
My life is not worth living if I spend too much time on homework and bad predictions

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Hello, I have spent to long reading something that needs to be summararized and an essay that needs to get typed up that I'm not even close with completing which are due today. I currently typing this at 2:30 in the morning. Honestly, I really wish there was a better way to get to know what people are going through and it doesn't really need to be about me. I should have skipped play practice and have spent too much time packing for my trip and now I am screwed. I wouldn't want my job to be like this and my resume probably sucks or doesn't exist. The life purpose course isn't helping me with these problems. I also notice that I cannot find anything about how an active membership is different from a paid membership which can have my gaming data be on the cloud permanently and my Dad's cards don't work even with VPN or outside of Russia. I think that I would want to be a material scientist for engineering purposes but that will probably be wrong. It feels like I will lose valuable things forever from financial problems in the future and am not excited for graduating. I use to be when I was younger, but not anymore. Should I be posting this on other forums designed for these problems? How helpful is this forum really? Leo said that he is not so concerned about basic things like this but I don't think you know enough about me anyways right? I would still like your feedback, thank you.

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1 bad piece of homework isn't the end of the world.

Also, if you really need to just get it done, you can use chatgpt to help.

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Surrender to the fact that you might submit it late. Who cares? It's not the end of the world. And there's no way in hell you're gonna allow something as stupid as late homework to end your world, right? Are you even gonna remember that this happened 5 years from now? Think long term.

You also need some kind of sustainable set of values or goals. Something really deep and authentic. It can't just be money. There should be a hobby or skill or something on the side that you want to perfect, which will make a lot of money as a secondary side effect or something. Of course, money is important, but if you have this goal of getting money, there should be an even deeper goal arching over it which is more personal and authentic to you. Like, for example: "Once I get this money, I will use that money to do this and this".

Also, imperfect decisions are the same as perfect decisions, in the sense that in order to reach a "perfect" or optimal decision, you need to make a bunch of imperfect decisions beforehand to reach that decision. So, don't be so perfectionistic, it's a trap. Your job or work doesn't have to be perfect or amazing at first. You test the waters first, and then that tells you what to avoid and not to avoid.


Edited by Osaid

Describe a thought.

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On 3/17/2023 at 3:38 AM, spiritual memes said:

1 bad piece of homework isn't the end of the world.

Also, if you really need to just get it done, you can use chatgpt to help.

@spiritual memes VPN cannot bypass Russian phone number information. Also, I'm not so concerned about my homework. That was just what started the post.

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@Osaid If I already watched the video and your text is repeating Leo's advice, should I stop asking for solutions on the forum?

Edited by AndylizedAAY

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26 minutes ago, AndylizedAAY said:

@Osaid If I already watched the video and your text is repeating Leo's advice, should I stop asking for solutions on the forum?

Even if you apply the advice, it needs time. God, I know how that feels. Bad. It doesn't get easier, but if you strive a little every day it gets better. But you need to do it every day. At the begin you fail all the time, stop for some months, start again... Just try to develop faith in the process. I could do it, many here could do it, YOU can do it. THEN in 10 years you will look back to where you started and you feel proud. JUST have faith in the process!!

That's my pep talk for this evening.

Edited by supremeyingyang

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1 hour ago, AndylizedAAY said:

If I already watched the video and your text is repeating Leo's advice, should I stop asking for solutions on the forum?

I think it depends on what you want.

The benefit of a forum is that you get very personal answers directed toward your specific situation. I don't think there's any harm in using it. Someone might say something you never heard before. If you don't care about any of that then you probably shouldn't use it.

Describe a thought.

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20 hours ago, supremeyingyang said:

Even if you apply the advice, it needs time. God, I know how that feels. Bad. It doesn't get easier, but if you strive a little every day it gets better. But you need to do it every day. At the begin you fail all the time, stop for some months, start again... Just try to develop faith in the process. I could do it, many here could do it, YOU can do it. THEN in 10 years you will look back to where you started and you feel proud. JUST have faith in the process!!

That's my pep talk for this evening.

