
Successful pickup artists?

16 posts in this topic

What are some successful pickup artists who practice what they preach on camera, I want to watch more live interaction. I have lots of free time.

In addition to this short thread: Does anyone have any experience with attracting older women? I'm currently 19, interested in dating girls 2-5y older than me. 

Edited by MarkKol

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Honestly, I am convinced you can't gain much from watching pickup people online. 

To me it seems kind of like trying to learn how to play basketball by watching YouTube videos. It's just kinda pointless. You get more from going out with friends who are good with women, or even just going out and trial and erroring it yourself. You can learn just by talking to lots of women and learning what works and what doesn't for you.

You don't need these grifty online content creators. People will recommend RSD to you but RSD is now a giant grifty marketing company for shitty courses, as are lots of pickup content producers.

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He is one of the best:


Edited by Leo Gura

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David DeAngelo (Eben Pagan), James Marshall, Owen Cook, Julien Blanc, Todd V, Max Tornow, A.G. Hayden, Tom Torero.

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To watch more live interactions I'd recommend the channel "Social Animal." It's perfectly healthy advice for cold approach. I found the men and women of this subscribers series playlist as down-to-earth and relatable. 

Edited by Wolfgang Winterkaise

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@MarkKol I really like Anthony Recenello's work because it teaches you awesome social skills although it can be a little basic. His mentee Connell Barrett's book will give you a more detailed approach.

Anthony's book:

Connell's book:

The best inner game teacher I found is Robert Glover's book No more mister Nice guy.

 A list of some good books:

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Todd V (usually very good but sometimes kind of bad)

John Anthony Lifestyle (the drama around him doesn't change the fact that he simply has the best game you can find -- on the internet, anyway)

Playing With Fire (only older content; he sold out big time last I checked)


Honest Signalz seems fine too, but I can only really vouch for those 3 at the moment because, while other sources might check out as legit too, I'm out of the loop and don't have time right now to research.

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33 minutes ago, The0Self said:

John Anthony Lifestyle -- he simply has the best game you can find

If you actually watch his in-field, there is nothing impressive about his game.

He loves to brag about his lay count, but you have no idea if he's lying or not.

I've seen him game. He's good. But I wouldn't say he's better than most good coaches. I would not trust his self-reported lay count.

Edited by Leo Gura

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1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

If you actually watch his in-field, there is nothing impressive about his game.

He loves to brag about his lay count, but you have no idea if he's lying or not.

I've seen him game. He's good. But I wouldn't say he's better than most good coaches. I would not trust his self-reported lay count.

Fair enough. I’m not basing my evaluation of him on anything abstract like his purported lay count, his game (which of course includes far more than the approach, date, etc) merely checks-out in my mind based upon my own experience with game and relationships. “Best” is perhaps a poor choice of term — I’ll soften my position to: his game is both very simple and very effective.

And yes I’ve watched his infields. Nothing special — that’s the point though.

Edited by The0Self

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His game boils down to being a ruthless closer and having great logistics. He will have a house or an apartment with parties and stuff as an excuse to get girls home.

Edited by Leo Gura

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3 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

His game boils down to being a ruthless closer and having great logistics. He will have a house or an apartment with parties and stuff as an excuse to get girls home.

If you’re talking about JAL his game is mostly bar and club but what you’re talking about is the excuse (not just for plausible deniability of sex but also to take the pressure off the girl) to leave the club. The party, if there is one, which there often isn't, will be one of his friend’s or someone in his social circle or someone he met that night. After-party venue changes like that are available to to me too — and in fact to many people that go to bars and clubs in the same area a lot.

The excuse is very often something like “let’s go rip shots and come right back” and sometimes the “after party” if it’s mentioned is just shots back at your place. The only significance of the party is plausible deniability of sex, so the girl doesn’t have to feel slutty (which is essential).

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When John lived in Vegas he set up a mansion with a pool and hot tub to lure girls out of the club. It's a lot easier to get laid if you have such a setup. Of course it's not required.

Edited by Leo Gura

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27 minutes ago, The0Self said:

@Leo Gura Yeah I hear he used to live fast / max credit cards out, etc 

He is not a good role-model. Be careful.

Two of his pickup assistants are spending 10 years in prison for rape.

That's John's style of game.

Edited by Leo Gura

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