Leo Gura

Important! - Nobody On This Forum Is AWAKE

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15 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

The whole point is that Infinity is inexhaustable. GOD is a mystery unto itself.

You are not going to achieve specific omniscience, but you can get general omniscience.

You can see the whole Earth by zooming out but you will not see every ant on it. There is a trade-off relationship there.

:x. I agree with all my heart.

> The whole point is that Infinity is inexhaustable. GOD is a mystery unto itself. You are not going to achieve specific omniscience, but you can get general omniscience.

The general structure of Reality can be understood (Awakening, Enlightenment), the specifics continue to get explored.

Imagine: "We" will NEVER run out of new adventures, worlds and realities! In the beginning when I started realizing what that infinity actually means, I was scared and in awe of such a vision. In the way of the definition of awe: "an overwhelming feeling of reverence, admiration, fear, etc., produced by that which is [infinitely more] grand, sublime, extremely powerful [than oneself], or the like: in awe of God", Wikipedia.

I had to step back, my character reacted a bit ... shocked. Luckily, I was at a stage where that reaction already mostly flowed through my being without rocking the remains of the separate self character too hard.

In the meantime, this insight became the most wonderful thing. "We" will never run out of wonders to explore. An infinity of infinities. Something I would not have anticipated is that this initial insight transformed into a deep appreciation of the beauty of this world, of this one reality of infinity.

Because what is then to do here, if even God can't empty out this infinity of Lilas, and has to explore them to know and realize them "all"?

At least for me, the spontaneous answer was and still is: Enjoy the beauty of this world. There is so much wonder! Enjoy every detail, nature, region, cultures, of this planet Earth ... That insight brought much joy into my life.


Selling the manifested beauty of the Water by the River...

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@Water by the River There exist an infinite different kinds of love.

GOD is Infinite Love. GOD is inexhaustable Love.

That's the bottom line.

What else would GOD be? Why else would it be?

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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On 3/28/2023 at 11:16 AM, Brivido said:

I am going to leave some deep thought questions and considerations about the topic of Alien Consciousness and this thread, @Leo Gura feel free to answer or use the following as material for your future course.

  1. If there is only Consciousness, why call it "Alien"? The concept of "Alien" is based on the difference between self and other, but as you very well know all is Self.
  2. You have to explain in detail what you mean by "Awakening" because your definition is constantly changing and is confusing people. If you take "Awakening" to mean dissolution into formless consciousness, you aren't Awake either, because you are here reading this post. Give us a clear and concise definition of what you mean by the term "Awakening".
  3. Your bar for "Awakening" is getting insanely high. In my vocabulary, awakening means the direct and constant realization that I Am the medium which creates any possible kind of reality: Consciousness. Everything is Me, everything is myself, everything is my Mind.      
  4. When you say "Nobody on this forum is awake", you are undervaluing your own work and your own impact. There are people on this forum who have been as far as you went and I am one of them (leaving outside this Alien Consciousness business).
  5. It seems that you are falling in the trap of believing that there is someone to save from unconsciousness. Each one of us is choosing to dream the dream of being a human, and again, you know that. There is no-one to save and, in the absolute sense, your work is completely useless because you are teaching to yourself.
  6. In the absolute sense, the role of "spiritual teacher" is completely useless. From my POV I am the only one that can awaken and from your POV you are the only one, why constantly affirming that "nobody is awake"? Of course nobody is awake but you from your POV, because you are everyone.  
  7. You have to accept that the majority of people will never go as far as you went and that other classic teachers are offering a valuable service to "normal people". 
  8. Can you clarify why one week you state that you and Peter Ralston are the only ones awake and the next week you change your mind? What makes you consider Ralston awake, if you consider him so? Have you been talking with him?

@Brivido God I love you! These are all the things I felt too lazy to write. 


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1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

I don't know what you mean by mechanics.

It is beyond human description or explication.


