_size):
    words = text.split()
    return [' '.join(words[i:i+chunk_size]) for i in range(0, len(words), chunk_size)]

def combine_files(files, output_filename):
    with open(output_filename, 'w') as outfile:
        for fname in files:
            with open(fname) as infile:

# Find the first text file in the current directory
prompt_files = glob.glob('./*.txt')
if not prompt_files:  
    print("No text files found in the current directory.")

prompt_filename = prompt_files[0]
print(f"Reading from {prompt_filename}")

# Base name for individual chunk and response files
base_filename = os.path.splitext(prompt_filename)[0]

# Read the prompt from the text file
text = read_prompt_from_file(prompt_filename)

# Default chunk size
chunk_size = 600

# If the number of chunks will exceed 22, adjust chunk size
words = text.split()
estimated_chunks = len(words) / chunk_size
if estimated_chunks > 22:
    chunk_size = math.ceil(len(words) / 22)

# Edit this string to your liking. This will be prepended to each chunk.
additional_string = "Here's a new chunk: "

# Split the text into chunks
chunks = chunk_text(text, chunk_size)

chunk_files = []
response_files = []
for i, chunk in enumerate(chunks):
    chunk_filename = f"{base_filename}_chunk_{i}.txt"
    write_chunk_to_file(chunk_filename, additional_string + chunk)

for i, chunk_file in enumerate(chunk_files):
    chunk = read_prompt_from_file(chunk_file)  # read the chunk file
    response_filename = f"{base_filename}_response_{i}.txt"
    response = BasicGeneration(chunk)
    write_response_to_file(response_filename, response)

# Name of the final output text file
final_filename = base_filename + "_final_response.txt"

# Combine all the individual response files into one
combine_files(response_files, final_filename)

print("The responses have been written to the final file.")


