Leo Gura

Important! - Nobody On This Forum Is AWAKE

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1 minute ago, Squeekytoy said:

This forum needs more people like him and Axiom and Flyboy. Not to stir up shit or start a food fight, but to maintain healthy variety of informed perspectives. The last thing this place needs is more clones.

Sure! We need more closed-minded people who don't experience for themselves what Leo talks about, and come here talking shit saying this is a cult.

They do not really want to understand anything. They think they know better. 

And if you don't take Leo seriously, what the hell are you doing here? That's so much bullshit that makes me sick.


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2 minutes ago, Vibes said:

Sure! We need more closed-minded people who don't experience for themselves what Leo talks about, and come here talking shit saying this is a cult.

They do not really want to understand anything. They think they know better. 

And if you don't take Leo seriously, what the hell are you doing here? That's so much bullshit that makes me sick.


No it's the opposite of close mindedness.  @Gesundheit exhibits open mindedness.  He leaves all doors open.  The post here demonstrates close mindedness about meditation.   

Edited by Inliytened1


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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Just now, Inliytened1 said:

No it's the opposite of close mindedness.  @Gesundheit exhibits ipen mindedness.  He leaves all doors open.  The post here demonstrates close mindedness about meditation.   

I'm talking about the other guy saying this is a cult.

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3 minutes ago, Squeekytoy said:

I do take Leo seriously. And I take the others I mentioned seriously as well. They are most definitely speaking from experience.

There's no need to be angry about people having different opinions or disagreeing with Leo. This place is worth a lot, and it would become completely worthless (and vacant) if every dissenting voice were expelled.

Embrace friction. Everything in the universe grows because of it. Including you, and Leo, and each of us.

Be careful of false prophets.  @axiomis stuck in neo advaita and, @Flyboy is young and not yet awakened.   I know everyone on this forum and I also know their levels of advancement. 

Edited by Inliytened1


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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4 minutes ago, Inliytened1 said:

The best way I can describe a sober awakening is that it is final.

Forget about Leo and psychedelics for a moment.

You said awakening from the dream is Absolute. There are no degrees.

I asked you to explain that to me, and you said it is final.

When you say it is final, does this mean it's irreversible and there's no going back to sleep? Or more like an on-off switch like you are either awake or sleeping? What are you saying exactly?

Foolish until proven other-wise ;)

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4 minutes ago, Gesundheit2 said:

Forget about Leo and psychedelics for a moment.

You said awakening from the dream is Absolute. There are no degrees.

I asked you to explain that to me, and you said it is final.

When you say it is final, does this mean it's irreversible and there's no going back to sleep? Or more like an on-off switch like you are either awake or sleeping? What are you saying exactly?

There is no such thing as lucid dreaming. There is only forgetting its a dream.


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2 minutes ago, Inliytened1 said:

There is no such thing as lucid dreaming. There is only forgetting its a dream.

Okay, is this forgetting Absolute? Or does it have degrees? If the forgetting is not final, then how is the remembering final?

Edited by Gesundheit2

Foolish until proven other-wise ;)

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18 minutes ago, Inliytened1 said:

The best way I can describe a sober awakening is that it is final.  He hasn't had that.  

I  have had many awakenings, sober and with drugs, the infinite, realizing what I am, all of that. but right now, they are a memory in my memories. I calibrate my awakening level according to my baseline, that is, right now. awakening of the past are illusion. their only use is that they raise my baseline right now. only right now exists.

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11 hours ago, Hafiz said:

So where do I even begin I order to wake up?

Leo’s got a course coming up. It should answer a lot of your questions. I’d work on investing your money if you’re short on it and are really serious about this. 

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As someone who has tried and actively trying different techniques, I can say that a psychedelic can show you things that meditation can not. 

A lot of you guys here like to posture as if you know. But you really don't.

I personally, do not know what I don't know. But, I do know that different techniques result in different results. I've read many books on meditation, and practice regulary. It's not for awakening. Meditation is not for awakening. It's for increasing your consciousness, mindfulness, inner peace, learning to feel your Qi, and can be used in part with reading self help, self inquiry, contemplation, and life experience to improve life. Or, you can just learn to love sitting, and meditating.

Meditation, self inquiry, yoga, Qigong, breathwork, self reflection, etc are all great practices. But, they are not the awakening Leo is speaking about. Categorically different efforts. 

But, it's not a psychedelic which literally changes the "Brain chemistry" instantly and dramatically. 

That, psychedelic awakening has shown me things, that I can't put into words but are true. That, frankly make some of your claims that Awakening is this simply buddhist idea of meditation, or even self inquiry is just dumb.

