
It's better for WOMEN to be ADORERS: understanding the balance of attraction

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3 minutes ago, Salvijus said:

I can't believe u made me watch that video ? 

Anyhow, i wasn't very convinced by his arguments. Actually he made no arguments. Just out of blue statements. I would still argue that it is possible to love and adore another fully while another is doing the same and and simultaneously both are in gratitude for what they receive. I don't see why that would be impossible.

You should become a psychologist and get your PhD then ?


I talked to dozens of psychologists and believe me. This guy knows what he is talking about. 

Edited by StarStruck

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@Lila9 I don't necessarily say that I want to be chased by girls. Sure, I as a guy have to do the first steps of approaching, setting up a date, etc.

I am just against the idea of me being the only one who invests into a relationships, shows love, care, attention, etc.

I also want to be told that I am loved, or be given a compliment, or cuddled, or jumped on and hugged from time to time.

I don't see what's wrong with that orbhow would that make me lose attraction towards her. 

Edited by Something Funny

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@StarStruck maybe he's right. But so far he makes zero argument why two people who are abiding in deep appreciation and love cannot join together. And i don't think there will ever be a counter argument to that. Bc everyone is capable of adoration, appreciation and gratitude. And u just need two of them to catch hold of each others eyes. And Behold, god's love is upon us. We are one. Amen

Edited by Salvijus

You cannot love what you need.

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@Lila9 The world is full of flaky women. This is a big problem for men. 

If the man is supposed to chase, how do we solve this problem? What's your solution to it? How do we weed out the flaky women, if we're doing the chasing? 

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The solution that I see for men is to not repress feminine aspects within them that includes reveling their intuition and trust their gut feelings more when judging women' character, maturity, integrity.

Also, knowing themselves well and the types of women that will be psychologically the most compatible with their own psychology in a way that will support the growth of both of them (that requires some experience with women to find out). Being aware of what they really want and need in women, having more standards rather than simply 'hot' or '10' or a need for sex or intimacy.

And then when they know how to intuate women who are bad fit for them, what women they want and fit them, they can strategically chase the women they find suitable.

Edited by Lila9


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2 hours ago, mr_engineer said:

@Lila9 The world is full of flaky women. This is a big problem for men.

This is only true in the pick-up world when you're just a random dude to them, and it's fair. Why should they go out with a random person that they met off the streets or in the club and will probably never see again?

Women that know you in real life are not usually flaky unless they didn't want to go out with you in the first place but didn't know how to get out of it, which is rare unless you somehow manage to creep them out before the date.

Edited by Gesundheit2

Foolish until proven other-wise ;)

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@Something Funny

I understand what you mean, you are right, you deserve to be loved in your relationship, the heart knows what it wants.

Women usually fall in love with men who give them some value, not men who are waiting like a tree to receive value from women.

Once the woman falls in love with the man she wants to give back according to his needs and make him happy with her. Some men might exploit this situation and stop giving in the relationship, once the woman is hooked. Like emerald said, some men manipulate women to believe that they are in love with them and are willing to give them and invest in them, while actually they are emotionally detached from the woman and once she falls in love with them and start giving them, they are no longer mutually giving and receiving (like in an healthy relationship) but receiving only from the woman.




Edited by Lila9


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12 minutes ago, Gesundheit2 said:

This is only true in the pick-up world when you're just a random dude to them, and it's fair. Why should they go out with a random person that they met off the streets or in the club and will probably never see again?

Women that know you in real life are not usually flaky unless they didn't want to go out with you in the first place but didn't know how to get out of it, which is rare unless you somehow manage to creep them out before the date.


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@Lila9Let's say you have a crush on a man. You wait, wait and wait for him to ask you out. He doesn't. Ultimately, you do it yourself. And then, he says 'yes' and you go on a date together. 

Then, on the date, he reveals that he also liked you. When you ask him 'why didn't you ask me out, then?!', he says 'my gut-feeling gave me a sign that you'd flake'. 

How would you feel? Would that be fair? 

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4 hours ago, StarStruck said:

I don’t agree with Emerald that a woman chasing a man emasculates the woman. Nor does this have any basis in any psychology literature. 

Chasing is a masculine energy. 

4 hours ago, StarStruck said:

For example there is a literal king. And all females want to be with this king. Does that emasculate those woman that are doing the chasing? No, this is when the feminine instinct kicks in when she competes with the other females.

Wanting to be with someone is not as same as actively chasing someone. Women usually would use indirect seductive techniques to make the king to fall in love with them and meet their needs. That's how it worked in the era of emperors and kings when women had much less power, their best option was to make powerful men falling in love with them in order to gain a bit more power and improve their lives and the lives of their familiy and children. Seduction is a feminine, subtle and sophisticated way to make someone to be willing to chase you, it's a female invention. It's not like actively chasing someone.

