Leo Gura

Important! - Nobody On This Forum Is AWAKE

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9 hours ago, Squeekytoy said:

Nobody even knows what it is...



AWAKE does not require alien consciousness.

AWAKE requires that you become conscious of how you imagine the entire world into existence around yourself. It's very direct, very pure, very profound God-Realization. You need to get to the very root of what GOD is. Not as Emptiness or Nothingness, but as yourself imagining everything around you -- including your body, your memories, the Earth, and other people. And including all spiritual teachings and enlightenment. You have to realize that enlightenment, nonduality, Buddhism, meditation, sleep, birth, and death are all imaginary.



Describe a thought.

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9 hours ago, Vlad_ said:

It's absolutely 100% correct. In order for someone to be awake there must be somebody.

None of you posses your own consciousness and therefore none of you can be awake. 

Leo, you're not awake either 

Actually, Reality can imagine anything. There’s only Reality. 

All of us are imagined. Leo is imagined. Being correct is imagined. Possessing something is imagined. Even the concept of “somebody” and “nobody” is imagined.

Now, that’s not an excuse not do Pure Philosophy and working on improving your human self. In fact, if you decide not to do any of that, Reality can imagine a shitty life for you, and you’re understanding of Reality will be diminished significantly.


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10 hours ago, Moksha said:

@BlueOak No, people don't experience this daily. The vast majority are oblivious to their absolute nature. Many have thoughts about it, but few directly realize it. When they do, it dissolves identity.

@MokshaBut the loss of identity gives you the ability to express more openly and freely. So you don’t lose anything in a sense.you are more of a spontaneous expressive shapeshifter which includes but also transcends any expression Or way of being. So identity is still there but hold loosely which is done through the knowingness of your nature. 

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18 hours ago, Vlad_ said:

It's absolutely 100% correct. In order for someone to be awake there must be somebody.

None of you posses your own consciousness and therefore none of you can be awake. 

Leo, you're not awake either 


Hang on a darn second! I thought we are all consciousness and just mistake ourselves with the thing that allegedly "possesses" it. 


Mind over Matter, Awareness over Mind

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I AM the Eternal Child of Intelligent Infinity.

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14 hours ago, Moksha said:

@BlueOak No, people don't experience this daily. The vast majority are oblivious to their absolute nature. Many have thoughts about it, but few directly realize it. When they do, it dissolves identity.


By your definition yes.

We are not separate they are you! :D 

We are not in a special box on this forum. That doesn't exist. They observe like you do. What you call the absolute is them/you/it/whatever. Then there is noise in the way, which clouds it.

Okay they might not have looked behind the curtain and had an experience that explicitly defines a concept of larger ME in their mind but they see larger ME every day they exist. Maybe they don't need the experience, maybe they don't want the experience. What I have experienced they probably won't, they'll have their own realisations about life.

As they do, I will too, because everything ripples out, and influences everything else. You having your experiences, us having this conversation is the stream I spoke about and nobody is out of that stream. There really is no separation, no end point either, no final absolute realization. Because tomorrow you are going to have another if you are open to it.

Which, to me, was the point of the message in the thread. The second someone says ah I have it, they tend to say that's it. Maybe they write a book telling everyone that's it, and it becomes a religion. Meanwhile the stream they were in has become something else entirely.

Edited by BlueOak

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6 hours ago, M A J I said:


The Truth Can Not Be Found by Seeking, but Only Seekers Find It

I can’t tell if that title is being serious or if it’s a parody. 

I sincerely hope it’s a parody. 

Even GPT-4 is confused


Edited by Yimpa


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2 hours ago, Yimpa said:

Even GPT-4 is confused

I don't think it is, actually, I think it answers the question very well. It's just that it's very nuanced and, as it says, paradoxical, and therefore it isn't something that can really be explained in a sentence or two.

'When you look outside yourself for something to make you feel complete, you never get to know the fullness of your essential nature.' - Amoda Maa Jeevan

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On 4/19/2023 at 1:07 PM, Ramu said:

@The0Self @The0Self Wow.  So I have nothing to worry about buying 5 meo from the Dark Web?  I needn't worry about fraud or shady characters or prosecution?  I had no idea it was so carefree and easy.

