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Richard Dawkins explaining God

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In this new interview with Piers Morgan, Richard Dawkins at the 3:20 mark gives a basic explanation of God:

When he speaks of a “self replicating particle”, he’s basically (unbeknownst to him) explaining something akin to the infinite singularity multiplicating itself and morphing into apparently distinct entities and life forms and creating “competition” between those forms or the desire to survive out of the illusion of separation and the pain that comes after the separation from source. If only he could have insight in the fact that he is himself part of the prima materia that multiplicated itself at the origin of creation. That he is not only a particle but also the entire field. What do you think of this @Leo Gura

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Richard Dawkins is God!! xD

Edited by tuku747

The event horizon of my mind contains the cosmic horizon of my observable Universe. 👁✨️

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