Now men use seduction techniques in order to make women chasing them in order to raise their status among other men.

4 hours ago, StarStruck said:

It is in the nature of woman to lock in a high status male. And a high status man doesn’t chase pussy. Why is your pussy better than all those other pussies? That is how a high value man thinks because he has options. 

High value men just go and get the women they want without playing stupid mind games. They know exactly what woman they want and why they want her and will put themselves out there and put the effort to get her.


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22 minutes ago, mr_engineer said:

@Lila9Let's say you have a crush on a man. You wait, wait and wait for him to ask you out. He doesn't. Ultimately, you do it yourself. And then, he says 'yes' and you go on a date together. 


If I want someone who isn't show any romantic interest in me, even after I send him very obvious cues, or flirts, I would leave the person alone to live his life and move on. I would never chase a man because I know that if a man really wants me he would put the minimal effort to ask me out or at least make me know that he likes me with a deliberate gesture.

27 minutes ago, mr_engineer said:

Then, on the date, he reveals that he also liked you. When you ask him 'why didn't you ask me out, then?!', he says 'my gut-feeling gave me a sign that you'd flake'. 

If he says that his gut-feeling gave him a sign that I would flake it's very likey to be because of some sort of traumatic experience with other women from his past that he projects on any woman who reminds him of the women who flaked on him in the past.

Or it might be some sort of self sabotaging behaviour that makes women flake on him. 

Trauma and limiting believes usually mask intuition and part of revealing intuition is trauma healing. 

Maybe his intuition about me is accurate and assuming I'm a self aware flaky woman, I won't deny that and will try to explain my common reasons for that, we can discuss it and see what we are going to do with this next, maybe there are some legitimate reasons for being flaky like low self esteem and fear of love that I need to work on and he is willing to help with.



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@Lila9I'm gonna answer my question, for myself. 

If I had principles in terms of communication-skills and logistics, and if the guy I'm dating pulls that on me, I would be very upset with him. And it would not sound fair to me at all. I would already be judging his level of smartness, I would lose a certain degree of respect for him.

It would sound weak to me, in fact. It would reflect that he does not value objectivity, that he has poor observation-skills and that he makes wrong decisions due to incompetence. That instead of working on his incompetence, he succumbs to it. It would be a dealbreaker for me. 

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6 hours ago, StarStruck said:


I don’t agree with Emerald that a woman chasing a man emasculates the woman. Nor does this have any basis in any psychology literature. 

For example there is a literal king. And all females want to be with this king. Does that emasculate those woman that are doing the chasing? No, this is when the feminine instinct kicks in when she competes with the other females. You can see this behavior in apes too.

It is in the nature of woman to lock in a high status male. And a high status man doesn’t chase pussy. Why is your pussy better than all those other pussies? That is how a high value man thinks because he has options. 

Power = having options

And woman want a male they can respect which entails he has some power of his life, circumstance, and business. 

You and Emerald have watched too many Disney movies. No offense. 

The egg does not chase the sperm.

Are you struggling with self-sabotage and CONSTANTLY standing in the way of your own success? 

If so, and if you're looking for an experienced coach to help you discover and resolve the root of the issue, you can click this link to schedule a free discovery call with me to see if my program is a good fit for you.


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2 hours ago, Lila9 said:

Chasing is a masculine energy. 

Wanting to be with someone is not as same as actively chasing someone. Women usually would use indirect seductive techniques to make the king to fall in love with them and meet their needs. That's how it worked in the era of emperors and kings when women had much less power, their best option was to make powerful men falling in love with them in order to gain a bit more power and improve their lives and the lives of their familiy and children. Seduction is a feminine, subtle and sophisticated way to make someone to be willing to chase you, it's a female invention. It's not like actively chasing someone.

Now men use seduction techniques in order to make women chasing them in order to raise their status among other men.

High value men just go and get the women they want without playing stupid mind games. They know exactly what woman they want and why they want her and will put themselves out there and put the effort to get her.

Women chase in their own way, obviously women don't chase like men, they would be viewed like sluts but they do chase in their own way (the way you explained), and they compete. That is chasing too. I'm not top G but just regular guy but when one girl likes me in a venue, sudden more than one girl likes me and they compete and become hostile toward each other; while in the beginning when there was no competition they weren't that receptive towards me.

Top G's (men who are the total package) are too busy with their life purpose. They don't have time to run behind cinderella and jump through all her hoops that she lied out for him.

That is just a fantasy that females developed thanks to Disney movies. And that is why there will be tons of lonely women by 2030:

45% Of Women Are Expected To Be Single And Childless By 2030, Per Recent Projection

And on top of that most women have too high of an expectation for what kind of men they can get visa-vi what they are offering in terms of beauty and so on.

Of course women can settle for a simp or an incel and in that case, Emerald and you are right. You two girls would be the adored and the guy would be the adorer but the thing is that most girls in their prime won't settle for a looser. So in some way you girls are right.

