
What if

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I do not know where to pin myself in spiral dynamics or the actualization spectrum but I know for a fact that I am. I know for a fact that I am way below and there is a lot of growth that awaits me far away somewhere in the distant galaxies. For a few minutes today I did a thought experiment. I imagined that if in fact everything is perspectives and opinions what if actualized org is one as well, what if religion is one as well what if everything else is a perspective as well...what if everything is....my world views came crumbling down to ashes. It felt like I was being ripped apart limb from limb. It felt like "reality" became realer. And at the same time reality felt like a dream. It felt like I was living in a huge dream. I felt nihilistic. What if the left and the right and even the middle are perspectives as well....the more I went deeper the more my world views became vague. My mind withered away like petals on a dying rose. Then... I dared not to imagine what if I am not human at all what if human is a perspective as well. What if being a biological being is nothing but imagination. My body started to shake, I felt chills, I felt like I was dissolving. How did my mind dare to reach such lengths, how can I dare to think this way. Oh lord send me to a cabin in the wilderness far far away....maybe there I will get the answers to everything



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Thank you for sharing! I can relate to the shaking sensation. It feels like a nice massage. 

I AM reborn

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7 hours ago, Hibahere said:

my world views came crumbling down to ashes. It felt like I was being ripped apart limb from limb. It felt like "reality" became realer. And at the same time reality felt like a dream.

Shifting between different states of consciousness can be jarring. What you did was come out of the world of concepts, into reality. It felt like a dream, because it is not the average person's base reality, since most people live inside their narratives. Me included most of the time.

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You are basically deconstructing your reality.

Thought experiments can be random, it will really be helpful to deconstruct your beliefs first, because they are the real foundations that hold your reality together.

Start by what you think is real.

Edited by Understander

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When you realize you don't know nothing, you're just left with your best guess, but that also works.

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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