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How to deal with clingy friends?

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I have a friend who I enjoy seeing and hanging around with. He also helped me during some of my darker hours.

However, I feel like he is extra clingy.

He would want to talk / see each other with every possible day, and at first I enjoy it, however after the behavior continues, it gets annoying.

I have a dismissive avoidant attachment style. Usually I get colder / react less to people and they get the idea to make the frequency of the interaction less than their norm. I usually try to socialize a little more to meet some of my friend's needs as well.

When I ignore this guy for a while he starts texting stuff like "don't you want to talk anymore?" With sad emojis and all types of things that makes me feel disgusted.

What is an effective way I could use to set some ok boundaries with him, while not hurting his feelings too much?

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