Leo Gura

Thank You

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On 21/03/2023 at 3:54 PM, Leo Gura said:

I've been somewhat of a hardass recently and I just to thank those of you who stick with me on this journey and take the work seriously.

I know you have challenging lives and emotions that make this work difficult. I am proud of those of you who continue doing the work in the face of those obstacles. Your well-being does matter to me, despite the brusque tone I sometimes take.

Thank you.

I love working with you and seeing you grow stronger and comprehending reality ever deeper.


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You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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I'm dead serious of this work.

Thank you for your level of involvelment Leo.

God-Realize, this is First Business. Know that unless I live properly, this is not possible.

There is this body, I should know the requirements of my body. This is first duty.  We have obligations towards others, loved ones, family, society, etc. Without material wealth we cannot do these things, for that a professional duty.

There is Mind; mind is tricky. Its higher nature should be nurtured, then Mind becomes Wise, Virtuous and AWAKE. When all Duties are continuously fulfilled, then life becomes steady. In this steady life GOD is available; via 5-MeO-DMT, because The Sun shines through All: Living in Self-Love, Realizing I am Infinity & I am God

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Leo's posts in the blog be like:

1: I reached truth because I don't care about human feelings!

Literally the post following that one: compassion is essential for reaching omniscience and understanding


me: dafuq? m konfjuuzed



Edited by blankisomeone

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52 minutes ago, blankisomeone said:

Leo's posts in the blog be like:

1: I reached truth because I don't care about human feelings!

Literally the post following that one: compassion is essential for reaching omniscience and understanding


me: dafuq? m konfjuuzed



Seeing through the bullshit does not mean you can't relate to it or empathize with it.

The problem is that most people don't see through their own or other people's bullshit. So they use that bullshit to manipulate themselves and you and everything, and they aren't even conscious that they are manipulating. And most of the times, it's harmful manipulation.

And what's more fascinating is that there's layers of bullshit around the most deepest layer of bullshit as a means of protection, so that you can never reach the truth behind all the bullshit. People lie and build illusions and get sucked into them so deep, even they themselves don't know that they are lies and illusions anymore, and they even get hurt when the illusions are threatened, let alone actually harmed, or God forbid, destroyed.

When people say don't hurt my feelings, most of the times they're actually saying don't hurt my bullshit. Most people cannot handle the truth. Maybe some people can handle some amount of truth, but very few can handle all of it.

Of course, needless to say that I'm still a human with as much bullshit as anyone else, if not even more. The only difference is that I'm aware of my own and of people's bullshit to a ridiculously extreme degree. Nevertheless, I can still relate, empathize and even enjoy the bullshit. Cuz I'm a top G, meta level, military grade bullshitter B|

Edited by Gesundheit2

Foolish until proven other-wise ;)

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Thankyou Leo! Should be said more. Much appreciated ?????

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I remember when I was 16 searching up “what is reality” because I was innately curious. Your video popped up and totally blew my mind. 

your video changed the trajectory of my life, and led to me improving my social life, curing my addiction, learning guitar, and being a person who is disciplined and passion about life. 


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9 hours ago, Noahsteelers34 said:

I remember when I was 16 searching up “what is reality” because I was innately curious. Your video popped up and totally blew my mind. 

your video changed the trajectory of my life, and led to me improving my social life, curing my addiction, learning guitar, and being a person who is disciplined and passion about life. 


Nice work!


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Thank you Leo

Edited by Thought Art

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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my personal website-actualized since 2015-just waiting for the day-we have the first guys on the forum

born on 2015 :P

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On 3/21/2023 at 7:54 AM, Leo Gura said:

I've been somewhat of a hardass recently and I just to thank those of you who stick with me on this journey and take the work seriously.

I know you have challenging lives and emotions that make this work difficult. I am proud of those of you who continue doing the work in the face of those obstacles. Your well-being does matter to me, despite the brusque tone I sometimes take.

Thank you.

I love working with you and seeing you grow stronger and comprehending reality ever deeper.

Thank you. This self Suffered many and most years in early childhood with traumatizing beatings and molestations and everything that was shitty, by several parents/steps, family members, ran way cross country at 14 into many other various ugly traumatic chapters in L.A. I had to crawl and claw out of it. I never once seriously considered suicide - I knew there was a better life to be had and I was going to have that! Educating myself with some skills, lived it some shitty gang infested places, VERY driven and nothing could ever stop me!! Being a slender cute blonde, I got a job in a rat infested all male warehouse and studied hard every night on better things. Strived into a successful career. Along side all that I did inner work best I new how at the time. I got a little black notebook and started collecting meaningful life quotes. I busted ass big time in career chapters and retired super duper early, with several properties in a couple countries even. Then I was able to dive even deeper, deeper still, 24/7 for several years … I wanted the gold … the Truth! Studying every philosophy, psychology, ancient guru to modern theory and freakin beyond. Your work is a huge part of the journey and the gratefulness is beyond expansive!!!!

The world experience can really suck and one human’s nightmare can be another human’s lazy easy day for sure and the mind is a total bitch! Be a hard ass, be a softy, be whatever it takes, keep answering all the questions, making the vids, sharing the experiences, direct the pointings, KEEP DOING THE GOOD WORK! 



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On 3/30/2023 at 10:02 AM, Squeekytoy said:

@SunnyCyn Thank you, that's great stuff.

Thank you @Squeekytoy! I didn't mention this but I think traveling helped shake my mind and opened it. I been to many many countries and I think the experiences, culture shocks, and just seeing the world and all the ancient stuff out there had a big part in really widening and cracking the mental boundaries ya know. There's nothing like just dropping down into a very different place that is different that what you have seen before, the people, the culture, weather,  the vibes!... its addicting too so you gotta watch that!  XOXO

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Am I the only one who doesnt mind Leo's ''bad'' side? You are my friend Leo. Friendship by my definition means non-authority. Do what you want. Thank you for the lessons. I got them for FREE. What else can I ask for?

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