My friend does it. I know how to do it to the bare minimum degree but I wouldn’t advise anyone on how to break the law. However, there are guides on how to use it (how to use TOR; Onion; dark net markets).

It may indeed be risky, but from what I’ve seen, if done correctly, it works basically every time, seemingly.

Edited by The0Self

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@StillnessSpeaks There's an inverse correlation between identity and freedom. The more boundaries the mind creates between you and others, the stronger the bars become on your self-made prison. Freedom is letting go of identity and boundaries, which is absolute love.

@BlueOak Yes, the essence of every person, every animal, every plant, and every other form is absolutely the same. Realizing the seamlessness of reality dissolves every identity. For most of us, this isn't a one-time realization, but an ever-deepening release of the false idea of separation and resonating with the absolute within, between, and beyond forms.

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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I'm always amazed how much people will contend about the maps that they draw.

All these conceptualizations and descriptions are imaginary, you create them and yet some will disagree with a map that differs in concepts and descriptions than the one they trust is the 'truth'.

So if the map is imaginary and you create them otherwise they don't exist, why say 'no' or 'yes' to some other map? All the rules of the map, the 'legend', are the mind trying to remember the path from the past and is also imaginary.

Contending about maps often is an obstacle to awakening, so then just burn the map and never draw another one again. Even Leo, who draws some of the most complicated maps would get more clarity from just burning them.

Although, people really do love their maps, they 'need' their map, it's as if they are addicted to their map.



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1 hour ago, SOUL said:

I'm always amazed how much people will contend about the maps that they draw.

All these conceptualizations and descriptions are imaginary, you create them and yet some will disagree with a map that differs in concepts and descriptions than the one they trust is the 'truth'.

So if the map is imaginary and you create them otherwise they don't exist, why say 'no' or 'yes' to some other map? All the rules of the map, the 'legend', are the mind trying to remember the path from the past and is also imaginary.

Contending about maps often is an obstacle to awakening, so then just burn the map and never draw another one again. Even Leo, who draws some of the most complicated maps would get more clarity from just burning them.

Although, people really do love their maps, they 'need' their map, it's as if they are addicted to their map.



On a relative level, maps make sense. From the level of the Absolute Level, they are just appearances.

Did you notice that you yourself just "drew" a map with your post? Giving higher importance to "no map" on a relative level?

Good maps on a relative level can point to the Absolute (and how you can rest in your True Being) as long as they never claim to be more are more than a finger pointing to the moon. If we take the moon as a metaphor for the Absolute.

A good map is your boat to the other shore. The finger pointing to the moon. A signifier pointing to its referent.

Cast your boat/map into the stream when you are there (or directly before, Nonmeditation Yoga of the Mahamudra-system for example), but not before....

Bon voyage! :)

Selling Water by the River

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18 hours ago, RickyFitts said:

I don't think it is, actually, I think it answers the question very well. It's just that it's very nuanced and, as it says, paradoxical, and therefore it isn't something that can really be explained in a sentence or two.

Its not paradoxical anyway if fully understood. 

You dont have to seek, but seeking is required. You as thr conscious mind need to set your subconscious mind up to seek for you, as it is like the supercomputer behind the conscious mind.

You set the habits and dont seek, you let the subconscious do the job while you observe the seeking simples

Mind over Matter, Awareness over Mind

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6 hours ago, SOUL said:

Contending about maps often is an obstacle to awakening, so then just burn the map and never draw another one again. Even Leo, who draws some of the most complicated maps would get more clarity from just burning them.

There’s a deeper intelligence at play when you zoom out. 

God is Creation. What you’re basically saying is for God to burn its creations and never create again. 


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7 hours ago, SOUL said:

Although, people really do love their maps, they 'need' their map, it's as if they are addicted to their map.

Why cling to any map if you have already arrived at the destination? The map is useless at that point and can be burned.

