Something Funny

A Bit Jealous Of Girls

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Disclaimer: please don't take this post too seriously. It's more of me being temporarily depressed and wanting to whine for a bit rather than making some serious statement about society...

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I am kind of jealous of girls because they can be loved for who they are just by being there, just by the virtue of being a girl.

I wish I didn't have to push myself, get out of my comfort zone, work super hard on my confidence, social skills, becoming a millionaire (exaggerating here for a dramatic effect), etc., just to feel like I finally deserve some love and attention.

Even bad habits or "negative" personality traits that make a guy unattractive can make a girl seem even more desirable. For example if she is into computer games or anime or is kind of shy and introverted.

I imagine it must be cool to be regularly hit on, told that you look cute / pretty / beautiful, to always have some people who want to talk to you, etc. Sure, it must have its downsides and can probaably even get tiring but still...

And yeah, like Leo said in his pickup video it's great that a guy can increase his attractiveness a lot by working on himself. And I am all for that idea, sure. But sometimes I wish I could be loved the way I am right now.

Death and decay 🥀

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I am a guy so certainly biased but if an alien soul came to me and asked me  « hey I’m gonna incarnate as a human, do you advise me to incarnate in a man’s body or in a woman’s body ? » I would tell him, a man anytime 

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@thierry honestly,  I would probably too.

Although, I guess it depends on what they would want to do in their life .

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It's probably an evolutionary thing that it worked out this way. Females have inherit important value of being able to bear children and continue the species, while men are in contrast expendable.

A women can only get pregnant and have a limited number of healthy children in her lifetime (that she can reasonably take care of). While a man can if under the correct circumstances, impregnate multiple women a day.

It's just math really, reality isn't personal.

I get you though. It's not hard to be jealous of a pretty girl. They get to coast through life and live on recruit mode.

Edited by Roy


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So bleeding once a month,mood swings,fixing your make up/ hair every day for hours,low self esteem/ obsessing with weight etc. Still jelous?

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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@Roy I don't even mean like pretty girls. Just girls in general. There is just something special about people liking and getting attracted to you for just existing.

Honestly, one of my biggest fears is that one day I will make it, will become successful, confident, develop a life purpose and overall be a highly developed person. And I will find myself a girlfriend, but in the back of my mind I will know that she only loves me for all those things that I've achieved / became and that she wouldn't give a shit about me the way I used to be.

Even though I would still be essentially the same person on the inside.

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1 minute ago, NoSelfSelf said:

mood swings,fixing your make up/ hair every day for hours,low self esteem/ obsessing with weight etc. Still jelous?

I also have all of that...

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@NoSelfSelf please, shove your tough love up your tough ass

Edited by Something Funny

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44 minutes ago, Something Funny said:

they can be loved for who they are just by being there

If anything guys are loved for who they are lol, girls are loved based on their looks (you mentioned love and attention)


44 minutes ago, Something Funny said:

For example if she is into computer games or anime or is kind of shy and introverted.

Damn babe you look so attractive playing that video game and watching that anime, It's making me hard


Edited by MarkKol

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@Something Funny if I’m not being too curious how old are you ? Life as a man tends to be brutally hard in the beginning and smooth up as you rise as a man. Basically once you get a really strong sens of who you are as a man, you almost are fixed for life. Women have an easier beginning in life but lots of issues come later I feel. There is never a point in a life of a woman where she’s like « okay I do not ever have to worry now »

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@Something Funny bro, your post makes complete sens. Work hard and have faith, you are an exponential and the plateau phase is much more longer than expected.

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1 hour ago, Something Funny said:

I am kind of jealous of girls because they can be loved for who they are just by being there, just by the virtue of being a girl.

You speak as if this is some sort of given. It is not.

Most of this is just being loved for your packaging. You get a slightly different version of this, no?

If you are the recipient of this, you only believe this "love" to be true if you are very young and/or naive.