God is something so amazing it transcends any human forms of spiritual practice. You are not human. Human spirituality is a dream. Which is fine, it's just not awake.

You can't possibly know what another person has awoken to unless you yourself awake to it. That is the nature of studying and practicing awakening. In order to understand it you must do it. If Leo has indeed awoken to some Alien God Consciousness which is what we are, then that is the case. If he hasn't, well how would you know unless you did it?

See, you sort of just need to be humble, question all your spiritual, epistemological, metaphysical framings. As new forms of spirituality are developed, practiced and introduced to you, me and the world I think it is healthy to be humble, open minded and also skeptically healthy.

Many of you think you know what infinity is, awakening is, what spirituality is, what God is, what meditation is, what self inquiry is, what consciousness is... But you don't. You don't and the more I study, practice, awaken and grow the more this is obvious to me.

Edited by Thought Art

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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6 minutes ago, Gesundheit2 said:

Okay, is this forgetting Absolute? Or does it have degrees? If the forgetting is not final, then how is the remembering final?

The forgetting is Absolute in the moment.   See my post on forgetting you are God.  It is total. 


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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10 hours ago, Breakingthewall said:

99.9% of people who are into spirituality are into it to improve their lives. they want to have a more pleasant experience, that's all. very few are genuinely interested in the truth, they are in ending suffering. as leo said at the beginning of this thread, the problem is a lack of understanding. no one understands or wants to understand. no one is even aware that there is understanding beyond the ego

In the moment of realizing truth, there is no suffering. Remaining deeply aware for the rest of the dream is the end of suffering and the pinnacle life experience.

The truth is only directly realized in silence, beyond the fireworks of the ego. Everything else is a distraction at best, and endless entrapment in the mental labyrinth at worst.

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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i havent read whole thread and i don't intendt to, but I think you are going off rails again (i have gone 4x off the rails)  but then again you are the closest person i can relate to so i will keep browsing this forum......






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I grant you your Awakeness, but why not mine? How can you take away the certainty that Mystical Experiences and Awakenings give me? How can you take away the Sovereignty that I know? You can't. Nobody can. Because Truth is Absolute. And when you taste Truth, you know Truth. It doesn't matter who tells you that you aren't awake.

Am I open to more? Yes. Of course. Why would I not be? 

But that doesn't mean that the incredibly magical, utterly mind-blowing, and completely paradigm shattering Truths and Mystical States I've encountered aren't that Awakeness too. Thats literally what it is.

It's just sad because Leo and this forum have been a MASSIVE aide in reaching those states of consciousness, but they seem to never be "enough" in the eyes of this community. 

What happened to the pure joy of Pursuing Spirit and higher levels of consciousness for its own sake? 

When did Actualized.org turn in to a Nonduality War of being right and everyone else being wrong? 

What happened to all the old vibes of discovering and exploring this uncharted territory as if we were pioneers on the edge of something incredible? Why did we have to reach the end and start fighting about it? 

I just don't get this statement of saying nobody else here is Awake. I don't see how it's productive or helps the health and consciousness of this forum at all. I consider many people on this forum some of the most Conscious and Awake beings I've ever interacted with, myself included. I feel like there should be more of a focus on community and exploring Consciousness together instead of constantly debating who's more Awake.

I feel like there should be more of a focus on Love.

“The eye through which I see God is the same eye through which God sees me; my eye and God's eye are one eye, one seeing, one knowing, one love.”  ~ Meister Eckhart



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15 minutes ago, Moksha said:

In the moment of realizing truth, there is no suffering. Remaining deeply aware for the rest of the dream is the end of suffering and the pinnacle life experience.

The truth is only directly realized in silence, beyond the fireworks of the ego. Everything else is a distraction at best, and endless entrapment in the mental labyrinth at worst.

deep understanding is not mental. silence is not the end, it is the beginning. reaching silence and total detachment from the conceptual mind is where the good stuff begins. Imagine that you are a lake of infinite depth. the conceptual mind is skating on the ice of the surface. detaching yourself from that is breaking the ice and starting to dive. you can dive infinitely, there is no limit. I see that many thinks: ah, i reach the silence, that is. No, imo it's the first step, when you abandon the animal category and you can start the deep experience.

Edited by Breakingthewall

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13 minutes ago, VictorB02 said:

What happened to the pure joy of Pursuing Spirit and higher levels of consciousness for its own sake? 

When did Actualized.org turn in to a Nonduality War of being right and everyone else being wrong? 

What happened to all the old vibes of discovering and exploring this uncharted territory as if we were pioneers on the edge of something incredible? Why did we have to reach the end and start fighting about it? 