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  1. Mastery Part 1
  2. How to Invest In Yourself
  3. Why Life Coaching Works
  4. Be Different to Be Successful
  5. Get Coached
  6. Inner Game of Career Development
  7. The Most Interesting Problem in Philosophy and Science
  8. How I Lost 65 Pounds in 5 Months
  9. Understanding Resistance
  10. Mastery
  11. Work Less to Accomplish More
  12. What's the Worst that Can Happen
  13. What a Roman Emperor Can Teach You About Happiness
  14. The Number One Reason Why You're Not Succeeding
  15. The Problem of Self-Control
  16. The Art of Solving Problems Permanently
  17. How You Must Think About Failure
  18. Life Purpose - Critical Points For Finding Your Life Purpose
  19. As Good As Your Life Will Ever Get
  20. How to Delegate to Your Subconscious Mind
  21. Garbage In, Garbage Out - Watch Your Information Intake
  22. The $100 Million Dollar Question
  23. Positive vs Negative Motivation
  24. How To Transform Your Entire Life
  25. Personal Development Blueprint - Intro -
  26. Personal Development - The Ultimate Vision of What You Can Be
  27. Life Purpose - The Thrill of Creative Contribution
  28. Success & Creativity - Why You Should Be More Schizophrenic
  29. Personal Development - How Your Mind is Like a Rider Atop an Elephant
  30. Personal Development - Tips About How to Give Advice
  31. Create an Exciting Life - Your 5 Proudest Moments Exercise
  32. Happiness & Success - Should You Work on Strengths or Weaknesses
  33. Personal Development - Professional vs Hobbiest
  34. Personal Development Blueprint - Mission Statement
  35. Personal Development Blueprint - Charged Life
  36. Personal Development Blueprint - Top 5 Feelings
  37. Personal Development Blueprint - Eliminate Addictions
  38. How to Make Your Life Extraordinary -
  39. How to Do Real Personal Development
  40. Personal Development Blueprint - Meditation
  41. How To Become Successful - The Secrets That Everyone Overlooks
  42. How To Get More Energy - An Approach Nobody Ever Talks About
  43. How To Make A Guy Fall In Love With You - What Guys Really Want
  44. How To Make A Girl Fall In Love With You - What Girls Really Want
  45. How To Make More Money - Increase Your Income In Career or Business
  46. How To Become A Life Coach - Every Part of the Process Revealed in Detail
  47. Benefits of Meditation - Top Reasons To Start Meditating Right Now
  48. How To Overcome Shyness - Transform Yourself Into An Extrovert
  49. What Is The Purpose Of Life - Use Purpose to Achieve Massive Success
  50. How To Motivate Employees - Creating Ultra-Productive Workers
  51. Negative Thoughts - The Origin Of Negative Thinking & How To Eliminate It Forever
  52. How To Succeed In Life - The 6 Key Elements of Phenomenal Success
  53. How To Feel Happy - Scientifically Proven Ways of Creating Lasting Happiness
  54. Fear Of Public Speaking - The One Key To Overcoming It Forever
  55. How To Change Your Life - Making BIG Life Changes Actually Stick
  56. Fear Of Failure - Why We Have It & How To Deal With It
  57. How To Change Careers - Dealing With The Fear & Transitioning Smart
  58. How To Stay Focused - The Key To Being Extremely Productive & Clear-Minded
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  67. The Subconscious Mind - Using Your Subconscious Mind to Create Massive Success
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  78. What Should I Do With My Life - How To Find Your Passion For Life
  79. Peak Performance - How To Hit and Maintain Consistent Peak Performance In Life
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  84. Positive Psychology - What Is It & How It Can Transform Your Life
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  161. Negative Visualization - An Ancient Stoic Technique For Creating Happiness
  162. How To Stop Being A Victim - The 1 Reason You Are Stuck In Life
  163. Spirituality vs Religion - The No-Bullshit Guide To Spirituality
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  166. How To Stop Caring What People Think Of You
  167. How Science Keeps You Stuck In Life - Exposing Problems With Scientific Thinking
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  252. 3 Step Formula To Be Ruthlessly Effective At Anything
  253. Overcoming Addiction - The Root Cause Of Every Addiction
  254. How Your Mind Distorts Reality - Needy vs Non-Needy Perception
  255. Enlightenment Guided Inquiry - The Neti Neti Method
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  259. A Rant Against Morality - Very Foundational
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  261. Meditation For Beginners
  262. Awareness Alone Is Curative - How To Auto-Correct Unwanted Behaviors
  263. Be Fucking Patient! - How To Deal With Lack Of Results
  264. The Psychology Of Small Business Success - Top 5 Errors Of Aspiring Entrepreneurs
  265. 10 Important Things You Don't Know You Want
  266. You're Not Happy Because You Don't Really Want To Be
  267. The 3 Levels Of Personal Development Work
  268. The Amazing Power Of Psychedelics - Leo Does Magic Psilocybin Mushrooms!
  269. How To Use Psychedelics For Personal Development
  270. Guided Meditation - The Next Level Of Meditation
  271. The Paradox Of Developing Self-Trust
  272. How To Be A Man - Part 2 (Advanced Version)
  273. The 64 Most Fascinating Questions A Human Can Ask
  274. What's Wrong With Ego
  275. What Is God - Leo Becomes Absolute Infinity (Aka God) - All Of Reality Explained
  276. 5-MeO-DMT - The Magic Pill To Enlightenment & God
  277. Low Quality vs High Quality Consciousness
  278. The Dark Side Of Meditation
  279. The Mechanics Of Belief
  280. How To Harness Your Intuition
  281. The Trap Of Projection, Especially Onto Teachers & Mentors
  282. A Rant Against Culture
  283. Money Psychology - The Inner Game of Mastering Money
  284. Using 5-MeO-DMT To Become Enlightened - Interview With Martin Ball
  285. How To Deal With Confusion
  286. Becoming A Sage - A New Vision For & You!
  287. Mystical Traditions Around The World - Nonduality Goes Cosmopolitan!
  288. Becoming A Zen Devil - The Dangers Of Half-Assing Enlightenment
  289. Uncovering Your Childhood Vows - Unwire Your Neurotic Personality
