Leo Gura

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43 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

Imo you are simplifying a very difficult and tricky (copying the word of the king) problem: being human. Human is trauma. If you want to "heal" the trauma you have to heal the fact of being human. It's not so simple like change your perspective.

in spirituality they sell us that everything is simpler than it seems when it is much more complicated than it seems. you keep removing layers, and you keep finding fragmentation. It's not doing 5 meo , realizing something, and that's it. You have to solve the enigma that it means to be human. the original sin of the human, the enigma that is proposed to us: the lack of unity, or what is the same, the lack of love. You have to be an artist to get to the bottom of this, I'm not saying you're not, but humans are born with a default ability: fooling ourselves. that is our essence, the lie

The conditioned mind holds two contradictory beliefs: 1) Reality is inordinately complex, 2) Reality can be comprehended. Neither of these beliefs is actually true.

Absolute reality is too simple and too deep for the mind to grasp. It is directly realized, or not at all. Thoughts, feelings, and perceptions are phenomenally blind to it. Until the absolute within the form realizes itself, it will misidentify with the person instead of being beyond it.

The only healing for the psyche is the harmony of absolute realization. The light of the absolute dissolves the conditioned attachments of the mind, leaving only the slightest attraction, like the sun being orbited by the earth, just enough to keep the system intact within the dream.

Direct realization doesn't require solving anything. It is all about dissolving.

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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Even though there is a lot of disagreement on this thread, myself included - I actually think this thread turned out net positive for most of us, and there are two things we can all agree on: 

1. There is no one standard "Awakening" or "Enlightenment" you can have. It's a broad spectrum with many facets, degrees, and depths. 

The Awakening you've experienced may be similar to others, but most likely won't be the exact same. There will be differences.


2. You have to take Absolute Responsibly over the Sovereignty of your mind / consciousness. 

If you don't, there is no chance of you discovering the Truth for yourself. Whatever that Truth may be.

“The eye through which I see God is the same eye through which God sees me; my eye and God's eye are one eye, one seeing, one knowing, one love.”  ~ Meister Eckhart



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20 minutes ago, Moksha said:

The conditioned mind holds two contradictory beliefs: 1) Reality is inordinately complex, 2) Reality can be comprehended. Neither of these beliefs is actually true.

Not agree because it's not the conditioned mind , is the fact of being human. 

you can have the realization of absolute infinity many times, but you are still human. unless you have the realization of the absolute 24/7 you are deluding yourself. reality is not simple, it is complex. Does the human mind seem simple to you? What is the purpose of this? reality is something that increases in complexity more and more. god is absolute complexity. You speak of a sensation, the grace of detachment, the end of Buddhist suffering achieved by letting go of ballast. This is fine, but so what? We are not plants, we are humans, we have more potential.

Btw, I'm not suffering, just bearable, I'm not moving for the negative, that's escaping of suffering, but the positive, realizing the wonder of reality


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4 hours ago, Yimpa said:

Leo has given plenty of warnings.

I can understand why people will argue, though. They clearly haven’t had any deep awakenings, so they can only communicate from an ignorant place. 

A deep mystical experience will humble you, if you choose to embrace it. That’ll suffice to begin to take this work seriously. 

Most people claim to have "deep awakenings" by looking at their hands.

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4 minutes ago, OldManCorcoran said:

Most people claim to have "deep awakenings" by looking at their hands.

Anything actual.  Look at it until you become actuality itself.


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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Just now, Inliytened1 said:

Anything actual.  Look at it until you become actuality itself.

Staring at anything for too long cause my vision to get blurred after the sitting. Will I damage my eyes if keep this practice?

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6 minutes ago, Vibes said:

Staring at anything for too long cause my vision to get blurred after the sitting. Will I damage my eyes if keep this practice?

You should see things begin to dance to and fro...side to side.  Like the dancing Buddha.   This shows the solidity of physical reality is a falsehood - and a dreamlike nature begins to be revealed. 

Edited by Inliytened1


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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1 minute ago, Inliytened1 said:

You should see things begin to dance to and fro...side to side.  Like the dancing Buddha.   This shows the solidity of physical reality is a falsehood - and a dreamlike nature begins to be revealed. 