@Leo Gura  Jesus said it also, and i did miracles like this to a clinical psychologist. So basically during my path of female behavior/consciousness research i discovered things and tested them out 100x on real people using full body vr and they were using it too. The avatars were also like human like and they could speak/move just as we do. But the biggest difference is that they were true to themselves. So this was a perfect testing enviroment.

I was testing, testing and researching about female behaviour biology/consciousness and so on, to the point where i could do incredible things without doing anything because their reality/behaviour/biology was like engraved in my mind and they were like bots to me.


Long story short, i was so certain about these things that i discovered that during my interview with female clinical psychologist. I just closed my eyes and told myself, there is only 1 answer that i have to do for her to love me/like me. When i had my eyes closed my emotion/imagination/thought combined in 1 like it was 100% at all aspects because i knew it was 100% truth. Then i was seeing pictures/imaginations/thought/emotion combined in 1 and i started loading up on some kind of energy. Then i open my eyes and i looked at her, and it was like she froze / was in shock from the energy that i delivered to her. Anyway many miracles happend that day.

There are many mechanics like this, but you never talk about it. Perhaps you don't know?




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2 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

But there is also a feeling of completeness. The completeness of knowing that everything is your imagination. You know you are dreaming but you don't know what you'll dream next. And you are not in control of the dream. It's like strapping into a rollercoaster. You know what it is but you can't predict all the turns.

how do you come to peace with the scariness of not knowing what will happen next in the dream? 

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2 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Not in fine detail.

At a high level, yes.

Hmm.. intriguing.

Is understanding in fine detail worthwhile or is it a lesser use of your time and energy? 

2 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

There is always more to explore, at least for me.

But there is also a feeling of completeness. The completeness of knowing that everything is your imagination. You know you are dreaming but you don't know what you'll dream next. And you are not in control of the dream. It's like strapping into a rollercoaster. You know what it is but you can't predict all the turns.

It bothers me that God is so unconditionally selfless and has an infinite capacity to remember/forget aspects of itself.

Do you deeply fear that all the consciousness work you do can simply be forgotten by God in an instant and suddenly God imagines itself to be a rat in some sewer after imagining alien consciousness?

This is a deep existential crisis for me.

Why do all this work when you simply can forget all of it as if it didn't even exist.

Has God put enough pointers in the imagination just so that it can find its way back? 

2 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

The whole point is that Infinity is inexhaustable. GOD is a mystery unto itself.

You are not going to achieve specific omniscience, but you can get general omniscience.

You can see the whole Earth by zooming out but you will not see every ant on it. There is a trade-off relationship there.

There are many aspects of reality which I am clueless about. But I know what reality is at the highest level.

Are you familiar with the concept of countable and uncountable infinities?

Natural/whole numbers are countable infinity while real numbers are uncountable infinity.

Do you think that the absolute infinity is countable?

In other words, if reality is made out of distinctions, and these distinctions are absolute, then it should be possible to count these infinities or infinite distinctions. 

Or atleast distinguish them definitively. 

Can you count these absolute number of distinctions given that you can fairly strongly comprehend/understand them? 

Or are they uncountable even after understanding them completely? 


Edited by Bobby_2021

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14 minutes ago, Rinne said:

how do you come to peace with the scariness of not knowing what will happen next in the dream? 

Yes. Exactly this. Mind bogglingly scary.

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All the stories I heard growing up about Jesus walking on water, multiplying bread, getting so pissed off that he flipped over tables, etc., etc.

Of course all that’s possible, beyond logical comprehension and beyond dogma. Imagination!

I AM nutz

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1 hour ago, Rinne said:

how do you come to peace with the scariness of not knowing what will happen next in the dream? 

LOVE. Holy shit!

I AM nutz

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As long as you got tendencies and inclinations to pursue any material limitation you are not enlightened.

As long as you can't leave this body behind and come back you are not enlightened.

As long as you can't stay for 10 hours straight without any discomfort, you are not enlightened.