  290. The Pre-mortem Technique - The Trick To Avoiding Project Failure
  291. How To Control Anger - Part 2 - Understanding Evil To Death
  292. A Rant Against Naive Realism - Reality Is NOT Physical!
  293. How I Do Research & Develop Big Picture Understanding
  294. The Launch Of Infinite Insights - Leo's Blog!
  295. The Role Of Balance In Personal Development
  296. Dropping The Roles You Play
  297. The Gallery Of Absolute Infinity
  298. Build Your Infrastructure For Success
  299. AL-LAD Trip Report - A Powerful Tool For Consciousness Work
  300. Understanding How Paradigms Work
  301. Contemplation - The Most Important Tool For Sages
  302. Concentration vs Meditation - How To Develop Concentration
  303. The Big Picture Of Self-Actualization
  304. True vs False Skepticism
  305. Leo's Super Healthy Blueberry Smoothie
  306. The Highest Hero's Journey - What It Means To Be Real Hero
  307. Leo's Super Healthy Vegetable Soup
  308. Understanding Default Positions
  309. Leo's Solo Meditation Retreat - 90 Hours Of Nonstop Meditation In The Forest
  310. Balancing Theory vs Practice
  311. How To Deal With Loneliness - Especially While Self-Actualizing
  312. How To Get Started With Self Actualization - Over 40 Techniques
  313. 2C-B Trip Report - Experiencing Physical Death
  314. Intro To Systems Thinking
  315. Why People Seem Crazy
  316. Subtle Addictions
  317. Successful People Are Not Happy
  318. Making Sense Of Paranormal Phenomena & Psychic Powers
  319. Understanding Absolute Infinity - Part 1
  320. Understanding Absolute Infinity - Part 2
  321. What Is Art - Understanding The Essence Of Art
  322. Setting Proper Expectations
  323. Leo Hits Rock Bottom - EVERYTHING Understood
  324. Learning = Behavior Change
  325. No Growth Possible Without Training
  326. Understanding Meaning, Purpose, & Value
  327. Distraction - The Ego's Favorite Defense Mechanism
  328. What Is The Devil - The Mechanics Of Evil
  329. How To Raise Rockstar Kids
  330. Correcting The Stigma Of Psychedelics - Part 1
  331. Learning = Observation
  332. Correcting The Stigma Of Psychedelics - Part 2
  333. The Topic Of Mindfuckery
  334. Advanced Tips For Self-Inquiry
  335. Building Your Existential Vocabulary
  336. How To Keep The Ultimate Journal (Commonplace Book) + LIVE DEMO
  337. Comprehension Has Many Degrees
  338. Why Brains Do Not Exist
  339. Reality Is A Strange Loop - The Beauty Of Paradox + GRAPHICS
  340. The Theme Of Things Going Full-Circle
  341. Motivational Speech For Building A Passionate Life
  342. The Deep Problem Of Marketing
  343. Jacques Derrida, Deconstruction, Post-Modernism & Nonduality
  344. All Criticism Is Untenable
  345. Self-Deception - Part 1
  346. Self Deception - Part 2 - 60+ Self-Deception Mechanisms
  347. Enlightenment Experience Happening In Real Time - LIVE!
  348. Enlightenment Experience Explanation & Key Lessons
  349. Self-Deception - Part 3
  350. Hitler Reacts To Nonduality Enlightenment - FUNNY!
  351. Life Is A Dream
  352. How To Shop For Healthy Food
  353. My Deepest Awakening Yet - Becoming Infinite
  354. The Importance Of Real Yoga
  355. Quantum Mechanics Debunks Materialism - Part 1
  356. Quantum Mechanics Debunks Materialism - Part 2
  357. Comprehending The Magnitude Of Reality
  358. Metaphysical Implications Of Godel's Incompleteness Theorem - Part 1
  359. Understanding Islam - What Most People Misunderstand
  360. Shamanic Breathing Technique + LIVE DEMO
  361. Collective Ego - Understanding The Egoic Dynamics Of Social Systems
  362. Going Buddha - 30 Day Meditation Challenge
  363. What Is Consciousness - All Questions Answered
  364. What Is Intelligence - Infinite Intelligence Explained
  365. Spiral Dynamics - Stage Blue
  366. Spiral Dynamics - Stage Orange
  367. Spiral Dynamics - Stage Green
  368. Spiral Dynamics - Stage Yellow
  369. Understanding Recontextualization
  370. How To Contemplate Using A Journal
  371. Sameness vs Difference - The Metaphysical Foundation Of Reality
  372. How Ideology Works
  373. Life Is A Maze
  374. What Is Spirituality - A No-Bullshit Intro To Spirituality
  375. How To Escape Wage Slavery
  376. Body Awareness - How To Relax Your Body
  377. What Is Love - Advanced Spiritual Explanation
  378. 35+ Subfields Of Self-Help
  379. What Is Actuality - Distinguish Direct Experience vs Concept
  380. Mankind Is The Bullshitting Animal
  381. Nootropics - Top Supplements For Increasing Mental Performance
  382. The Radical Implications Of Oneness (Halloween Edition)
  383. 65 Core Principles Of Living The Good Life
  384. What Is Perception - The Metaphysics Of Perception
  385. Spiral Dynamics - Important Insights & Nuances
  386. The Ten Ox-Herding Pictures - Zen's Stages Of Enlightenment Explained
  387. The Counter-Intuitive Nature Of Life
  388. Understanding Ego Backlash
  389. Spiral Dynamics - Areas Of Application
  390. How To Do Self-Inquiry
  391. Cult Psychology - Part 1 - How Cults Work
  392. Cult Psychology - Part 2 - The Big Picture
  393. What Is God - Part 1 - A No Bullshit Explanation For Smart People
  394. What Is God - Part 2 - Clear Answers To 70+ Commonly Asked Questions
  395. Aztec Nonduality - Profound Life Lessons From Aztec Philosophy
  396. Leaving On 30-Day Solo Retreat
  397. Becoming God - Insights From 13 Back-to-Back Awakenings
  398. Understanding Duality - Part 1 - Master List of 250+ Dualities
  399. Understanding Duality - Part 2 - Scientific Dualities
  400. Understanding Duality - Part 3 - Existential Dualities
  401. Life Unfolds In Chapters & Phases
  402. The Power Of Asking Questions
  403. What Is The Point Of Life - An Advanced, Life-Changing Explanation
  404. Understanding Survival - Part 1 - The Metaphysics Of Being Human
  405. Understanding Survival - Part 2 - Advanced Insights About Survival
  406. Understanding Relativism - Part 1
  407. What Is Reality - A Radical Explanation
  408. How Authority Works - Where Does Truth Come From
  409. Conscious Politics - Part 1 - The Deepest Political Analysis You'll Ever Hear
  410. Conscious Politics - Part 2 - Foundational Insights About Political Ideology
  411. Conscious Politics - Part 3 - The Core Principles Of Conscious Politics
