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Happiness Journal/Homework- Ultimate Mega Thread

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Ultimate Mega Thread For Happiness Journal/Homework

What Is Happiness? (Incomplete)

Happiness is being completely satisfied with the present moment exactly as it is.

There are many forms and levels of happiness, ranging from contentment/satisfaction to excitement/ecstasy.

Happiness comes down to being fulfilled with my life as it is now.  Happiness isn’t in the future, it is my relationship to the present moment.

Desire Vs. Happiness

Leo did not really talk emphasis the relationships between desire and happiness as much as I would have thought.  Buddhism assumes that desire is the root cause of suffering and dissatisfaction or dunks.  But is desire an obstacle to happiness?  The relationship between desire and happiness reminds me of the scene in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone where Dumbledore tells Harry that “The happiest man on Earth can look into the mirror and see only himself exactly as he is.”  I think this means that when we are completely happy, that means we are completely satisfied.  When we are completely satisfied, we do not desire for anything to be different.

Desire often times comes from a place of dissatisfaction.  We want something that we do not have.  But desire is part of life.  To live life is to desire.  I do not desire safety now because I already have it.  But as soon as what I love is threatened to be gone, I desire to maintain it and get it back.  As soon as my attachments are threatened to be lost, I desire to maintain.  

But when we are completely happy and satisfied with life, we still have hidden desires.  Just because it appears we have no desires now does not mean we have no desires now.  Hidden is the desire for life and that is always running even when happy.  I can be completely satisfied with everything and still have desires but the content and quality of my desires will be different.  A person who desires is someone who has meaning and a want for something more.  A person who is depressed probably has fewer desires and fewer things make them happy.  Desire is a good thing but excessive desire like excessive anything can become toxic in the same way that water nourishes the soul but can also drown it.  We can also be drowned in our desires, so Buddhism is partly right about the excessive extremes of desire, but desire itself is the drive in all living things for greatness and happiness.  Without desire, we would all be clinically depressed, with no meaning at all to live.  Each breath we take is a desire for life.

Contentment Vs. Happiness

Contentment is also another part of happiness.  Contentment can be seen as positive or negative.  Contentment for the overall big picture of life is essential.  But contentment for mediocrity can be a recipe for disaster.  It is important to be content in striving for excellence.  There is something rewarding about striving for excellence.  

Contentment can lead to complacency which can stunt ones growth and happiness. 

Happiness appears to be related to balance.  When one has balance in their life, one is happy.  Again, excessiveness to either extreme of excessive desire or contentment leads to unhappiness.  Happiness is like walking a tight rope between contentment and desire.  

I will share more of my thoughts on happiness as I continue to contemplate them more.

Happiness List of What Makes Me Happy (incomplete)

Listening to music - beautiful soundtracks

Spending time outdoors in nature

Meditating (in nature)

Hiking (in nature)

Running (in nature)

Going to the hot tub

Watching beautiful inspiring movies (Harry Potter, Castaway, Forrest Gump, Pirates of Caribbean, etc.)

Playing beautiful video games (i.e., The Last of Us, Life Is Strange, Uncharted, Skyrim, RuneScape, etc.)

Reflecting on some of my happiest memories during my childhood/adolescence

Helping people feel good, inspired, and happy

Sharing wisdom with others

Learning about personal development, psychology, philosophy, and spirituality

Contemplation - Thinking philosophically about life to gain deeper understanding.

Creativity - writing whatever I want

Love - spending time with my girlfriend and family

Driving in the country wilderness and around cities

Reading a book in my room or out in nature

Going to a restaurant and getting the meal I want

Good health - being able to have a lot of energy

Being able to travel to novel places to explore the beauty of the world

Singing and making music

Jumping and not having a care in the world

Picnicking in nature

“Our most valuable resource is not time, but rather it is consciousness itself. Consciousness is the basis for everything, and without it, there could be no time and no resource possible. It is only through consciousness and its cultivation that one’s passions, one’s focus, one’s curiosity, one’s time, and one’s capacity to love can be actualized and lived to the fullest.” - r0ckyreed

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