
Recommendations on who I can talk to about my genetics report?

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The report is long and I'm still going over it, trying to make sense of the massive amount of information provided to me via Rhonda Patrick's website, Found My Fitness. I am trying to plan my diet around the information provided in the report but I am finding it difficult and somewhat overwhelming. Is there anyone you recommend I seek to help me make sense m genetics report so I can plan a diet that is optimal for my health and my longevity.

Any help, tips or feedback would be greatly appreciated.


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Jesus Christ this is heavy a.f. :D

There is so much to unwrap there that it would take 20 hours to go through all this content and their linked studies and then logically evaluating it and comparing to existing evidence. 

An important thing with identifying genetic SNP reports is that they are just suggestive. They are not conclusive, not even for ApoE4 carriers. 

Also we have to appreciate that while this is an absolute giant of a report that includes a lot of studies, most of these are short cross-sectional studies with low internal validity and often superseded by larger meta-analyses. What this means is that, yes maybe people with a genetic mutation XYZ had higher rate of heart disease, we know from mendelian randomization trials that once controlled for things like BMI,  dietary factors, red meat consumption, alcohol and physical activity, environment etx, genetic risks do not pan out as much and get superseded by lifestyle factors- meaning you can cheat your genetics with a good lifestyle (to some degree)

Knowing about your genetics is nice and it helps but if you create an overall healthy diet in accordance with the human evidence (rather than genetic evidence  only) good lifestyle, stress management and good routines, you will be able to mitigate most of these risks regardless how big or small they are.

I would focus on maybe reading one factor per day and thinking a bit about what it means and what you can do rather than trying to digest the whole thing in one go ajd magically rearrange your life in a week. You will get absolutely overwhelmed and stressed out. Health manipulation is one step at a time over months and years.

Good luck - happy to answer more questions 

Edited by Michael569

Personalised Holistic Health Support 
I help others overcome health challenges that impact their energy, motivation, and well-being. Feel free to reach out for a confidential conversation about anything you're currently struggling with. 

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@Michael569 I think I'll take your advice and not eat the entire elephant in a day, but take small bites one day at a time to eat the elephant in a timely manner. It may be slower, but I'll get more out of it. Thanks for the help Mike.

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