  412. Conscious Politics - Part 4 - 100+ Specific Policy Proposals
  413. Self-Bias - Why All Worldviews Are So Skewed
  414. What Is Truth - The Definitive Answer
  415. The Power Of Letting Go - How To Overcome Clinginess, Attachment, OCD
  416. What Is Love - Part 2 - The Brutal Nature Of Love
  417. How Fear Works - Part 1 - The Ultimate Guide To Dealing With Fear
  418. How Fear Works - Part 2 - The Ultimate Guide To Dealing With Fear
  419. Understanding Impermanence - Why Reality Is Always Changing
  420. Announcement - Launching On Patreon + Vision For The Future
  421. The Many Facets Of Awakening - List of Top 30 Enlightenment Insights
  422. How Corruption Works
  423. The Dangers Of Spiritual Work
  424. How To Discover What's True - A Deep Inquiry
  425. Content vs Structure - Going Meta Is A Super-power
  426. What Is Death - How Immortality Works
  427. Self-Love - The Highest Teaching In The Universe
  428. Division vs Unity - The Engine That Runs Reality
  429. Why Reality CANNOT Be A Simulation - A Clear Answer
  430. Reproduction Is An Illusion - Why It Doesn't Matter If You Have Kids
  431. Total Awakening Live In Real Time - Part 1
  432. Total Awakening Live In Real Time - Part 2
  433. Explicit vs Implicit Understanding
  434. How Psychedelics Work - Making Sense Of Psychedelics
  435. How Society Evolves - Introducing The World Values Survey
  436. I'm Leaving To Pursue Awakening & Healing - March 2020
  437. Outrageous Experiments In Consciousness - 30 Awakenings In 30 Days
  438. How Openmindedness Works - Exercises To Open Your Mind
  439. Life Advice For Young People - Part 1
  440. How To Forgive Anyone Who Hurt You - A Powerful Trauma Release Exercise
  441. Learning = Making Distinctions - The Secret To Rapid & Deep Learning
  442. Life Advice For Young People - Part 2
  443. The Ultimate Structure Of Reality Explained
  444. Understanding Democracy & Authoritarianism
  445. Why Libertarianism Is Nonsense - Deconstructing Freedom
  446. What If Reality Is Nothing But Perspective
  447. Why Is There Something Rather Than Nothing
  448. Spiral Dynamics - Stage Red
  449. Spiral Dynamics - Stage Purple
  450. The 9 Stages Of Ego Development - Part 1
  451. The 9 Stages Of Ego Development - Part 2
  452. The 9 Stages Of Ego Development - Part 3
  453. The Trap Of The Toxic Life Purpose
  454. Developing Introspection - The Solution To The Problem Of Self-Deception
  455. The Sneaky Psychology Behind Conspiracy Theories
  456. What Is - The Big Picture of Personal Development
  457. Guided Exercises For Understanding Infinite Consciousness
  458. Deconstructing The Myth Of Science - Part 1
  459. Deconstructing The Myth Of Science - Part 2
  460. Deconstructing The Myth Of Science - Part 3
  461. Should You Go To College - Common Traps & Mistakes
  462. What Is Goodness - Good & Morality Fully Explained
  463. Guided Exercise For Realizing You Are God
  464. What Is Wisdom - The Ultimate Guide To Wisdom
  465. What Are Holons - Understanding Holism - Part 1
  466. Holism & Holistic Thinking - Part 1
  467. Holism & Holistic Thinking - Part 2
  468. What It Means To Go Meta
  469. Is A Cult
  470. What Is Integrity - The Role Of Integrity In Life
  471. How Survival Shapes Who You Are
  472. Launch Of New, 2nd Channel
  473. Is Gender A Social Construct - A Profound Explanation
  474. Making Sense Of Jordan Peterson - The Big Picture
  475. An Advanced Explanation Of God-Realization
  476. The Dangers Of Misapplying Spiritual Teachings
  477. Understanding & Coping With Nihilism
  478. How Modern Branding Exploits & Abuses You
  479. Expose Yourself To More Experience
  480. Not Everything Can Be Explained Simply
  481. Why God Forgives Devilry & Evil
  482. How Your Mind Interprets Reality
  483. Relative vs Absolute Truth
  484. The Social Matrix - How Society Is A Mass Hallucination
  485. The Top Dangers Of Using Psychedelics
  486. The Root Solution To People Pleasing & Loneliness
  487. Satisfaction Meditation - How To Make Meditation Enjoyable!
  488. What Does Awakening Feel Like
  489. Everyone Acts From Good Intentions
  490. Why Valuable Things Require Development Over Time
  491. Understanding Bias - Bias, Love, & Mind Explained
  492. Life, It's All A Mind Game!
  493. Introducing 5-MeO-MALT - The Other God Molecule
  494. Does Free Will Exist - What Is Will
  495. What Is Paradox - Why Does Paradox Exist
  496. Leo's Worst Bad Trips - Psychedelics Gone Wrong
  497. Motivational Speech - Oct 2021
  498. Assumption Is The Mother Of All Fuck-Ups
  499. Burning Through Karma - How To Exhaust Material Desires
  500. How To Get Laid - Part 1 - The Foundations Of Success With Women
  501. How To Get Laid - Part 2 - Outer Game Techniques
  502. How To Get Laid - Part 3 - The Top Principles Of Game
  503. How To Detox Heavy Metals (Lead & Mercury) + DEMO
  504. Understanding Creation vs Destruction
  505. The Avoidance Of Truth - Why You Fear Truth
  506. Understanding War & Conflict - Part 1
  507. How To Avoid Getting Scammed, Cheated, Exploited, Conned, and Screwed In Life
  508. Lessons From Ketamine - Is Ketamine Useful For Spirituality
  509. State Of Consciousness Is Everything
  510. New Kind Of Awakening - Infinity Of Gods
  511. How To Practice Love - What Does It Mean To Love
  512. How To Fall In Love With Life
  513. The Power Of Not-Knowing
  514. How To Become Decisive
  515. The Next Evolution Of Teachings
  516. Reading A Poetic Description Of God-Consciousness
  517. Understanding Double Standards & Hypocrisy
  518. How Socialization Makes You Stupid - Problems With Conformity & Group-Think
  519. Understanding The Exquisite Balance Of Life
  520. When Does The Left Go Too Far - Part 1
  521. When Does The Left Go Too Far - Part 2
  522. An Intro To Serious Philosophy - Top Advice For Philosophers
  523. Understanding The Conservative Mind
  524. Understanding The Liberal Mind
  525. Why Andrew Tate's Man-Philosophy Cannot Work
  526. What Is Insight. - How To Become More Insightful
  527. The Ultimate Guide To Happiness - How Happiness Works
  528. Understanding Gaslighting - An Advanced Explanation
  529. What Is Maturity. - How & Why To Develop Maturity
Edited by MuadDib