As long as you seek insight after insight so your ego can feel "enlightened", you are not enlightened.

And most importantly as long as you use the word enlightenment as some arbitrary benchmark for consciousness, you are definitely not enlightened ?

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@Leo Gura How does contrast and relativity work when you are in alien conciousness? A lot of what makes up experience is the contrast in things like hot and cold, energized and tired, access and lack of access. If you are just imagining all these differences to have an experience how does it work when you are in alien mode.

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3 hours ago, Bobby_2021 said:

Natural/whole numbers are countable infinity while real numbers are uncountable infinity.

Do you think that the absolute infinity is countable?

Since Reality contains both these infinities, well....

There is an infinity of differently large infinities, see Cantors set-theory.

That is really good news: Absolute Reality does not need to imagine all Lilas to go on infinitely. There can be choice. Not all crap has to be imagined.

And the opposite view of your existential worries: You will get to experience all beauty, love and adventure imaginable.

>It bothers me that God is so unconditionally selfless and has an infinite capacity to remember/forget aspects of itself.

>Do you deeply fear that all the consciousness work you do can simply be forgotten by God in an instant and suddenly God imagines itself to be a rat in some sewer after imagining alien consciousness?

>This is a deep existential crisis for me

That view is deeply dualistic, and cured by a change of perspective happening at Awakening: What you think you are (separate self) is an illusion (moving/arising in you), what you really are is Reality itself (which can not loose or gain anything), and It calls all the shots. It can never die or change. It also doesn't suffer, it has the Illusion of suffering moving in it. It never gains or looses anything. 

> Why do all this work when you simply can forget all of it as if it didn't even exist.
Because what you can gain is so good that it is beyond your wildest dreams. And you actually are It. And you will put the work into it, get to understand/experience it at some point, this life or one of the next.

It/You (with a capital Y) decides what gets manifested next:

What happens after death, or "You are the only game in town": Francis Lucille "How Is Consciousness Experienced After Death? (Meditation 1 of 24)"

> Has God put enough pointers in the imagination just so that it can find its way back? 

"Ignorance is a bad idea only from the vantage-point of ignorance."


But at the end: You need an Awakening of what you really are to fully understand that. But don't worry, the real You can never loose or gain anything. In reality it is all a big joke. And the joke is literally the illusion-separate-self you imagine yourself to be. One day you will laugh, and be fearlessness itself.

3 hours ago, Rinne said:

how do you come to peace with the scariness of not knowing what will happen next in the dream? 

By knowing what you really are, ever have been, and never can not be. And by knowing and understanding the structure of the "you" having these fears.

Hint: What is the you that worries to loose its Awakenings or Enlightenment again? Illusion-arisings (feelings and thoughts) of a separate self moving in that which you really are. You can not fake this understanding, nor just think your way through it. You need an Awakening into what You are, and what Reality is. All of what I have written above is prelimary to that. 

And also a very true perspective: "Though the view should be as vast as the sky, keep your conduct as fine as barley flour". Why? Because in Lila Karma holds. It can bite back, it is still valid. Cause-effect. Reality is smart, way smarter than the small separate self. So if you think as separate self "Ah, its all a big joke, I do what I want, who cares", bad bad bad idea. If a separate self thinks that, that thinks cause-effect or Karma doesn't hold... It will suffer, and not get to liberation or even relative happiness, until you correct that specific ignorance. Either you have realized what you are, or you better don't fool yourself as separate self "nothing matters"-style.  Suffering, or something has to rout you back home.... Its either suffering or understanding.

Luckily, at the end, You are It, so you can not avoid going home.... and then, if You want, on another adventure again to express your love.