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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7 hours ago, SOUL said:

Although, people really do love their maps, they 'need' their map, it's as if they are addicted to their map.

15 minutes ago, Moksha said:

Why cling to any map if you have already arrived at the destination? The map is useless at that point and can be burned.


Reframe or imagine “map” as an Infinite Mind. It’s not something you ‘need’, it’s something YOU are.

From ignorance, you are fixated on one particular, tiny aspect of the map. In fact, you don’t even know that other aspects of the map exist. You are thoroughly convinced that your [limited] view of the map is what Reality fundamentally is, so you defend it from any and all other interpretations that go against it.

As you grow wiser in the world and have more experiences, you still see the same [limited] view of the map, but you’re open to and even have some of the original symbols changed completely.

Now this is where things start to radically shift. As you have mystical experiences, you start to realize “HOLY SHIT!”. Yes, all along you were fixated on such a [limited] view of the map, only to discover that Reality has the ability to zoom the same map out! To take it a step even deeper, if you have such a profound mystical experience, you’ve basically zoomed out so far that you can’t even make out the [limited] view anymore. Again, you’re viewing the same exact map; even the [limited] view is still there with all it’s microscopic symbols, but it no longer makes sense to identify that particular view as the only true Reality. Like, seriously!

Unfortunately, this is where most people get lost. Inevitably, you will zoom back in to the [limited] view. But instead of doing serious integration work, you try and brute force your way to zooming out again. In other words, you’ve circled back to ignorance. You thoroughly convince yourself that the zoomed out mystical state is what Reality fundamentally is, so that becomes your new map that you defend from any and all other interpretations that go against it.

What is the solution then? The solution is to COMPREHEND what the fuck REALITY is. Is it the zoomed out mystical view? Is it the [limited] view? Is it one or the other? Can it be both?

Of course any answer I give on here is completely and utterly useless unless you understand REALITY for YOURSELF.


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6 hours ago, Water by the River said:

On a relative level, maps make sense. From the level of the Absolute Level, they are just appearances.

Did you notice that you yourself just "drew" a map with your post? Giving higher importance to "no map" on a relative level?

Good maps on a relative level can point to the Absolute (and how you can rest in your True Being) as long as they never claim to be more are more than a finger pointing to the moon. If we take the moon as a metaphor for the Absolute.

A good map is your boat to the other shore. The finger pointing to the moon. A signifier pointing to its referent.

Cast your boat/map into the stream when you are there (or directly before, Nonmeditation Yoga of the Mahamudra-system for example), but not before....

Bon voyage! :)

Selling Water by the River

I don't notice me saying there's a 'higher importance to no map' because I didn't say it, I didn't even imply it. You may have heard it that way because of your addiction to your map but it isn't what I said or meant.

I did say that contending about maps is an obstacle to awakening and if that is the case you'd be better served burning the map and never drawing one again. It's the contention about the maps that is the obstacle, not the map itself.

I also said a map is just the mind charting the past, creating a legend about it's concepts. People believe their maps are accurate, otherwise they wouldn't be using them but it's still based on the past, which is also imaginary.

I didn't say anything about the right or wrong, good or bad and importance or not of the map, just the contention about the maps are an obstacle to what I will assume is the destination of the map.

Can you understand the difference between what I said and what you heard?

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1 hour ago, Yimpa said:

There’s a deeper intelligence at play when you zoom out. 

God is Creation. What you’re basically saying is for God to burn its creations and never create again. 

That's not what I said, that's what you heard. Read what I wrote again.

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1 hour ago, Moksha said:

Why cling to any map if you have already arrived at the destination? The map is useless at that point and can be burned.

You understand my point. To expound upon that understanding, if we are already at the destination anyway and it's the map that's keeping us from realizing it by conceptualizing a separation between us and the destination, then burning the map is the most helpful solution.

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2 minutes ago, SOUL said:

You understand my point. To expound upon that understanding, if we are already at the destination anyway and it's the map that's keeping us from realizing it by conceptualizing a separation between us and the destination, then burning the map is the most helpful solution.

Your ignorance is so cringe, but I Love You anyway :x


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