Leo Gura

Important! - Nobody On This Forum Is AWAKE

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44 minutes ago, undeather said:

I dont know how to respond to this. I am torn.
On the one side, your post oozes narcissism and lack of humility. But then it's also true that those qualities have nothing to do with the potential validity of your insights. It could well be that you are one of the few individuals who just "got it". But how do we know? In fact, you are cutting across mytical insights & wisdom traditions which are thousands of years old. Whats the pre-test propability that a bald guy on 5MeO actually got way, way deeper into reality and is not just deluding himself? 

How do we actually know you are not the one deluding himself?

You might say:"If you are open minded and do the work, everything I say here can be verified through direct expereince".
Well, yes - but thats the catch phrase of EVERY spiritual teacher nowadays.
Frank Yang has that all over his website or in his videos - and for him, you are stuck in an intermediate god-self phase of enlightenment. 

The thing is that if you just starting scratching the surface of spiritual teachings, you will find absolute truth claims EVERYWHERE.
Everyone figured it out - from Buddha, to Ramana Maharshi to Leo Gura. Emptiness is the true nature - no, it's conciousness - no it's pure awareness - there is no self - there is a higher self - you are god - you are nothing.....All those insights are of course contradictory in same way or form.
So who is right? Who is deluding himself? The only teacher I know of who has adressed this issue properly is A.H Almaas and his concept of runaway realization. 

Dont get me wrong, I kind of get where you are comming from. You have experienced things which are beyond anyone's wildest dreams and immaginations - and I can comprehend what those experiences will do to your metaphysical framework. But there are so many spiritual masters who claim similar, undeniable truths.

So yeah....

Any drug which does anything other than destroy the mind leads to nothing but a bunch of appearances. Hallucinating space aliens has nothing to do with reality. A hallucination is never going to be anything other than that.

Nobody can awaken technically because there is nobody? Is this the logic used by many gurus? But more practically without trying to trick people, people can awaken but the moment of that is the vanishing of the witness completely, so all thoughts appear without a thinker of them. And in that way there is nobody to know anything, only the appearing of the thought which constitutes the knowledge.

It is not even overly complex or deep. There is absolutely nothing at all in the statement "I am conscious of purple", other than the fact that purple is present. The sheer fact of its being. Being can be many things. It can be an appearance of an alien and the appearance of the quality of every word it transmits also.

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1 hour ago, lostingenosmaze said:

Damn Leo's really gassing us up for the Spiritual Awakening Course we're gonna throw our wallets at soon xD /j

How can people be so desperate for someone to follow. It's one of the little oddities of life that I find bizarre.

Edited by OldManCorcoran

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1 hour ago, MisterNobody said:

@Leo Gura I hope this post was intentionally written to trigger us. If not, then you harbor some ridiculous limiting beliefs


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56 minutes ago, lostingenosmaze said:

Damn Leo's really gassing us up for the Spiritual Awakening Course we're gonna throw our wallets at soon xD /j

That only means one thing which my intuition tells. It is going to be a steep price point. 

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Soon I will be.

God has always been in front of you, yet you are too blind to see Him.

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4 hours ago, vladorion said:

intiylend1 left the room

I'm here now and he's full of shit lol.

Maybe he should go watch his full of shit epsiode again :)

But his heart is in the right place.


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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I got an enlightenment certificate from this retreat!! Only $25!!!!


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If you've only obtained alien concious on 5meo you aren't awake you just woke up for a second. You are still sleeping if you are writing these things. Your mind is not strong enough to remain awake

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7 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

The only one here who understands these things is ME.


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3 minutes ago, Terell Kirby said:


It is too easy to use these concepts as ego-defence. Maybe there should be concepts in this forum which are not easily corrupted.

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36 minutes ago, Hojo said:
36 minutes ago, Hojo said:

If you've only obtained alien concious on 5meo you aren't awake you just woke up for a second. You are still sleeping if you are writing these things. Your mind is not strong enough to remain awake



36 minutes ago, Hojo said:


tbf not every random loser who uses 5meo experiences what leo can today

Edited by Vasu Jaggi

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8 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Anyone here who claims to be AWAKE, or to understand what AWAKE is, or what GOD is, or what CONSCIOUSNESS is -- is fooling themselves.

8 hours ago, Leo Gura said:


hold up this isn't a marketing tactic for your upcoming Awakening course right?

Edited by Vasu Jaggi

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      You all have to admit there's all kinds of people running around here claiming to be enlightened because they have one little realization or experience, and it's annoying and counter to what he wants here.

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8 minutes ago, Juan said:

If you said so. 


Yes, I think the best thing to do is to follow what Leo want.

But it is difficult to follow it if there are no homework. If Leo say that "No amount of meditation is AWAKE." then what to do? Just watch one his video? There is a ladder to climb. Don't just say that you are the highest, but name the levels or teachers who are between you and the avarage level. Create a clear ladder.

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38 minutes ago, Devin said:

      You all have to admit there's all kinds of people running around here claiming to be enlightened because they have one little realization or experience, and it's annoying and counter to what he wants here.

Didn't Leo used to be a pickup guru? The types of people attracted to that are the type of people to buy entirely into placebo. Like they could watch 10 seconds of Leo talking or have one hit of a joint and convince themselves they had a revelation like this


Edited by OldManCorcoran

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8 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Somebody will.

Cool. First one to get there gets the Actualized.org medal?

Words can't describe You.

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27 minutes ago, Boost said:

Yes, I think the best thing to do is to follow what Leo want.

But it is difficult to follow it if there are no homework. If Leo say that "No amount of meditation is AWAKE." then what to do? Just watch one his video? There is a ladder to climb. Don't just say that you are the highest, but name the levels or teachers who are between you and the avarage level. Create a clear ladder.

Psychedelics + Contemplation (real desire for understanding something / getting the truth of it)

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“A wise man learns more from a fool's mistakes than a fool learns from his own." - Anonymous

(but also, Linktree @ joy_yimpa ;-)

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8 hours ago, Something Funny said:

But what's the point of making posts about how nobody on this forum is awake if you can never know. 

Some people like myself need to hear that. 

I come from a family background of asshats who think they know everything. They are foolish, and so am I. 

(but also, Linktree @ joy_yimpa ;-)

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