@supremeyingyang I cannot move forward with my poor routine. Every morning I have a craving of personal fantasies that I don't know how to fulfill and my mind is either rapid or not focused throughout the day. It's like I'm addicted to thinking and more thinking about what I would like to do just makes things worse. How can I get unstuck? It distracts me from meditating too which is probably be the solution and yet my awareness of it while meditating is probably not there and it feels like I'm not meditating.

 How do I open about and actually be clear about what I think about and why I think it that distracts me for quite a while every morning? Btw, I said that my life was not worth living if I remain unfocused that creates a bad working life and that I predict that my life will be miserable and it's difficult to fully explain why. I reap what I sow in this sense that if I give problems in a cli she way, then I will get that kind of response in this scenario. It isn't really about making the right descisions as this point, it's about escaping stagnation with what I'm doing with my life.

Edited by AndylizedAAY
I needed to ask important questions, explain the title, and explain what response I will probably get and what my life is currently about.

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1 hour ago, AndylizedAAY said:

It isn't really about making the right descisions as this point, it's about escaping stagnation with what I'm doing with my life.

How about this?

1. Commit to write simple sentences. It's hard to understand you.
2. Sign up for a Martial Arts Class, I recommend BJJ or Krav Maga.
3. Get up one hour earlier every day, go to bed one hour earlier.
4. First thing in the morning (when then fantasies come!!) go to the bathroom and shower C O L D for 1 minute.
5. Prepare 3 things to do right after your cold shower (like: Go on quick walk outside, learn for school for 10 minutes and read a book for 10 minutes [Think and Grow Rich, The Way of the Superior Man...]).


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Just now, AndylizedAAY said:

@supremeyingyang I appreciate your response! Why is it that you only respond to the most vague and generic part of my post?

It's the most truthful part to me.

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@supremeyingyang I don't mean to complain about your advice but why does it feel like you are dumbing it down for me? I understand that material things can be important but why does it seem like your advice is too materialistic and too limiting? It also seems kind of random.

It also does not seem practical like signing up for something myself when there is school or reading a book that I don't have the proper card in Russia to pay for. Keep in mind that I'm not quite living on my own just yet.

Also, what do I do if my mind goes blank? Are you suggesting that I write about why it's hard to understand me? There was a video posted on the forum (not Leo's video) a long time ago about technical problems that can be fixed when it comes to the ultimate common place book but forgot to watch it. I plan to move all of my notes (digital and analog) after creating my Ultimate Common Place Book because I can never finish them since my mind goes blank when answering the questions.

Also, it will take some time with getting use to taking cold showers. I can Google how to do it for now but I will let you know if I think I need your advice but feel free to tell me how to do it.

Edited by AndylizedAAY

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5 minutes ago, supremeyingyang said:

It's the most truthful part to me.

@supremeyingyang What do you mean? Is everything else I said a lie?

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1 minute ago, AndylizedAAY said:

@supremeyingyang I don't mean to complain about your advice but why does it feel like you are dumbing it down for me? I

It's not dumbing down, it's working on your groundwork.

1 minute ago, AndylizedAAY said:

I understand that material things can be important but why does it seem like your advice is too materialistic and too limiting? It also seems kind of random.

Try it a while and see if that is true. You can mediate if you want more spirituality after the cold shower. You can even do something else, these items are universally accepted building blocks for youngsters.

3 minutes ago, AndylizedAAY said:

It also does not seem practical like signing up for something myself when there is school or reading a book that I don't have the proper card in Russia to pay for.

Make it happen. Ask your father i(if he is around), he is likely to approve. If not, get a job and sign up with the money. Depending on your age this can be difficult, but I estimate you can make up an account at age 16. Or do you have some special status like being a refugee?

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@supremeyingyang Did you read my edited response? I saw that your responses came through before I submitted my edited response because it was a long one.

Edited by AndylizedAAY

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1 minute ago, AndylizedAAY said:

@supremeyingyang Did you get my edited response? I saw that your responses came through before I submitted my edited response because it was a long one.

now I read it

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