41 minutes ago, Emerald said:

The egg does not chase the sperm.

I'm not pulling down my pants that quickly.

Edited by StarStruck

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31 minutes ago, Emerald said:

The egg does not chase the sperm.

Actually, they both move towards each other. They usually meet at the first third of the fallopian tube, which is closer to the ovary. So yes, the sperm does chase a lot more, but the egg has to leave the ovary too.

Foolish until proven other-wise ;)

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1 minute ago, Gesundheit2 said:

Actually, they both move towards each other. They usually meet at the first third of the fallopian tube, which is closer to the ovary. So yes, the sperm does chase a lot more, but the egg has to leave the ovary too.

The egg versus sperm cell comparison is not a good metaphor. For example if a top G decides not to fuck an average girl, there is no chase between the egg and the sperm to begin with.

Of course any average looking girl can be knocked up within half a hour if she wishes but she wants to be knocked up by a high quality guy, a guy she likes, and that will stick around.

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@StarStruck I watched the video. It's teaching a manipulation technique that exploits a loophole in weak women's minds which activates a FOMO reaction in them that causes them to seek after you. That's the magician archetype, it's sneaky and deceitful, but it works. If that's what you find yourself good at, then do it. But if you're like me, then I suggest that you find the archetype that is closer to your personality and build upon it.

Foolish until proven other-wise ;)

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1 hour ago, StarStruck said:

Top G's (men who are the total package) are too busy with their life purpose. They don't have time to run behind cinderella and jump through all her hoops that she lied out for him.

That is just a fantasy that females developed thanks to Disney movies. And that is why there will be tons of lonely women by 2030:

45% Of Women Are Expected To Be Single And Childless By 2030, Per Recent Projection

And on top of that most women have too high of an expectation for what kind of men they can get visa-vi what they are offering in terms of beauty and so on.

I prefer to be single for the rest of my life and for infinite lives ahed than being with a man who expects me to chase him, I'm not attracted to men who are waiting in a dark corner to be chased and admired by women, and it doesn't matter if they are top G or street bums. 

And no, female seduction is more about conveying the message for men that they are open and receptive and not actively chasing men like men chase women. There are women who chase men in a masculine way, it might work for them if the men they chase are more feminine, but it will never make men who are more masculine fall in love with them. Men who mainly operate from masculine energy fall in love with women who operate mainly from feminine energy.


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17 minutes ago, Lila9 said:

I prefer to be single for the rest of my life and for infinite lives ahed than being with a man who expects me to chase him, I'm not attracted to men who are waiting in a dark corner to be chased and admired by women, and it doesn't matter if they are top G or street bums. 

And no, female seduction is more about conveying the message for men that they are open and receptive and not actively chasing men like men chase women. There are women who chase men in a masculine way, it might work for them if the men they chase are more feminine, but it will never make men who are more masculine fall in love with them. Men who mainly operate from masculine energy fall in love with women who operate mainly from feminine energy.

Well that is just your preference then but I doubt you would be happy and probably have some regrets too.

To be honest, only older females like 30+ and who are a little bit desperate are chasing me. The young feminine girls who are in the age range 20-25 aren't chasing me so I do have to change my approach a little too I think. You are right that they only signal receptivity, they don't want to take the masculine role so perhaps you are right but I don't how it works for the top G's. I'm not a top G and I don't have my shit together.

It is funny because last night I was in a dance school, and I was sitting and the dance instructor said, "why are you sitting? " I said, there are no girls for me to ask for a dance, he said "if you are sitting no girl will come to you and ask you for a dance". ?So probably he meant to say what you said about being open and signalling openness.

Edited by StarStruck

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3 hours ago, mr_engineer said:

@Lila9I'm gonna answer my question, for myself. 

If I had principles in terms of communication-skills and logistics, and if the guy I'm dating pulls that on me, I would be very upset with him. And it would not sound fair to me at all. I would already be judging his level of smartness, I would lose a certain degree of respect for him.

It would sound weak to me, in fact. It would reflect that he does not value objectivity, that he has poor observation-skills and that he makes wrong decisions due to incompetence. That instead of working on his incompetence, he succumbs to it. It would be a dealbreaker for me. 

I understand that you would have feel upset if the man expresses that he feels you are flaky, while actually you are not. I also would be upset and even angry for such random assumption that has noting to do with who I am.

But what if you are actually very flaky person and he reads you pretty well, what are you going to say or feel about him? Would you have more respect for a person who sees through your bs, or someone who's unaware to that?

And why do you think that objectivity is superior to intuition when judging character? Let's say that a person might seem pretty decent, objectively. But in fact, he is very far from the persona that he puts on himself. What are other ways rather than objectivity, to find out who he really is? Or at least getting some taste of it? Relaying on our gut feelings, of course. We were born with this inner wisdom for a good reason.



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