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Lex Fridman Seems to be Confused about Time

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I made a Twitter account this month, later on I might share some insights as a freelance artist. I just followed Lex Fridman and felt to share this here. I understand he had done psychedelics before but, I guess depending the person and dose, at least for me at the beginning of consuming magic mushrooms, it was quite obvious that time was a illusion, shocking too ofc at first.  

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Of course. Without the illusion of time, you couldn’t have the illusion of your life. That deliberately isn’t going to be easy for anyone to understand.



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19 minutes ago, aurum said:

Of course. Without the illusion of time, you couldn’t have the illusion of your life. That deliberately isn’t going to be easy for anyone to understand.

I’ll add that Eckhart Tolle audible/book “The Power of Now” helped also a ton for understand this.

Edited by Juan

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What would really break his mind is to realize that ALL distinctions are imaginary.

Albert Einstein is imaginary. All of history only exists in your mind and nowhere else. Albert Einstein had no idea how deep this goes.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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time is perfectly real in the relative realm, strip away all the junk you are projecting onto your surroundings, then nothing out there changes, timelessly

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17 minutes ago, Squeekytoy said:

Because the relative realm itself isn't real, it's only those projections that make it seem real.

it is relatively real yea, good as it gets for the 99%, good enough for god to enjoy wine women and song

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You are Awareness of this play of life taking place - it's utterly not in your control in the way that you think it is - just to be Grateful for What-Is in the Present Moment - the tactile feel of this keyboard and the light and colors on this phone and the softness of the couch I am sitting on and the faded beauty of the colored stripes on this pillowcase.

No matter what happen we are grateful for What-Is in the Present Moment and then we come to Realize that creation doesn't take place in linear time in the way that we were conditioned to think about it - that if instead we just let the linear time bound story go and are simply grateful for all that is arising into being in consciousness in the present moment - then truly Creation will be filled with more miracles then we could imagine

Go all the way. Transcend the individual self - you are not doing any of it - your True Nature is Awareness of the play of life playing it Self out

It could even be a creation that doesn't have to have an individual self in it - you are simply the awareness of whatever dream is taking place - and it just so happens in this dream that we think our Self to be an individual self - but the creation can be simply awareness of a meadow spotted with flowers and a rolling stream in the mountains

And the more that you abide as Pure Consciousness/ Pure Existence / Pure Awareness of Present Moment Creation taking place - the more Miracles will continue to arise in Consciousness until they became unceasing and the Creation will be one of a Blessed and Holy Brother transcending the individual self to abide as Pure Consciousness in a state of Sat-Cit-Ananda (Existence-Consciousness-Bliss) so that the Creation arising into being in the dream would reflect that light of Sat-Cit-Ananda and be of infinite peace and pure joy and the Goodness of God - so that all the beings in the dream may be at peace

Keep returning to Who You Are as the I Am Consciousness (Pure Existence) - that always present experiential state of being when we let go of thinking we are thinking we are an individual self.

To think about the future and what we should do - it seems you still think you are the individual self - and that somehow in linear time you're supposed to figure out how to make it all work out - but it's not like that - it's by being in the present moment and giving thanks for what is that is the engine of creation that ensures that the creation will be one filled with Miracles instead of struggle for all beings in the dream.

This is the law of karma and you can verify it for your Self. Forget about the time-bound story - come into the present moment - be grateful for what is in the present moment - and then come to realize that you're simply awareness of this experience of being this individual self in creation arising into being in consciousness

Hope this resonates

Just utterly let go of the time-bound story - it has nothing to do with that - just come into the present moment and be grateful for what is and Trust in the Creator that the creation of the dream will transform so that all beings in the dream may be at peace


I "think" means I interpret things through a scope and through one view

The mind is an instrument of zooming in on specific parts of reality and a means of trying to figure out things for survival and daily activities

That is totally ok but to "think" is to reduce and put things on top of the perception

The mind is an instrument, if left to itself creates a complete alternate imaginary world with the deepest desires and the worst fears, creating worries and suffering and fear and reinforcing its beliefs regardless of reality

But not just that

The mind tries to figure out things and names them to put blocks on the road to try and orient itself because of fear and desire

The Mind if left alone is poison

Put the thing down, never pick it up


Be in the body

You are Presence so be present in the body

The mind is a plague if used wrongly, it is an instrument pure and simple

In the journey, it is completely useless, it creates nihilism, fears, solipcism or on the other hand desires or grandeur or feeling of unity

Just put it down, if you look closely, spontaneously everything happens

The body spontaneously moves, takes care of itself and things naturally resolve themselves

The mind if not mastered is like a snake that bites you

All bad thoughts are from bad feelings in the body

Be in the body, experience the discomfort

The mind creates an entire alternate imaginary world where it puts its fangs and admnisters its venom

Thought not related to the present moment is pure poison

Put the mind down

Everything happens spontenaously from me typing this to eating, to drinking, to moving the body, to doing things

Spontenaously everything happens, there is no room for the mind snake to admnister its poison

Being present in the moment, meditation, being in the body

There is nothing to figure out, the Mind creates the need to figure out something, creates desires and fears

So put your mind down first!

Live without self-concern or any thinking

Cut all thoughts and all the thinking

The Moment is Perfect!

Every moment is perfection, spontenasouly unfolding naturally

Be Natural, to be Natural is to be the instrument of The Way

Let go completely of any thinking, and you are left with "I don't know"

That is Reality, completely unknown, there is no need to know

Whatever happens, happens by itself, you don't control the body but if there is control then control

Simply allow things to be as natural as they are unfolding

The Moment is Perfect! To Judge this Moment is to use the Mind, put the mind down!

No fears, no imagination, absolute freedom

All desires and fears are not yours, they come and pass

Live life in the moment and allow it spontenasouly to unfold

Experiencing the discomfort makes you free

Be free, letting everything happens without thinking or knowing


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