Selling water by the river, "the wave fearing to loose knowing to be river-water"-style





Edited by Water by the River

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14 hours ago, Breakingthewall said:

Understanding is for example to understand that everything is infinite. but really understand it, beyond ideas. a hydrogen molecule is infinite. everything is. this exact moment is the absolute. there is no cosmos and essence, there is infinity, and it is this. you have to remove any label and see directly. understand what this is. it is, as it were, a dream, but not exactly, because there is no dreamer. the hydrogen molecule is god. the beauty of what we are is maximum, to see it you have to free your mind completely. think in terms of absolute/cosmos, it's a chain

I agree with removing labels and living directly. The mind loves to dissect, categorize, and define everything it sees. This shores up its need for order, within a cosmos that is beyond control. The first mistake Adam made was to name all the birds and the beasts. It is only when you see beyond names that the essence of the absolute begins to reveal itself.

The cosmos is art. I pity the critic that stands before Starry Night and analyzes its structure, style, and techniques without setting his brain aside and seeing the essence beyond the canvas. The same is true for laying under the stars at night, which are also art.

The absolute within everything is infinite, but the forms that it creates are transient. There is nothing in the cosmos without a beginning or an end. Only the absolute that imagined it is timeless.

Your human form was born and will die within the dream, just like everything else. Only the absolute beyond the form is changeless.

Nothing transient is real. Nothing intransient is precious. Lucid living is the flow state of the absolute within its creation, making the precious possible without getting lost within it.

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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1 hour ago, Socrates said:

As long as you got tendencies and inclinations to pursue any material limitation you are not enlightened.

As long as you can't leave this body behind and come back you are not enlightened.

As long as you can't stay for 10 hours straight without any discomfort, you are not enlightened.

As long as you seek insight after insight so your ego can feel "enlightened", you are not enlightened.

This has nothing to do with Awakening.

You are using arbitrary measures for Consciousness. Consciousness is independent of any such measures.

1 hour ago, funcool said:

@Leo Gura How does contrast and relativity work when you are in alien conciousness? A lot of what makes up experience is the contrast in things like hot and cold, energized and tired, access and lack of access. If you are just imagining all these differences to have an experience how does it work when you are in alien mode.

All experience is built up out of distinctions (contrasts). So that doesn't really change. Although when you are very conscious you see the ultimate unity behind all distinctions. You are still imagining stuff in alien mode. It's a hyper form of imagination which is simultaneously very self-aware, unlike the human mode.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura Don't you find it weird how all this ai stuff and the things you've discovered are happening at the same time. Like there are people creating ai characters with entire personas and placing them in scenarios or with other ai characters and you watch them act out just as if a normal human would. Like this ai stuff kinda makes people realize how much of an npc they are since they are just one solitary identity their entire life. It feels like awareness and energy are tied together. Less awareness = limited possibilities. The more conscious you are the more vast the scape of possibilities.

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3 minutes ago, funcool said:

makes people realize how much of an npc they are

I don't like talk of NPCs. It's not an accurate frame. Becoming Awake does not turn everyone into an NPC. That's not how it feels like at all. If anything you appreciate the humanity of people more than ever. So be careful with how you frame these things. Your frames will limit your consciousness and influence how you feel. Improper framing will make you feel depressed and nihilistic.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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5 hours ago, Socrates said:

As long as you got tendencies and inclinations to pursue any material limitation you are not enlightened.

As long as you can't leave this body behind and come back you are not enlightened.

As long as you can't stay for 10 hours straight without any discomfort, you are not enlightened.

As long as you seek insight after insight so your ego can feel "enlightened", you are not enlightened.

And most importantly as long as you use the word enlightenment as some arbitrary benchmark for consciousness, you are definitely not enlightened ?

The Ego doesn't exist so there's Noone to become Enlightened...Or..Everyone is Enlightened because the Ego doesn't exist.

Know thyself....

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On 3/29/2023 at 3:56 PM, Vibes said:


@Leo Gura Just to be clear. When you say Me, you are saying Me / Myself / I?

Do you want me to go Insane?



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I am Leo. I know I am inside your mind and you are in mine.

Probably there is more to realize, a lot more. But those are the basics. ;) 

Truth is neither a destination nor a conclusion. Truth is a living experience.

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