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On 03/12/2023 at 2:16 PM, MuadDib said:
  1. Mastery Part 1
  2. How to Invest In Yourself
  3. Why Life Coaching Works
  4. Be Different to Be Successful
  5. Get Coached
  6. Inner Game of Career Development
  7. The Most Interesting Problem in Philosophy and Science
  8. How I Lost 65 Pounds in 5 Months
  9. Understanding Resistance
  10. Mastery
  11. Work Less to Accomplish More
  12. What's the Worst that Can Happen
  13. What a Roman Emperor Can Teach You About Happiness
  14. The Number One Reason Why You're Not Succeeding
  15. The Problem of Self-Control
  16. The Art of Solving Problems Permanently
  17. How You Must Think About Failure
  18. Life Purpose - Critical Points For Finding Your Life Purpose
  19. As Good As Your Life Will Ever Get
  20. How to Delegate to Your Subconscious Mind
  21. Garbage In, Garbage Out - Watch Your Information Intake
  22. The $100 Million Dollar Question
  23. Positive vs Negative Motivation
  24. How To Transform Your Entire Life
  25. Personal Development Blueprint - Intro -
  26. Personal Development - The Ultimate Vision of What You Can Be
  27. Life Purpose - The Thrill of Creative Contribution
  28. Success & Creativity - Why You Should Be More Schizophrenic
  29. Personal Development - How Your Mind is Like a Rider Atop an Elephant
  30. Personal Development - Tips About How to Give Advice
  31. Create an Exciting Life - Your 5 Proudest Moments Exercise
  32. Happiness & Success - Should You Work on Strengths or Weaknesses
  33. Personal Development - Professional vs Hobbiest
  34. Personal Development Blueprint - Mission Statement
  35. Personal Development Blueprint - Charged Life
  36. Personal Development Blueprint - Top 5 Feelings
  37. Personal Development Blueprint - Eliminate Addictions
  38. How to Make Your Life Extraordinary -
  39. How to Do Real Personal Development
  40. Personal Development Blueprint - Meditation
  41. How To Become Successful - The Secrets That Everyone Overlooks
  42. How To Get More Energy - An Approach Nobody Ever Talks About
  43. How To Make A Guy Fall In Love With You - What Guys Really Want
  44. How To Make A Girl Fall In Love With You - What Girls Really Want
  45. How To Make More Money - Increase Your Income In Career or Business
  46. How To Become A Life Coach - Every Part of the Process Revealed in Detail
  47. Benefits of Meditation - Top Reasons To Start Meditating Right Now
  48. How To Overcome Shyness - Transform Yourself Into An Extrovert
  49. What Is The Purpose Of Life - Use Purpose to Achieve Massive Success
  50. How To Motivate Employees - Creating Ultra-Productive Workers
  51. Negative Thoughts - The Origin Of Negative Thinking & How To Eliminate It Forever
  52. How To Succeed In Life - The 6 Key Elements of Phenomenal Success
  53. How To Feel Happy - Scientifically Proven Ways of Creating Lasting Happiness
  54. Fear Of Public Speaking - The One Key To Overcoming It Forever
  55. How To Change Your Life - Making BIG Life Changes Actually Stick
  56. Fear Of Failure - Why We Have It & How To Deal With It
  57. How To Change Careers - Dealing With The Fear & Transitioning Smart
  58. How To Stay Focused - The Key To Being Extremely Productive & Clear-Minded
  59. Resume Writing Tips - The Secret Mindset For Writing a Perfect Resume
  60. How To Stay Motivated To Lose Weight - The Psychology of Weight Loss Success
  61. Productivity Strategies - Are You Prolific
  62. How To Increase Your Results From Self-Help Products by 10x
  63. How To Stop Worrying - The Fundamentals of Eliminating Worry
  64. How To Change The World - What It Takes To Have Massive Social Impact
  65. Personal Power - How Personal Power Creates Success
  66. SMART Goal Setting - How to Set Extremely Effective Goals
  67. The Subconscious Mind - Using Your Subconscious Mind to Create Massive Success
  68. What Is Ego - How Your Ego Dictates Your Entire Life
  69. Personal Development Blueprint - Information Intake
  70. How To Get Motivated - Creating a Consistent Drive for High Performance
  71. The Law Of Attraction - How It Really Works & How To Use It
  72. New Years Resolutions - How Getting Back On Track Is A Huge Opportunity
  73. Self Expression - How To Express Yourself & Find Your Authentic Creative Voice
  74. How To Stop Procrastinating - A Step-by-Step Process For Busting The Worst of Procrastination
  75. How To Be More Confident - A Step-by-Step Process for Becoming Truly Confident
  76. Self Actualization - The Most Inspiring Self-Help Concept Of All Time
  77. Positive Affirmations - The Tricks of Using Affirmations to Transform Your Life
  78. What Should I Do With My Life - How To Find Your Passion For Life
  79. Peak Performance - How To Hit and Maintain Consistent Peak Performance In Life
  80. How To Stay Healthy - The Psychology of Maintaining Consistent, Effortless Health
  81. Overcoming Adversity - How To Handle The Most Horrific Life Challenges Ever
  82. How To Become A Vegetarian - Practical Steps You Must Take To Succeed
  83. How To Control Anger - The Shocking Truth Behind Your Anger Problems
  84. Positive Psychology - What Is It & How It Can Transform Your Life
  85. Self Control - How To Develop Self-Control To Create An Amazing Life
  86. How to Be Happy in Life - Happiness Bottlenecks
  87. How To Relieve Stress - Scientifically Proven Stress Relief Techniques
  88. How To Be Attractive - The Ultimate Attraction Strategy
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  93. Willpower - Scientifically Proven Techniques to Increase Willpower
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  96. Sensitivity - Why Personal Development Is Impossible For You Right Now
  97. Mindfulness - How To Actually Practice Mindfulness & Conquer Your Emotions
  98. Profound Quotes 002 - Specialization Is For Insects
  99. What Is Happiness - An Extremely Advanced Definition Of Happiness
  100. Self Image - The Amazing, Absolute Key To All Personal Growth
  101. How To Stay Committed To A Cause
  102. Introvert vs Extrovert - A Deep Understanding Of Introverts And Extroverts
  103. How To Eat Healthy - Create A Super Healthy Meal In 15 Minutes
  104. How To Be A Man - The Deep Core Of Being Masculine
  105. Positive Thinking - The Key To Thinking Positive
  106. Healthy Relationships - What You MUST Know To Sustain A Great Relationship
  107. Dream Life - What It Takes To Create An Extraordinary Life
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  109. Optimism - How To Become Optimisitic Right Now
  110. Letting Go Of The Past - How To Get Over The Past In Minutes
  111. How To Find Your Passion - Why You Have No Passion & How To Fix It
  112. Critical Thinking - Use Independent Thinking To Build A Powerful Life
  113. How To Motivate Yourself - The Trick Behind Lasting Self-Motivation
  114. Emotional Intelligence - Why Your EQ Is More Important Than Your IQ
  115. Cause & Purpose - What Are You Willing To Bleed For
  116. How To Never Quit - The Key To Reframing The Toughtest Obstacles
  117. How To Use Technology To Super-Charge Your Personal Growth
  118. Time Management - How To Get More Time In Your Day
  119. State Of The Union - My Camera Dies In Death Valley
  120. The Secret - The Truth They Didn't Tell You
  121. Personal Development Plan - The Essentials Of Getting Results
  122. How To Love Yourself - How To Like Who You Are Right Now
  123. How To Feel Good - Re-Designing Your Life To Feel Amazing
  124. Id, Ego, Superego - Understanding An Old School Psychology Concept