I wish I didn't have to push myself, get out of my comfort zone, work super hard on my confidence, social skills, becoming a millionaire (exaggerating here for a dramatic effect), etc., just to feel like I finally deserve some love and attention.


Self-improvement is an "anyone" kind of thing...

If you want "respect" rather than what you call "love" (blanket attention/ approval/ etc.), then you have to work on yourself and your circumstances..... just like absolutely everyone else. (And obviously, even then, it's not a given that you will get it.)

Guess what?

How often do you hear women complaining specifically about not being respected?


Even bad habits or "negative" personality traits that make a guy unattractive can make a girl seem even more desirable. For example if she is into computer games or anime or is kind of shy and introverted.

If you are vulnerable to exploitation, then at least some people will attempt to exploit you (if they think you have something of value). The other side of this is being a target with an X mark on your back. Having more people who would willingly like to exploit you, given the chance... is that really a definite plus?

Also, is having someone willing to perpetually rescue you from your weaknesses and vulnerabilities always an upside? I think not. Too much coddling and you become stunted. Being stunted and being actually, truly happy are not compatible factors.


I imagine it must be cool to be regularly hit on, told that you look cute / pretty / beautiful, to always have some people who want to talk to you, etc. Sure, it must have its downsides and can probaably even get tiring but still...

Any woman (or man for that matter) with any sense knows when they're dealing with fake ass shit.

Edited by eos_nyxia

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1 hour ago, Something Funny said:

But sometimes I wish I could be loved the way I am right now.


1 hour ago, Something Funny said:

I am kind of jealous of girls because they can be loved for who they are just by being there, just by the virtue of being a girl.

As a general consensus, most men, because of immaturity, think they "love" women, but they actually like them for their bodies more often than for WHO THEY ARE; meaning they literally like them AS A BODY. There is an even balance of pros & cons for being either sex, the disparity between one another's ease & difficulties is dependent upon the society/world-system they live in together. We often take for granite what we have; there are many things a man has that a woman will never have & vise-versa. There is nothing wrong with this, it's what makes us so intriguing to one another as a species. It is through these appreciations of our differences that we are the same. Look for the sameness, that is what brings loving connection. Jealousy is envy coming from insecurity, you are jealous of something because you clearly don't like something about yourself & are instead looking to an outside source to replace/explain this self-determined bad thing about yourself. What is it that you feel you have, that you are, that isn't loved? Self-love is what you lack. You're envious of women, but you're not a woman. How could you possibly know how great it really is? How bad it really is? I used to have this same jealousy of women for a bit, what I realized is I was replacing my attraction & curiosity of women with envy & jealousy; at those times of personal insecurity around women. Everyone is a lot more loving than you think, you just have to look for it; but it starts with you. For example; loving this jealous, depressed person that you're being right now that you may otherwise think not to love, & know that you will get passed it if you so wished. How are you gonna understand love from someone if you don't understand loving yourself? You might always be wondering whether you are loved or not, whether you are worth love. Be self-aware in every aspect you can, this will grant you better self-understanding, & self-love will naturally follow. Best of luck.

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16 minutes ago, Judy2 said:

if it makes you feel any better, being a girl can also be quite hard. 

Yeah, I know, I am not denying that. Like I said this is just a venting post, I am not making some serious claim statement about the nature of society or whatever.

And no, knowing that someone else struggles as well doesn't make me feel better.

21 minutes ago, Judy2 said:

ultimately it doesn't really help much to compare the pros and cons or whatever. what's important is that you're comfortable in your own skin and at ease with yourself. and it's totally okay to be a little frustrated from time to time. if anything it's good that you can acknowledge these feelings, understand them - and let them go when you're ready.

Thank you.


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16 minutes ago, Zion said:

For example; loving this jealous, depressed person that you're being right now that you may otherwise think not to love, & know that you will get passed it if you so wished. 

You are right. In fact, I think that even if someone else loved me the way I am right now I still wouldn't love/accept myself and would ruin our relationship because of it.

Death and decay 🥀

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