
Defense of Leo's harsh style & why you should Love him, not expect him to be loving

66 posts in this topic

Many people criticize Leo for his harsh style and see it as ego. I know that he is coming from a good heart I wanted to point out several things. 

1. You are in Leo's house.
Firstly see this forum as a house that Leo is host of. He built that place from scratch. And he invites you to come inside and eat food for free (food = insights). He does not have ads on the website, he does not have ads on YouTube. He gives huge amount of time to interact with users here for free. No other teacher provides this amount of feedback and interaction. 

And people come into this house and start accusing him of all the bad stuff. Of being a cult leader, of endorsing suicide. Imagine coming into someone house after host invited you for free dinner and you start rambling how his food is unhealthy and delivery of that food is egocentric and all those accusations. You are a guest here. Be more grateful for what you have chance to be part of.

At some point the host has the right to become harsh towards his guests if they start to vandalize his house and accuse him. Leo is in his house and has the right to speak how he wants to when others vandalize his house (corrupt his teachings).

2. Tough Love is often Real Love.
Leo is intelligent. That you have to give to him. If Leo really had bad intentions with all his knowledge of human psychology he would actually become much more lovey-dovey to manipulate people on the forum. That is something many people do, they have this loving persona because it is easily accepted and marketable. Leo could easily do that. But he cares more about you getting to the truth even at the cost of his image.  Lovey dovey Love is often manipulation and image games, and tough harsh words are often True Love.

3. He gives example of being resilient to other's bullshitting.
I asked myself a question: "wait, if Leo writes in that seemingly arrogant way to others it will create such culture on the forum because other will copy that style, isn't Leo aware of that?". And then I thought wait, that is exactly what Leo's message is. You have to own 100% your own sovereignty in this work. In daily lives we deal with so much bullshit from families, job and society. We are constantly brought down to unimportant stuff. Leo really give you a great example of how you have to develop some degree of healthy arrogance to just not let bullshit affect you. You do not even process it, it just bounces of off you. Because there is so much bullshit daily that you can't process and emphasize with it all. 

4. Leo is your imagination. Your test of Love.
This one is more abstract but Leo's core message is that actually you are the only thing in existence. Consider a possibility that Leo is carefully crafted to challenge all your ideas. First he talks about Love, and then he acts in a way that is hard for you to love. How coincidental... You have instant opportunity to train your love, to see higher wisdom in what he does, to challenge your ideas of what teacher should behave like. Leo is your trickery mind at play. When he talks about Love, do not expect him to be loving. The real lesson is for you to love him and his outrageous words and all other humans. 

5. So what?

Why do we really care that much on what happens here? So what if Leo's style in worst case scenario make this forum toxic and members will leave? The message is out there, the progress has been made, the step towards psychedelic revolution has been provided. Even if it all would fall apart, still there are many great sages that will come out from this forum into the world spreading consciousness. All is well. Chill out and give others a break and that includes giving even @Leo Gura the break. :x

In the Vast Expanse everything that arises is Lively Awakened Awareness.

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Try being nice to the guy!

Edited by Thought Art

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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Licking his ass is no different than shitting all over him. 

The internet is his not his house.  If you are a leader of a movement you should expect criticism but obviously it should be constructive. 

I think his discompassion  for the other is a valid critique. Especially for someone who says all is one and then doesn’t care about the other, and on top of that is outspoken about his discompassion. 

Obviously Leo doesn’t have super powers so he can’t prevent people doing stupid stuff but nobody is expecting Leo to have super powers. 

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@StarStruck It’s his forum not “the internet” 

Like, I am not saying to lick his ass. Just, notice how much shit gets directed to him here. Yet, he keeps going, gratitude for something you enjoy.

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and above all, the most important thing: absolute truth. This is what this is all about, and for the first time in human history it is a real possibility. this is not a joke friends. but hardly anyone understands it, and everyone, as is normal, thinks they know more than anyone else. humans are like that. It is very difficult to organize this, Leo handles it very well. Respect.

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8 minutes ago, Thought Art said:

@StarStruck It’s his forum not “the internet” 

Like, I am not saying to lick his ass. Just, notice how much shit gets directed to him here. Yet, he keeps going, gratitude for something you enjoy.

Criticism was not done on this forum but in a YouTube video by British guy who is not a member of this forum. 


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@StarStruck False 

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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Truth is harsh for the ego

Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

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@StarStruck Read the thread, a bunch of people were shitting on him

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14 minutes ago, Thought Art said:

@StarStruck Read the thread, a bunch of people were shitting on him

Dude never mind

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4:27 Peter Ralston describes harsh comments from Ramana Maharshi to one of his students.