I just don't get this statement of saying nobody else here is Awake. I don't see how it's productive or helps the health and consciousness of this forum at all. I consider many people on this forum some of the most Conscious and Awake beings I've ever interacted with, myself included. I feel like there should be more of a focus on community and exploring Consciousness together instead of constantly debating who's more Awake.

I feel like there should be more of a focus on Love.

^ This ?

“If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not Love, I am but a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal. And if I have prophetic powers, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge. If I have all faith, so as to remove mountains, but have not Love, I am nothing. If I give away all I have, and if I deliver up my body to be burned, but have not Love, I gain nothing.

Love is patient and kind; Love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with The Truth. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.

Love never ends. As for prophecies, they will pass away; as for tongues, they will cease; as for knowledge, it will pass away. For we know in part and we prophesy in part, but when the perfect comes, the partial will pass away. When I was a child, I spoke like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I gave up childish ways. For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I have been fully known. So now faith, hope, and Love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is Love.” (1 Corinthians 13)


Edited by tuku747

Brains Do Not Exist 

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2 hours ago, Inliytened1 said:

awakening from the dream is Absolute.  There are no degrees.   I did not see a response from him on this.  If he wants to ban me he can, - but he is wrong if he says there are degrees to that.   He is wrong because he did not awaken sober so he doesn't know 

As a fellow sober awakener, there are degrees of awakening, just as there are degrees of remaining awake. It is a journey, and ultimately the journey itself is just a story ultimate reality tells itself.

Most here will skim over these insights, which I have been pondering this week. For me, they are bursting with light.

-- Keep the "I am" in the focus of awareness, remember that you -are-, watch yourself ceaselessly and the unconscious will flow into the conscious without any special effort on your part. Wrong desires and fears, false ideas, social inhibitions are blocking and preventing its free interplay with the conscious. Once free to mingle, the two become one and the one becomes all. The person merges into the witness, the witness into awareness, awareness into pure being, yet identity is not lost, only its limitations are lost.

-- Now you are in the waking state, a person with name and shape, joys and sorrows. The person was not there before you were born, nor will be there after you die. Instead of struggling with the person to make it become what it is not, why not go beyond the waking state and leave the personal life altogether? It does not mean the extinction of the person; it means only seeing it in right perspective.

-- No doubt, a drug that can affect your brain can also affect your mind, and give you all the strange experiences promised. But what are all the drugs compared to the drug that gave you this most unusual experience of being born and living in sorrow and fear, in search of happiness, which does not come, or does not last. You should inquire into the nature of this drug and find an antidote.

-- Be careful. The moment you start talking you create a verbal universe, a universe of words, ideas, concepts and abstractions, interwoven and inter-dependent, most wonderfully generating, supporting and explaining each other and yet all without essence or substance, mere creations of the mind. Words create words, reality is silent.

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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1 hour ago, Squeekytoy said:

This forum needs more people like him and Axiom and Flyboy. Not to stir up shit or start a food fight, but to maintain healthy variety of informed perspectives. The last thing this place needs is more clones.

I agree. The menagerie of perspectives is what drew me here and is the reason I stay.

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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31 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

deep understanding is not mental. silence is not the end, it is the beginning. reaching silence and total detachment from the conceptual mind is where the good stuff begins. Imagine that you are a lake of infinite depth. the conceptual mind is skating on the ice of the surface. detaching yourself from that is breaking the ice and starting to dive. you can dive infinitely, there is no limit. I see that many thinks: ah, i reach the silence, that is. No, imo it's the first step, when you abandon the animal category and you can start the deep experience.

I agree that deep understanding is not mental. It is beyond conceptualization, perception, and experience. It is only directly realized.

Silence is within relative reality, but it is ultimately beyond any beginning or ending. It is the language of truth, and I agree that there are deepening realizations of it until the absolute. If the mind is involved in any of its infinitely sneaky ways, see it, let it go, and continue sinking into the silent ocean of mystery that is ultimate reality.

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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1 hour ago, Vibes said:

Sure! We need more closed-minded people who don't experience for themselves what Leo talks about, and come here talking shit saying this is a cult.

They do not really want to understand anything. They think they know better. 

And if you don't take Leo seriously, what the hell are you doing here? That's so much bullshit that makes me sick.

I'm not writing anything like that for people here, it's for people who get here from Google.

Because a normal person who might be open to learning some of the ideas Leo expresses, read embarassing statements by Leo's sheep herd, and then decide based on that that Leo must also be idiotic and don't watch his videos.

I've watched Leo's videos and found many of them profound. However, if I'd never seen a Leo video in my life but ended up here from Google, and read some of the village idiot postings, I would think they must be accurately reflecting Leo's own ideas and I would never have bothered to watch a single video to know that is not the case.

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