Leo Gura

Important! - Nobody On This Forum Is AWAKE

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Leo, just like there are benefits to enlightenment. what are the benefits to this type of awakening that you talk about?


@Leo Gura

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I had a huge insight, I finally understood what this scene was indicating: awakening to Alien Consciousness!! ??

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So where do I even begin I order to wake up?

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You are the only one awake because you are the only one that exist.

in the same sense I am  the only one awake because I am the only one that exist.

When you say I/ME you aren’t talking about Leo Gura. You are describing absolute infinity.  

this was clever. My favorite post in months lol.

Edited by IronFoot

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99.9% of people who are into spirituality are into it to improve their lives. they want to have a more pleasant experience, that's all. very few are genuinely interested in the truth, they are in ending suffering. as leo said at the beginning of this thread, the problem is a lack of understanding. no one understands or wants to understand. no one is even aware that there is understanding beyond the ego

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I’m asleep af but I do think I have a kind heart and a pretty good grasp on some things. Plus I always tip well to balance all my shitty karma 

“Curiosity killed the cat.”


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46 minutes ago, Hafiz said:

So where do I even begin I order to wake up?

Notice everything in your field of experience. 

Accept everything in your field of experience. 

Ignore everything in your field of experience. 

also there’s Neti-neti

“Curiosity killed the cat.”


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1 hour ago, Forza-Spirito said:

I had a huge insight, I finally understood what this scene was indicating: awakening to Alien Consciousness!! ??

Honestly is kind of reminiscent of drug trips. Except not terrifying.

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1 hour ago, Forza-Spirito said:

I had a huge insight, I finally understood what this scene was indicating: awakening to Alien Consciousness!! ??

That's actually a good approximation.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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3 hours ago, Rinne said:

Leo, just like there are benefits to enlightenment. what are the benefits to this type of awakening that you talk about?


@Leo Gura

The benefit is a complete understanding of everything and freedom from all human spiritual bullshit.

And Infinite Beauty.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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3 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

The benefit is a complete understanding of everything and freedom from all human spiritual bullshit.

And Infinite Beauty.

@Leo Gura what happens if I'm so conscious right now that you are me that you saying that you're the only one awake means literally nothing to me? Oneness is so potent for me these days that it makes zero sense to call anything enlightenment, god, consciousness, whatever - it's so solipsistic and self embracing and there's nothing outside of it for these terms to mean anything, it just is is is is is is is is is is is. I understand what you're saying by "enlightenment" being an imaginary dream. You are wayyy further ahead in this work, I'm not saying I've reached the end and I've certainly not yet turned into an alien mouse but what am I supposed to do I do with the information that you're giving here if I'm conscious that it's me saying it to myself? Like what's the point of saying it.

You're pointing to something both so subtle and so obvious that you shouldn't even talk about it before you release your course. And even in that you will FAIL to capture the nuance required. Meanwhile your lack of nuance and makes people assume you're a narcissist.

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7 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

That's actually a good approximation.

Leo is not enlightened.  He cheated via full drugs.  Drugs are a falsehood.  This is a fake awakening. He is a false prophet.  He is false.  False is him.

Edited by Inliytened1


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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14 minutes ago, Inliytened1 said:

Leo is not enlightened.  He cheated via full drugs.  Drugs are a falsehood.  This s fake awakening. He is a false prophet.  He is false.  False is him.

you trolling ?

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28 minutes ago, Inliytened1 said:

Leo is not enlightened.  He cheated via full drugs.  Drugs are a falsehood.  This s fake awakening. He is a false prophet.  He is false.  False is him.

? Don't sentence him to the stake so quickly. I think he is opening new paths. spirituality is all reductionism. but reality is still there no matter how much you reduce it to nothing. Let's see what reality is. Drugs are just reality.

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There are infinite degrees to "Awakening". All possible awakening that can or can't exist, exists. God's imagination is unlimited and can create any form of conceptual or actual Awakening possible. It can imagine a so call absolute awakening from some human perspective, but it can also imagine infinite ways to go beyond that awakening. Because it's all infinite, and because you can only recall your direct experience of infinity when you are in your human perspective (which is a finite recollection of the experience of the infinite) it is possible for you as a human to continuously experience/remember higher and higher degrees of infinity compared to the amount you had remembered/experienced prior. But as God, all possible awakening and existence are all happening beyond time in infinite ways. You as God can experience all the infinite possibilities of "Spiritual Awakening" that existence can possibly experience and come back as a human retaining only an infinitely small portion of the whole of that experience. You can even consciously know how many infinite lifetimes, existence, or dimensions you've experienced, but you will likely only be able to recall, with detail, an infinite fraction of the whole once you are back to the human perspective. Because otherwise the sheer amount of information will melt your human brain. However, since you are God, you can remove, or at least lessen that limitation if you wish, the amount of infinity you can retain can change through God's will, and if you have a deep desire to continue exploring/experiencing higher degrees of Awakening or infinity, then you shall create that in your direct experience. There is always more, or higher, or beyond a certain awakening to be had because God is infinite, it can just keep creating infinite possibilities to entertain itself.    

You might continue to experience higher and higher infinity for infinite times/lifetimes/existence until you reach the extreme of the infinite of infinite of infinite... You might then go back to the most limiting perspective of a little human, and in that contrast, you can experience the infinite beauty of yourself. The degree and love you have for yourself that you can create and experience all of yourself. (In human language this experience seems linear in time, but to God, it's all happening outside of time, or in infinite time) 

You can experience being the "organ" of a higher dimensional being but within yourself containing an infinite universe that contains endless lifeforms and beings, and then zoom into the hair of one of the infinite alien beings, and find that within the hair it contains another infinite existence in a completely different dimension, and so on. You might even remember the non-human sensation of being these higher dimensional beings, or the vibration/language that are non-human. Even though just a finite recollection of the actual.  

This is very hard to communicate through human language since it's infinitely paradoxical/strange-loopy. Degrees of infinity can only be measured in one's direct experience to their prior direct experiences. Because it's not possible to mathematically measure infinity, or reduce it to human concepts. And the infinite variety of infinite consciousness makes any comparison obsolete. Only you can, through your direct experience, "know" in human terms how awakened you are. And depends on how much of the infinite you can retain as a human, the human perspective can feel so infinitely small and limiting. Most human concepts of awakening refer to the understanding/being of the infinite/God, which is true, but beyond that awakening exists infinite more awakenings. Most humans are satisfied with the first because compared to their human experience, just an infinite fraction of God is enough for them to stop seeking. But some people are more curious than others, so they can continue to explore infinite consciousness and discover new forms of conscious experiences.   

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I think what he's saying is that compared to his level of awakening we're still asleep.  I consider myself fully awake, despite his statement to the contrary. 

Keep in mind that most of us aren't independently wealthy and don't have access to psychedelics, at least to the degree that he does.  If I could have access to the cornucopia of psychedelics he's had access to, I could arrogantly say the same thing.

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3 hours ago, Inliytened1 said:

Leo is not enlightened.  He cheated via full drugs.  Drugs are a falsehood.  This s fake awakening. He is a false prophet.  He is false.  False is him.

Same is you, minus the drugs.

Foolish until proven other-wise ;)

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The fact that you even feel the need to post such a topic shows how you have been taken over by your ego. You seem to be using this forum for mental masturbation. Your behavior in general is really problematic.

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