  125. Self Help - How Self-Help Can Revolutionize Your Entire Life
  126. How To Be Yourself - Become Your Authentic Self Right Now
  127. True Value - How To Create Success Out Of Nowhere
  128. The Power Of Routines - How Your Daily Routine Holds You Back From Your Dreams
  129. Life Coaching - The Powerful Benefits Of Working With A Life Coach
  130. How To Start A Business - Bootstrapping A Successful Business
  131. How Your Subconscious Holds You Back From Greatness
  132. Staying Hungry - How To Use Pain For Growth
  133. Relationship Advice - The Master Plan For Creating An Amazing Relationship
  134. How To Become A Millionaire - The Truth No One Tells You
  135. Self Esteem - Understanding & Fixing Low Self-Esteem
  136. Judgment - How You Ruin Your Own Happiness
  137. Profound Quotes 003 - Children Want Candy; The Intelligent Want Self-Control - Rumi
  138. Whatever Doesn't Kill You Makes You Stronger - True or False
  139. What Women Want In A Man - 5 Factors That Hook Women Like Crack
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  141. Positive Attitude - The 3 Pillars To Cultivating Positivity
  142. How To Exploit People To Grow Yourself - An Advanced Technique
  143. Stress Management - Permanent Solutions For Stress Reduction
  144. Why I'm A Dick - And Why I Won't Change
  145. Goal Setting - How To Set Goals Effectively
  146. Bad Relationships - How To Break Your Cycle Of Painful Relationships
  147. Bad Habits - A Live Exercise For Dropping Any Bad Habit For Good
  148. How To Get A Girlfriend - The Ultimate Guide For Landing A Hot Girlfriend
  149. How To Forgive Someone - The One Trick That Makes Forgiveness Easy
  150. Openmindedness - A Huge Overlooked Obstacle To Self Improvement
  151. How To Make Friends - 4 Sticking-Points That Limit Your Ability To Make Friends
  152. Good Vs Evil - Why Evil Doesn't Actually Exist
  153. Communication Skills - The 6 Keys Of Powerful Communication
  154. Low Self Esteem In Women - Why Women Have Lower Self-Esteem Than Men
  155. Visualization - A Powerful Technique For Reprogramming Your Subconscious Mind
  156. Self Confidence - The Two Essential Avenues For Building Confidence
  157. Why Women Use You For Money - And How To Never Get Used Again
  158. Why Men Cheat - And 8 Ways To Keep Your Man Loyal
  159. How To Follow Advice Without Betraying Yourself
  160. How To Master & Control Your Emotions
  161. Negative Visualization - An Ancient Stoic Technique For Creating Happiness
  162. How To Stop Being A Victim - The 1 Reason You Are Stuck In Life
  163. Spirituality vs Religion - The No-Bullshit Guide To Spirituality
  164. Self Discipline vs Freedom - How To Create More Freedom In Your Life
  165. How To Deal With Depression - The Key To Breaking Out Of Depression
  166. How To Stop Caring What People Think Of You
  167. How Science Keeps You Stuck In Life - Exposing Problems With Scientific Thinking
  168. Why Women Fall For Assholes
  169. Understanding The Authentic Self - Discovering Who You Really Are
  170. How To Deal With Difficult & Toxic People
  171. Leo's List of Top 140 Self-Help Books
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  174. How To Meditate - The No Bullshit Guide to Meditation
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  176. The Biggest Thing You Should Fear - Halloween Special
  177. How To Be An Attractive Man - Interview With Dating Coach, TrippAdvice
  178. How To Stop Being Lazy - Solutions For Short-term & Long-term Laziness
  179. How To Deepen Your Love For Life - A Powerful Exercise
  180. How To Deal With A Breakup
  181. Why The Most Successful People Don't Do Personal Development
  182. How To Have Amazing Sex - Part 1
  183. The Truth About Passive Income
  184. How To Practice Gratitude - Xmas 2014 Special
  185. How To Stop Being Jealous - Techniques To End Jealousy Forever
  186. Responsibility vs Blame - Why You Are 100% Responsible For Everything
  187. How To Study - The Keys To Acing School & College
  188. Beware Of False Prophets - Stop Worshipping Human Personality
  189. What Is Karma - The No-Bullshit Explanation Of How Karma Works
  190. Stop Demonizing People! - Why You Are Wrong For Calling Terrorists Evil
  191. Spiritual Enlightenment - The Most SHOCKING Truth You'll Ever Hear
  192. What To Do Next After Learning About Enlightenment
  193. The Happiness Spectrum - The Best & Worst Kinds Of Happiness
  194. Paradoxes Of Personal Development
  195. Spiritual Enlightenment - Part 2 - Understanding The Conceptualized Self
  196. The Secret Curse Of Being Human + Bonus A True Spiritual Exercise!
  197. How To Have Amazing Sex (For Women) - Drive Your Man Wild In Bed
  198. Enlightenment FAQ - Part 1 - All Your Questions Answered
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  201. All Of Religion Explained In One Video
  202. How To Have Amazing Sex - Part 2 - Increasing Intimacy & Dominance
  203. Understanding Emotions - Part 1
  204. Feminine vs Masculine Compassion
  205. How To Stop Backsliding - How To Stop Procrastinating
  206. How To Become Enlightened - The Exact Step By Step Process Revealed!
  207. How To Be A Leader - Leadership Secrets Revealed!
  208. How To Stop Being A Workaholic
  209. How To Meditate Deeper
  210. Science vs Religion - The Absurdity Revealed!
  211. How To Create Your Dream Career - The Ultimate Life Purpose Course
  212. How To Unleash Your Ambition - Must-Watch For Ambitious People
  213. How To Get Shit Done - The Inner Game Of Being A Results-Maker
  214. My Enlightenment Experience - Exactly How It Happened
  215. Lower vs Higher Self - Understanding Your Two-Faced Nature
  216. Using Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs To Self-Actualize
  217. Masculinity vs Femininity - Psychology Of The Male & Female Mind
  218. Meditation Techniques Do Nothing - The Simplest Meditation Possible
  219. Meditation On Steroids - How To Get The FASTEST Meditation Gains
  220. The Grand Model Of Psychological Evolution - Clare Graves & Spiral Dynamics
  221. Being A Spiritual Seeker, Good or Bad
  222. One Simple Rule For Acing Life
  223. How To Be Funny - Comprehensive Guide To Developing A Sense of Humor
  224. Contemplating Your Own Death - To Stay Motivated For Life
  225. How To Deal With Criticism, Trolls, and Haters
  226. Avoiding Dysfunctional & Abusive Relationships - 30+ Red Flags
  227. Advice For High School & College Students - The Keys To Mastering Life
  228. Curing Perfectionism - How To Stop Being A Perfectionist
  229. Mindfulness Meditation - A Complete Guide With Techniques & Examples
  230. A Vision For The Self Actualized Life - Get Yo Ass Inspired!
  231. How To Overcome Creative Blocks & Writer's Block
  232. How To Deal With Strong Negative Emotions
  233. Radical Openmindedness - How To Break Free Of Dogma & Beliefs
  234. 30 Ways Society Fucks You In The Ass
  235. How You Lie - All Your Dirty, Sneaky Lies & Manipulations Exposed!
  236. 40 Signs That You Are Neurotic - Understanding Neurosis
  237. How To Stop Judging Yourself
  238. The Challenges Of Making Bold Life Changes
  239. Understanding Awareness - The Staggering Depth Of Your Unawareness Revealed
  240. Free Will vs Determinism - Does Free Will Exist
  241. A Rant Against The Pickup Community - Must Watch For All PUAs
  242. The Ultimate Model Of Human Knowledge - All Knowledge Explained!
  243. The Most Important Commitment You Can Make + Huge Announcement
  244. 27 Qualities Of All Successful People
  245. The Enlightened Self - A Description Of Your Existential Nature