Edited by Twega

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You want free advanced teachings from Leo and you think you are entitled to criticize him without thought? You think Leo doesn't warn you not bullshit yourself? Most people criticize, because they aren't even sure what to do with their lives or just they don't agree with him by being dogmatic. They are not really criticizing, they are being stupid. Investigate the forum and you will find too much stupidity/drama.

Edited by Understander

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The guy should receive 10x more appreciation than hate. And yet it's the other way around. It's very easy to hate and criticize.

Consider that it must be fucking difficult to be a leader of a spiritual community, a businessman, a RADICAL explorer of consciousness (!!!!) and more + doing all that basically on your own. Also while dealing with health problems, dozens of people constantly wanting something from you, throwing shit at you, leeching off of you and much more. I mean like OP said, give the guy a fucking break.

Some of You forget that there is a human with a personal life behind that forum account under which is written "42,779 posts". That human has struggles, ambitions, emotions, fears, moments of weakness... 

I will say I very much don't like that Leo wrote "Fucking idiot" in a user's ban message and I don't enjoy seeing these outbursts. Well, I advise You can do a benefit-cost ratio if You're unsure about staying here. Make a decision what to do and stick to it, trust your intution. It's perfectly fine to leave, You are going to be okay. Make your experience about what the heart guides You towards. 

Don't try to make something work that just doesn't work for You.

Edited by Sincerity

Words can't describe You.

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It's funny how there are people with 1000s of posts coming here every day to post but yet don't like Leo and criticize ... 

When i joined this forum i learned and experienced so much in my first 200 posts that i could never imagine i would have all this knowledge and experience about consciousness. 

I think the biggest problem is the person who is complaining, and they most likely don"t have any background/interest in psychology/spirituality/consciousness  research, to have these topics as your main interest instead of any materialistic goal you have to have reached a certain level in base consciousness and understanding about life

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You need not to defend him. I love Leo and accept him either way. He could speak in the most aggressive tone in the world, and I personally would still not have a problem with that.

And while I'm sure there are lessons for all of us to learn from this thread and from Leo's style, let's consider this thread:

And these comments:

On 10/26/2022 at 0:03 PM, Leo Gura said:

It is necessary. So my teachings are purer.


I am discontinuing my use of that word (fool). I have over used it. Although in my defense when I use that word, it usually fits the situation perfectly. That word is so accurate, but it is disrespectful.

And especially this one:

On 10/26/2022 at 1:05 PM, Leo Gura said:

Well, hold me to it. ;)

He needs our help to keep him accountable. He actually asked for it.

It is actually in everyone's best interest to send a good image of Leo to the world. And the better the image, the better it is for everyone, including and especially him.

This is not to say he has to become fake and inauthentic. There are several ways to express the same meaning. There are harsh ways and soft ways, and various other ways. It is possible to work on the delivery and enhance it so that it is both effective and respectful. If you want to have a great impact, you can. Just set your intention to it, and improve along the way. I think Leo needs to examine his attachments and biases and then he can improve based on that. He needs to take an honest, careful, and unbiased look at what triggers him and what motivates him. I've improved a ton. At least, I think I have. I don't see any reason why anyone else can't.

Foolish until proven other-wise ;)

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27 minutes ago, Gesundheit2 said:

You need not to defend him. I love Leo and accept him either way. He could speak in the most aggressive tone in the world, and I personally would still not have a problem with that.

And while I'm sure there are lessons for all of us to learn from this thread and from Leo's style, let's consider this thread:

And these comments:

And especially this one:

He needs our help to keep him accountable. He actually asked for it.

It is actually in everyone's best interest to send a good image of Leo to the world. And the better the image, the better it is for everyone, including and especially him.

This is not to say he has to become fake and inauthentic. There are several ways to express the same meaning. There are harsh ways and soft ways, and various other ways. It is possible to work on the delivery and enhance it so that it is both effective and respectful. If you want to have a great impact, you can. Just set your intention to it, and improve along the way. I think Leo needs to examine his attachments and biases and then he can improve based on that. He needs to take an honest, careful, and unbiased look at what triggers him and what motivates him. I've improved a ton. At least, I think I have. I don't see any reason why anyone else can't.

The ass lickers are the worst of them all. Even worse than the people who shit over him. At least those people keep Leo sharp. The ass lickers are creating an unholy bubble around this forum; it is a very bad look on this forum. 

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Leo is a deluded hypocrite, every single criticism he makes of everyone else from Trump to Tate, applies to himself x10.

He is probably in the bottom 2-10% of humans in terms of social development and narcissism.

His denial about this, or his articulation of philosophical concepts are moot

Leo's downsides are starting to far outway his positive side,  the guy abuses people and is lost in a house of his own shit.

The biggest concern is if any young influential people look at him as a role model in any capacity, theyd be better off watching Tate


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@bambi nonesense 

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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