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Phil King

4 Day Work Week: PBD Hates it

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Countries like Germany, Belgium, Australia, Austria, Canada etc are doing trial runs of 4 day work weeks to see if they can mantain productivity while also giving employees more free time. Obviously in the grand scheme of things this would be beneficial to the whole of humanity since people would have more time to pursue higher things and not be bogged down in wage slavery. Despite over half of PBDs audience voting that they would be in favor of a 4 day work week, he still was against it and said that those countries who were using a 4 day work week are not innovative countries and that people would just use extra free time to engage in drugs and vices. He even listed Covid as his argument for people being depressed when having too much free time lol. Overall his argument was that since America made google, facebook, microsoft, apple with a 80+ hour a week grindset that means that we should continue to maximize the amount of employee exploitment and not entertain a 4 day work week. 

When do you guys think a 4 day work week will be standard in the USA? Will companies be able to be competitive with employees working a 4 day schedule? Will there have to be laws in place to pay overtime for people working 32+ hours? What corporate biases does PBD have that make him have such poor political takes?



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Pat's politics is just not very good. He's very stage Orange biased.

There is a valid concern though about competitiveness. A 4 day work week may make those countries less competitive and lose business.

It is true that if you want to start a business you will have to work way more than 4 days a week. As an entrepreneur you don't have such a luxury. If you're a worker at a big successful business that's another matter.

The 4 day work week might be best if linked to the success of the business. Like if a business reaches a certain level of success/profit, then it is required to switch to 4 days a week. But if the business is struggling, then it's 5 days a week. I think that would be a good compromise.

Edited by Leo Gura

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