  246. Fake Growth vs Real Growth - What If You're Just Tricking Yourself
  247. How To Stop Comparing Yourself To Others
  248. How To Be A Strategic Motherfucker - The 7 Pillars Of Strategic Thinking
  249. Why Rationality Is WRONG! - A Critique Of Rationalism
  250. The Power Of Self Acceptance - How To Stop Beating Yourself Up
  251. The Benefits Of Enlightenment
  252. 3 Step Formula To Be Ruthlessly Effective At Anything
  253. Overcoming Addiction - The Root Cause Of Every Addiction
  254. How Your Mind Distorts Reality - Needy vs Non-Needy Perception
  255. Enlightenment Guided Inquiry - The Neti Neti Method
  256. Grasping The Illusory Nature Of Thought
  257. Lifestyle Minimalism - Renouncing Your Busy Stupid Life
  258. How To Stop Being A Victim - Part 2 - What All Victims Fail To Understand
  259. A Rant Against Morality - Very Foundational
  260. How To Stop Moralizing - Removing The SHOULDs From Your Life
  261. Meditation For Beginners
  262. Awareness Alone Is Curative - How To Auto-Correct Unwanted Behaviors
  263. Be Fucking Patient! - How To Deal With Lack Of Results
  264. The Psychology Of Small Business Success - Top 5 Errors Of Aspiring Entrepreneurs
  265. 10 Important Things You Don't Know You Want
  266. You're Not Happy Because You Don't Really Want To Be
  267. The 3 Levels Of Personal Development Work
  268. The Amazing Power Of Psychedelics - Leo Does Magic Psilocybin Mushrooms!
  269. How To Use Psychedelics For Personal Development
  270. Guided Meditation - The Next Level Of Meditation
  271. The Paradox Of Developing Self-Trust
  272. How To Be A Man - Part 2 (Advanced Version)
  273. The 64 Most Fascinating Questions A Human Can Ask
  274. What's Wrong With Ego
  275. What Is God - Leo Becomes Absolute Infinity (Aka God) - All Of Reality Explained
  276. 5-MeO-DMT - The Magic Pill To Enlightenment & God
  277. Low Quality vs High Quality Consciousness
  278. The Dark Side Of Meditation
  279. The Mechanics Of Belief
  280. How To Harness Your Intuition
  281. The Trap Of Projection, Especially Onto Teachers & Mentors
  282. A Rant Against Culture
  283. Money Psychology - The Inner Game of Mastering Money
  284. Using 5-MeO-DMT To Become Enlightened - Interview With Martin Ball
  285. How To Deal With Confusion
  286. Becoming A Sage - A New Vision For & You!
  287. Mystical Traditions Around The World - Nonduality Goes Cosmopolitan!
  288. Becoming A Zen Devil - The Dangers Of Half-Assing Enlightenment
  289. Uncovering Your Childhood Vows - Unwire Your Neurotic Personality
  290. The Pre-mortem Technique - The Trick To Avoiding Project Failure
  291. How To Control Anger - Part 2 - Understanding Evil To Death
  292. A Rant Against Naive Realism - Reality Is NOT Physical!
  293. How I Do Research & Develop Big Picture Understanding
  294. The Launch Of Infinite Insights - Leo's Blog!
  295. The Role Of Balance In Personal Development
  296. Dropping The Roles You Play
  297. The Gallery Of Absolute Infinity
  298. Build Your Infrastructure For Success
  299. AL-LAD Trip Report - A Powerful Tool For Consciousness Work
  300. Understanding How Paradigms Work
  301. Contemplation - The Most Important Tool For Sages
  302. Concentration vs Meditation - How To Develop Concentration
  303. The Big Picture Of Self-Actualization
  304. True vs False Skepticism
  305. Leo's Super Healthy Blueberry Smoothie
  306. The Highest Hero's Journey - What It Means To Be Real Hero
  307. Leo's Super Healthy Vegetable Soup
  308. Understanding Default Positions
  309. Leo's Solo Meditation Retreat - 90 Hours Of Nonstop Meditation In The Forest
  310. Balancing Theory vs Practice
  311. How To Deal With Loneliness - Especially While Self-Actualizing
  312. How To Get Started With Self Actualization - Over 40 Techniques
  313. 2C-B Trip Report - Experiencing Physical Death
  314. Intro To Systems Thinking
  315. Why People Seem Crazy
  316. Subtle Addictions
  317. Successful People Are Not Happy
  318. Making Sense Of Paranormal Phenomena & Psychic Powers
  319. Understanding Absolute Infinity - Part 1
  320. Understanding Absolute Infinity - Part 2
  321. What Is Art - Understanding The Essence Of Art
  322. Setting Proper Expectations
  323. Leo Hits Rock Bottom - EVERYTHING Understood
  324. Learning = Behavior Change
  325. No Growth Possible Without Training
  326. Understanding Meaning, Purpose, & Value
  327. Distraction - The Ego's Favorite Defense Mechanism
  328. What Is The Devil - The Mechanics Of Evil
  329. How To Raise Rockstar Kids
  330. Correcting The Stigma Of Psychedelics - Part 1
  331. Learning = Observation
  332. Correcting The Stigma Of Psychedelics - Part 2
  333. The Topic Of Mindfuckery
  334. Advanced Tips For Self-Inquiry
  335. Building Your Existential Vocabulary
  336. How To Keep The Ultimate Journal (Commonplace Book) + LIVE DEMO
  337. Comprehension Has Many Degrees
  338. Why Brains Do Not Exist
  339. Reality Is A Strange Loop - The Beauty Of Paradox + GRAPHICS
  340. The Theme Of Things Going Full-Circle
  341. Motivational Speech For Building A Passionate Life
  342. The Deep Problem Of Marketing
  343. Jacques Derrida, Deconstruction, Post-Modernism & Nonduality
  344. All Criticism Is Untenable
  345. Self-Deception - Part 1
  346. Self Deception - Part 2 - 60+ Self-Deception Mechanisms
  347. Enlightenment Experience Happening In Real Time - LIVE!
  348. Enlightenment Experience Explanation & Key Lessons
  349. Self-Deception - Part 3
  350. Hitler Reacts To Nonduality Enlightenment - FUNNY!
  351. Life Is A Dream
  352. How To Shop For Healthy Food
  353. My Deepest Awakening Yet - Becoming Infinite
  354. The Importance Of Real Yoga
  355. Quantum Mechanics Debunks Materialism - Part 1
  356. Quantum Mechanics Debunks Materialism - Part 2
  357. Comprehending The Magnitude Of Reality
  358. Metaphysical Implications Of Godel's Incompleteness Theorem - Part 1
  359. Understanding Islam - What Most People Misunderstand
  360. Shamanic Breathing Technique + LIVE DEMO
  361. Collective Ego - Understanding The Egoic Dynamics Of Social Systems
  362. Going Buddha - 30 Day Meditation Challenge
  363. What Is Consciousness - All Questions Answered
  364. What Is Intelligence - Infinite Intelligence Explained
  365. Spiral Dynamics - Stage Blue
  366. Spiral Dynamics - Stage Orange
  367. Spiral Dynamics - Stage Green
  368. Spiral Dynamics - Stage Yellow
  369. Understanding Recontextualization
  370. How To Contemplate Using A Journal
  371. Sameness vs Difference - The Metaphysical Foundation Of Reality
  372. How Ideology Works
  373. Life Is A Maze
  374. What Is Spirituality - A No-Bullshit Intro To Spirituality
  375. How To Escape Wage Slavery
  376. Body Awareness - How To Relax Your Body
  377. What Is Love - Advanced Spiritual Explanation
  378. 35+ Subfields Of Self-Help
  379. What Is Actuality - Distinguish Direct Experience vs Concept
  380. Mankind Is The Bullshitting Animal
  381. Nootropics - Top Supplements For Increasing Mental Performance
  382. The Radical Implications Of Oneness (Halloween Edition)
  383. 65 Core Principles Of Living The Good Life
  384. What Is Perception - The Metaphysics Of Perception
  385. Spiral Dynamics - Important Insights & Nuances
  386. The Ten Ox-Herding Pictures - Zen's Stages Of Enlightenment Explained
  387. The Counter-Intuitive Nature Of Life
  388. Understanding Ego Backlash
  389. Spiral Dynamics - Areas Of Application
  390. How To Do Self-Inquiry
  391. Cult Psychology - Part 1 - How Cults Work
