
How to have no judgment towards people

16 posts in this topic

Oh God, this is one of the hardest ones to eliminate.

Basically all human beings judge people who are below them in the level of the development ignoring in the process thier own level, which is in most cases low too. This is the cause of all human trouble. If all of us realized that we need to work a lot, like a lot on ourselves and that God is the level you should compare yourself to, we would have been in a much better place.

It is like you got a 10 from 100 in an exam and you are laughing about that person who got 5. You see, all of us are basically idiots but there are levels of idiocracy. The one with higher level should seek higher levels and accept those whith lower levels instead of calling them idiots.

A memeber here made a post, asking how to accpet idiots? These idiots are made this way. Virtually all people operate on the way they were made. Virtually no one tries to seek higher levels. Now imagine yourself one of those people. You now are an idiot and operate as an idiot. Your chances of becoming smart is very slim. 

I was not born a judgmental perosn, but still I had a relatively high levels of judgment comparing to me now. My personal suffering and my personal fight with myself in my road towards self improvement robbed me of all my judgment. I saw how hard change is and how easy it is just to fall to your old ways. Now I don't judge anyone. I just imagine myself as them. I just try to protect my self from idiots.

Edited by LSD-Rumi

"Say to the sheep in your secrecy when you intend to slaughter it, Today you are slaughtered and tomorrow I am.
Both of us will be consumed.

My blood and your blood, my suffering and yours is the essence that nourishes the tree of existence.'"

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You don't have to imagine yourself as them. You are them. When you realize that the same essence permeates everyone and everything, judgment disappears.

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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Every apparent person is a process unfolding.

I think a pretty good metaphor is to consider that our galaxy is but a spec of dust in multi-billion year explosion (big bang); the Earth is an even tinier spec, and all the flora and fauna therein is the most indescribably insignificant fraction of a fraction of a spec of stardust, just impossibly and inscrutably tiny and insignificant beyond words.

Everything that exists - including every apparent person -  is just dust, following the trajectory of a multi-billion year old explosion. 

There are no autonomous agents, obviously. Dust isn’t autonomous. How can you judge dust?

Edited by axiom


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I think the real challenge, that I struggle with is demonizing people. That is the real problem. 

However, it's important we develop keen discernment about people. It's important to begin to recognize fools, idiots, the mentally ill, etc and avoid/ handle them with skill and care.

This doesn't mean we don't love them. Those of us who have suffered from being a fool, or mentally ill understand these people because we ourselves have been there. But, if we are serious about developing our lives we should learn to see them, and know how to operate in life with the fact that these people exist.

Love everybody, but the highest forms of love for a human involve boundaries.

Ideally, we bring high quality people into our lives. I personally know I want to make more friendships. But, I am also cutting people out of my life who I think are idiots, fools, mentally ill, drama starters, etc because, it just drains me from focusing on my personal growth and visioning for my life. 


Edited by Thought Art

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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1 minute ago, Thought Art said:

I think the real challenge, that I struggle with is demonizing people. That is the real problem. 

However, it's important we develop keen discernment about people. It's important to begin to recognize fools, idiots, the mentally ill, etc and avoid/ handle them with skill and care.

This doesn't mean we don't love them. Those of us who have suffered from being a fool, or mentally ill understand these people because we ourselves have been there. But, if we are serious about developing our lives we should learn to see them, and know how to operate in life with the fact that these people exist.

Ideally, we bring high quality people into our lives. I personally know I want to make more friendships. But, I am also cutting people out of my life who I think are idiots, fools, mentally ill, drama starters, etc because, it just drains me from focusing on my personal growth and visioning for my life. 

You speak as if there is such a thing as free will. 


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@axiom You can make decisions. 

Not sure what aspect you are speaking of what I said.

Edited by Thought Art

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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2 minutes ago, Thought Art said:

You can make decisions. 

You definitely cannot make decisions. Thoughts / decisions just appear - same as everything else just appears.


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@axiom Okay, so stop wiping your ass I guess, we can't make decisions.


Kidding. Don't let some philosophy you have about free will mess with your mind too much. You can choose to not let mentally ill people, fools and idiots in your life time. If you are stuck with them, you can make a plan to change the situation.

Edited by Thought Art

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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Use the Stop It Principle.

You’re doing it, you can stop doing that.

How? Create a unique way, your own way of stopping it.

in the end, what you have is just your experience made out of processes that you’re the source.

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13 minutes ago, Thought Art said:

so stop wiping your ass I guess,

I don’t understand what this means…

What I speak of is not philosophy at all. It is one of the first things that becomes extremely obvious after a week or two of daily hour-long meditation: thoughts are not chosen, they appear.

Honestly this should be a given. It’s the most basic and most obvious observation of all. Not that there is any choice in it ;-)

Edited by axiom


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@axiom Sure, but do you journal and contemplate or just meditate? What does that have to do with you, yourself putting healthy boundaries in your life?

Thoughts arise, they come and go, and they you generally can't "Control them" exactly. However, at the exact same time you can decide. 

You can decide to meditate, you learn, to go to bed, go to school, to educate yourself, etc. 

You ARE ALIVE! Live, think, and meditation is good too.

I think it's a mistake to say, just because you meditate, and now you see thoughts coming and going from no where that... You can't make quality decisions. When you read my words, think, and then you respond to it. You can also respond of your given data base, axioms, opinions, biases and past experiences. You don't have complete free will. This is why we have: Morons, idiots, mentally ill, people because... We have our own minds, our own limitations. That being said, you can decide.

This lack of free will is why books, and teachers are important. But so is direct experience, contemplation, visualization. 


Edited by Thought Art

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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@Thought Art I seem to be past meditating and contemplating. There is no self left here at all.

I’ve meditated for a decade or so. One day I had the shocking realisation that even awareness (often taken to be the absolute baseline or foundation of existence itself) is not a real thing. It just appears. It is on the same ontological level as leaf or chair or sky. Awareness is an appearance, it is not foundational.

At this apparent realisation the self vanished, and all that was left was a character going about some apparent routine, in an apparent world of other apparent characters and geopolitics and changeable weather.

It is not a philosophy. My signature is no joke. All that can be said is what is apparent, because nothing - literally NOTHING - is real.

Edited by axiom


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@axiom Okay, and this has to do with healthy boundaries in relationships, or judging the fools of the world how?

It's like you, are speaking from a deep core, but we are discussing relative things.

Edited by Thought Art

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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@Thought Art Yes, I see your point. I feel like my time at this forum has come to an end really. 


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a way to look at it is your intelligence is simply on an infinite scale of intelligence, the placement of the point dosent matter. you laughing or mocking someone shows unintelligence by not realizing you are on an infinite scale that means no one is more intelligent or less intelligent you just are where you are. And thinking you are superior to a rung below you on an infinite latter is idiocy. If that were true you should expect god to do it you. Be as god and help people who need help and never think yourself as above or below.

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As long as you’re human you will be judging to some degree. Otherwise you’d be dead. 


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