@Inliytened1  You said that you achieved a lot regarding consciousness naturally, have you ever did mahasamadhi by stopping your heart with consciousness? Or what things did you experience naturally? You said Leo's mind would be blown, so tell me about some of these things

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I’m curious now.

Do we have a thread of “Sober Enlightenment “ without psychedelics or any substance?

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10 minutes ago, CARDOZZO said:


I’m curious now.

Do we have a thread of “Sober Enlightenment “ without psychedelics or any substance?


Don't think so, i think @tuku747  is probably only of a few here that truly reached psychedelic states of consciousness naturally with meditation if he is speaking the truth.

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1 hour ago, Inliytened1 said:

You should see things begin to dance to and fro...side to side.  Like the dancing Buddha.   This shows the solidity of physical reality is a falsehood - and a dreamlike nature begins to be revealed. 

How about the walls literally splitting open revealing a massive Aztec like face which warps and changes as your entire field of focus becomes absolute. Impossible shapes, bright colours shifting around. Hard, solid shapes. Reality is a consciousness. Not a human, not a physical experience but… a pure being with no limitations. 

Dancing Buddha is weak sauce

Edited by Thought Art

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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2 hours ago, Moksha said:

The conditioned mind holds two contradictory beliefs: 1) Reality is inordinately complex, 2) Reality can be comprehended. Neither of these beliefs is actually true.

1) Reality is infinitely complex.

2) I have achieved complete comprehension of reality.

The only way to realize GOD is through comprehension. Comprehension is the whole game. Everything else is junk. You cannot meditate your way to comprehension. GOD is capable of fully comprehending itself. The only problem is that most humans never even bother to attempt it. Fools have brainwashed you into believing that comprehension is some ego thing. They could not be more wrong.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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I want to reach higher understanding of reality. I should pursue working myself by trying to embody my awakenings I had before? For example I awakened a month ago that there is no spiritual progress - with this I can release lot of suppressing and escape, but how much should I practice this? Or I should pursue directly awakenings? The same awakenings can be repeated? Because I had only one big classical awakening, and that came from bhakti yoga praying. Because when I had some awakenings they lasted only for minutes or hours. So I assume I have to make them constant. Following many system make me confused because then I don't have clearity to gauge my progress.


Edited by Boost

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Nobody on this planet comprends GOD except for ME.

I am the only creature on this entire planet who understands GOD.



None of these nondual/enlightenment idiots understands GOD.

None of them! They are all self-deceived.



Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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6 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:


Nobody on this planet comprends GOD except for ME.

I am the only creature on this entire planet who understands GOD.



None of these nondual/enlightenment idiots understands GOD.

None of them! They are all self-deceived.


Can you make a 2 hour long video explaining how you're the most woke bloke on planet earth? ? 

The event horizon of my mind contains the cosmic horizon of my observable Universe. 👁✨️

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3 minutes ago, tuku747 said:

Can you make a 2 hour long video explaining how you're the most woke bloke on planet earth? ? 

It would take an entire course for you to understand it.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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13 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:


Nobody on this planet comprends GOD except for ME.

I am the only creature on this entire planet who understands GOD.



None of these nondual/enlightenment idiots understands GOD.

None of them! They are all self-deceived.


I hope I can somedays comprehend God as deep as you have so that I can confidently say these words out loud in public. xD



Nobody on this planet comprehends GOD except for ME and LEO! :P

Edited by Kingston

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1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

Comprehension is the whole game.

Thank God I no longer have to look at examples like Chris McCandless as role models.

People who think they can escape the complex challenges of existence to pursue a simple life of minimalism/cessation are idiots.

Edited by Extreme Z7

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I'd say it's getting weird here but that would imply it wasn't already weird.

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@Leo Gura

I'll be excited when the course come out. 

We hear GOD but we have a lot of fantasies about what it really is.

Even with spirituality and enlightenment, we have a bunch of fantasies about the work and what it will do for us.

Great we have people like You, Ralston and McKenna to facilitate the process.

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