  392. Cult Psychology - Part 2 - The Big Picture
  393. What Is God - Part 1 - A No Bullshit Explanation For Smart People
  394. What Is God - Part 2 - Clear Answers To 70+ Commonly Asked Questions
  395. Aztec Nonduality - Profound Life Lessons From Aztec Philosophy
  396. Leaving On 30-Day Solo Retreat
  397. Becoming God - Insights From 13 Back-to-Back Awakenings
  398. Understanding Duality - Part 1 - Master List of 250+ Dualities
  399. Understanding Duality - Part 2 - Scientific Dualities
  400. Understanding Duality - Part 3 - Existential Dualities
  401. Life Unfolds In Chapters & Phases
  402. The Power Of Asking Questions
  403. What Is The Point Of Life - An Advanced, Life-Changing Explanation
  404. Understanding Survival - Part 1 - The Metaphysics Of Being Human
  405. Understanding Survival - Part 2 - Advanced Insights About Survival
  406. Understanding Relativism - Part 1
  407. What Is Reality - A Radical Explanation
  408. How Authority Works - Where Does Truth Come From
  409. Conscious Politics - Part 1 - The Deepest Political Analysis You'll Ever Hear
  410. Conscious Politics - Part 2 - Foundational Insights About Political Ideology
  411. Conscious Politics - Part 3 - The Core Principles Of Conscious Politics
  412. Conscious Politics - Part 4 - 100+ Specific Policy Proposals
  413. Self-Bias - Why All Worldviews Are So Skewed
  414. What Is Truth - The Definitive Answer
  415. The Power Of Letting Go - How To Overcome Clinginess, Attachment, OCD
  416. What Is Love - Part 2 - The Brutal Nature Of Love
  417. How Fear Works - Part 1 - The Ultimate Guide To Dealing With Fear
  418. How Fear Works - Part 2 - The Ultimate Guide To Dealing With Fear
  419. Understanding Impermanence - Why Reality Is Always Changing
  420. Announcement - Launching On Patreon + Vision For The Future
  421. The Many Facets Of Awakening - List of Top 30 Enlightenment Insights
  422. How Corruption Works
  423. The Dangers Of Spiritual Work
  424. How To Discover What's True - A Deep Inquiry
  425. Content vs Structure - Going Meta Is A Super-power
  426. What Is Death - How Immortality Works
  427. Self-Love - The Highest Teaching In The Universe
  428. Division vs Unity - The Engine That Runs Reality
  429. Why Reality CANNOT Be A Simulation - A Clear Answer
  430. Reproduction Is An Illusion - Why It Doesn't Matter If You Have Kids
  431. Total Awakening Live In Real Time - Part 1
  432. Total Awakening Live In Real Time - Part 2
  433. Explicit vs Implicit Understanding
  434. How Psychedelics Work - Making Sense Of Psychedelics
  435. How Society Evolves - Introducing The World Values Survey
  436. I'm Leaving To Pursue Awakening & Healing - March 2020
  437. Outrageous Experiments In Consciousness - 30 Awakenings In 30 Days
  438. How Openmindedness Works - Exercises To Open Your Mind
  439. Life Advice For Young People - Part 1
  440. How To Forgive Anyone Who Hurt You - A Powerful Trauma Release Exercise
  441. Learning = Making Distinctions - The Secret To Rapid & Deep Learning
  442. Life Advice For Young People - Part 2
  443. The Ultimate Structure Of Reality Explained
  444. Understanding Democracy & Authoritarianism
  445. Why Libertarianism Is Nonsense - Deconstructing Freedom
  446. What If Reality Is Nothing But Perspective
  447. Why Is There Something Rather Than Nothing
  448. Spiral Dynamics - Stage Red
  449. Spiral Dynamics - Stage Purple
  450. The 9 Stages Of Ego Development - Part 1
  451. The 9 Stages Of Ego Development - Part 2
  452. The 9 Stages Of Ego Development - Part 3
  453. The Trap Of The Toxic Life Purpose
  454. Developing Introspection - The Solution To The Problem Of Self-Deception
  455. The Sneaky Psychology Behind Conspiracy Theories
  456. What Is - The Big Picture of Personal Development
  457. Guided Exercises For Understanding Infinite Consciousness
  458. Deconstructing The Myth Of Science - Part 1
  459. Deconstructing The Myth Of Science - Part 2
  460. Deconstructing The Myth Of Science - Part 3
  461. Should You Go To College - Common Traps & Mistakes
  462. What Is Goodness - Good & Morality Fully Explained
  463. Guided Exercise For Realizing You Are God
  464. What Is Wisdom - The Ultimate Guide To Wisdom
  465. What Are Holons - Understanding Holism - Part 1
  466. Holism & Holistic Thinking - Part 1
  467. Holism & Holistic Thinking - Part 2
  468. What It Means To Go Meta
  469. Is A Cult
  470. What Is Integrity - The Role Of Integrity In Life
  471. How Survival Shapes Who You Are
  472. Launch Of New, 2nd Channel
  473. Is Gender A Social Construct - A Profound Explanation
  474. Making Sense Of Jordan Peterson - The Big Picture
  475. An Advanced Explanation Of God-Realization
  476. The Dangers Of Misapplying Spiritual Teachings
  477. Understanding & Coping With Nihilism
  478. How Modern Branding Exploits & Abuses You
  479. Expose Yourself To More Experience
  480. Not Everything Can Be Explained Simply
  481. Why God Forgives Devilry & Evil
  482. How Your Mind Interprets Reality
  483. Relative vs Absolute Truth
  484. The Social Matrix - How Society Is A Mass Hallucination
  485. The Top Dangers Of Using Psychedelics
  486. The Root Solution To People Pleasing & Loneliness
  487. Satisfaction Meditation - How To Make Meditation Enjoyable!
  488. What Does Awakening Feel Like
  489. Everyone Acts From Good Intentions
  490. Why Valuable Things Require Development Over Time
  491. Understanding Bias - Bias, Love, & Mind Explained
  492. Life, It's All A Mind Game!
  493. Introducing 5-MeO-MALT - The Other God Molecule
  494. Does Free Will Exist - What Is Will
  495. What Is Paradox - Why Does Paradox Exist
  496. Leo's Worst Bad Trips - Psychedelics Gone Wrong
  497. Motivational Speech - Oct 2021
  498. Assumption Is The Mother Of All Fuck-Ups
  499. Burning Through Karma - How To Exhaust Material Desires
  500. How To Get Laid - Part 1 - The Foundations Of Success With Women
  501. How To Get Laid - Part 2 - Outer Game Techniques
  502. How To Get Laid - Part 3 - The Top Principles Of Game
  503. How To Detox Heavy Metals (Lead & Mercury) + DEMO
  504. Understanding Creation vs Destruction
  505. The Avoidance Of Truth - Why You Fear Truth
  506. Understanding War & Conflict - Part 1
  507. How To Avoid Getting Scammed, Cheated, Exploited, Conned, and Screwed In Life
  508. Lessons From Ketamine - Is Ketamine Useful For Spirituality
  509. State Of Consciousness Is Everything
  510. New Kind Of Awakening - Infinity Of Gods
  511. How To Practice Love - What Does It Mean To Love
  512. How To Fall In Love With Life
  513. The Power Of Not-Knowing
  514. How To Become Decisive
  515. The Next Evolution Of Teachings
  516. Reading A Poetic Description Of God-Consciousness
  517. Understanding Double Standards & Hypocrisy
  518. How Socialization Makes You Stupid - Problems With Conformity & Group-Think
  519. Understanding The Exquisite Balance Of Life
  520. When Does The Left Go Too Far - Part 1
  521. When Does The Left Go Too Far - Part 2
  522. An Intro To Serious Philosophy - Top Advice For Philosophers
  523. Understanding The Conservative Mind
  524. Understanding The Liberal Mind
  525. Why Andrew Tate's Man-Philosophy Cannot Work
  526. What Is Insight. - How To Become More Insightful
  527. The Ultimate Guide To Happiness - How Happiness Works
  528. Understanding Gaslighting - An Advanced Explanation
  529. What Is Maturity. - How & Why To Develop Maturity

Wow, thank you.

Is there a document where all of these are combined?

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